
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Half Marathon Chipboard Word Album, Part Three

Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach!

It is no longer my birthday, although I am still playing with all my toys! I used my new Big Shot last night on an album I am making for my friend Stephanie & I am sure you will be seeing quite a bit of the machine in upcoming videos!

Speaking of videos, I just uploaded the third video in my "Half Marathon" series over on my YouTube Channel.

Thanks for watching & I hope you enjoyed it!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.


  1. Great job!
    I hope you had a wonderful birthday, and will continue to celebrate.

    I love the way you used the scalloped black strips throughout the entire album, it creates a since of fluidity, very nice. (I think thats what I need to do to the mini that I am working on now) thx


  2. Jill, I agree that it's nice if there is one theme or element you can carry through an entire mini album to unify it. Whether it's a font, or a border, or particular color of ink or whatever.

    Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

  3. Kathryn, This album is really coming along nicely. I love the way the bright colors in the paper you chose are turning out to be the perfect backdrop for the dark photos. :-)
    I also really like the circle punch photos......I'l have to steal that idea from you too. :-)


  4. Thanks, Hope! Since half the photos were dark and half the photos were of sunny Miami Beach, it seemed like Snorkel was the way to go ~ it would lighten the dark photos and hold its own with the bright photos! Feel free to use the circle idea on your own personal projects ~ I'm glad to have inspired you!

    Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

  5. I really like how this is turning out. I agree with you ladies about having a unifying element throughout the pages of a mini. I do this quite often, even if it's just a simple stamped image. It does make quite a difference in the overall look and "feel."

    Another video I enjoyed--thanks much, Kathryn. Having seen your sneak peek, I can tell you're having fun with your birthday gift, huh?

    Working on a mini right now of Taste of Chicago and good thing I watched your vids because I'm beginning to look at my sticker & chipboard letters a bit more closely. I've run out of many essential letters and it hasn't occurred to me to "doctor" them up. Now I am. See, it's those seemingly simple tips I pick up from your videos that help me quite a lot :-) Thanks!

