
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Half Marathon Word Album, Part Four

Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach!

I just uploaded the fourth video in my "Half Marathon" series over on my YouTube Channel.

Thanks for watching & I hope you enjoyed it!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.


  1. That's a very nice album, Kathryn. Those word albums are so attractive that I'm contemplating doing one. However, I don't think I have the ability to cut all the letters out like you did (lol). I might end up loony afterwards. I'm thinking I'll pick up one of those with the word cut out already and get my feet wet first. Can't wait to see the final product--it must be darling (for your darling).

    I've been MIA the past few days as I've been scrapping a new mini every spare moment I've had. Not an exaggeration to say I was obssessed. Do most scrappers get that way?


    P.S. My word verification is "ratymat." Ok, how appropo; that's exactly what my mat looks like after non-stop action!

  2. Hi Kathryn.. wow your word album is so much fun to watch!! I mean.. its so much fun to watch you make this album :)
    Yeah, what it is it with xacto knives!! it IS hard to find the right one! I have one right now that kicks my butt - its the one that you click the top like a pen so the blade isn't always EXPOSED!.. its ok ..but still on the look out! anyways.. I'm going to go rewatch the video to see if i missed anythign :) lol
    its super cute!

  3. Kathryn, I just love this album and can't wait to see the finished product :-) Not long now.

  4. Hey, Liz! Sounds like you've been off having fun! After completing the album, I said to myself "from now on we buy our word albums" and then I started a new one last week! :D I am crazy!

    Stephanie, I have been through many a craft knife. I have broken one made by X-Acto {loved it, so sad it died} and one made by Bo Bunny {terrible!} and I've been through ones from the hardware store ~ now I'm using a detail retractable blade from X-Acto for intricate cuts and the Martha Stewart craft knife for large cuts. So far so good!

    Hi, Hope! The next part in the series should be up on Monday! I'm so glad you're enjoying it!

    Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

  5. Great video. Looking forward to seeing the finished book.

  6. Thanks, Maritza! :D The last video in this series should be up tomorrow!

    Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
