
Monday, May 18, 2009

Paper Bag Album, Part Five

Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach!

I just uploaded a new video over on my YouTube channel.

This is the final installment in my paper bag album series. I'll show you the completed album ~ with all its little goodies ~ and talk about what I did.

Thanks for watching & I hope you enjoy it!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.


  1. Kathryn, this album turned out so great. It would look so awesome with some beautiful black and white pictures in it. I have so enjoyed the whole series of videos, rather than just one video showing the album. I really learned a lot from your way of presenting the pages as you create them. Thank you so much for sharing. Nancy

  2. Hi, Nancy!

    Thanks you so much! I'm very happy with how the album turned out & I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I was also thinking that black+white photos would be good, or maybe even sepia toned photos since there is so much brown in this album.

    I'm glad you like the album broken into multiple parts. I try to give plenty of tips and tricks as I go along to make them more interesting than just watching me scrap would be ~ it's great to hear that you're getting so much out of it!

    Thanks for watching!

    Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
