
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Welcome to the World's Most Violent Craft Blog


{Side Note: am I the only person that automatically thinks of the movie The Big Lebowski when they hear this song?}

Last night I achieved the R rating I had feverishly sought for approximately the last twenty-four hours. {In between going to Target and killing the gross spiders on my porch.} I actually do not have any strikes against me for profanity, suggestive content, etc. My current R rating is based solely on the supposedly ultra-violent content of my blog. Ladies and gentlemen, as far as I can tell, this is the most violent craft blog in the world.

I love it.

Now that this blog is officially Rated R {I'd like to thank all of my readers who contributed to this rating with their comments yesterday ~ I never could have done this without you! You're the best!} there's going to have to be some changes around here.

First of all, there will be no more free video tutorials. I am going to have to insist that you pay me. WITH YOUR SOULS!!! ::insert maniacal laughter here::

Or you could just, you know, continue to leave me nice comments. Whichever. I plan to be a benevolent dictator.

Most of the time anyway.

Second, uh, well ... I don't know what the second change will be yet, but it's going to be diabolical. Which befits my new status as author of the world's most violent craft blog. Yes indeedy. Diabolical.

But we'll still have plenty of bling.

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it. Or Else.


  1. From now on I'll make sure to have my parent with me every time I visit your blog (Mom, stop fidgeting, will ya?). I haven't been around much 'cuz I've been engaged in the violent activities of memory-making (reveling in the menace and mayhem of the zoo, park, museums, etc.) and the savagery of scrapbooking.

    Rock on, sistah...and keep the bling blinging!

  2. So funny. Congratulations. Hey, I mentioned on my blog. Take a peek.

  3. Liz, that sounds like lots of fun! I'm glad you've been away because you've been having a good time & not because of something bad! :D I hope your mom enjoys the videos!

    Thanks for the shout out on your blog, Maritza! I appreciate it & I'm glad to know you're having fun here. Make sure you warn your readers that it's scary over here, though! :D

    Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

  4. ya used the word "killing" in your paragraph...i think that is grounds for trouble!

  5. KATHRYN!! Man o Man.. I love coming to read your blog.. I never know what kinda post you'll have... its never the same and its always SUPER FUN!! Thanks Kathryn!
    with a grin,

  6. Oooh, Deb, you're right! I'm going to have to clean up the language around here ... :D

    Yay, Steff! :D I'm glad you're enjoying it! Even if it is such a "naughty" blog.

    Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

  7. Kathryn, I love your blog. You inspire me to keep on scrapin. Thanks

  8. Thanks, Dawn! :D I'm so glad that the blog is inspiring you ~ it makes me feel very happy to see that!

    Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

  9. Wow, I have missed a bunch of stuff here this past weekend! I leave you after a nice sweet PINKs album and come back to R ratings, murders (spiders), knives, guns, and diabolical plans! Clearly you have let your inner Hulk or Dr. Evil come out and I for one......LOVE IT! So much fun. You have such a great sense of humor. I am sorry I wasn't involved in getting you your violent blog rating but maybe I can help keep it! Let me know if there is anything I can do. I do love to DECAPITATE flowers and I can't live without my drop DEAD awesome ATG GUN! Congrats on your new rating!

  10. Yes, Amy, things are moving fast around here under the new-and-improved diabolical regime. I'm sorry you missed all the murder and mayhem, but I'm sure we have seen the last of my dark side!

    Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

  11. Congrats!! your success just "kills" me!!
    We had to set off a "bomb" in the attic this weekend.
    I knew my renewed love of scrapbooking was going to lead to the decline of my place in society!!
    It was a "dead" give away when I started "stalking" the GGS club. ;-)
    still laughing...

  12. and actually no, the performance does not remind me of anything, except, High School!!
    ♥ it!!

  13. Jill, who knew scrapbooking would lead us all down such a dark path!? I fear we will never be rehabilitated! :D I hope everything went well in the attic!

    Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

  14. Yeah, it was a bug bomb...maitenance stuff, you know! ;-)

  15. Kathryn, OMG! That is a great video clip........Yes! "Hotel California" = "The Big Lebowski" One really cool movie.
    How about a little gratuitous violence to maintain your "R" rating? Knife, Murder, Does SCREAM count? well maybe if I repeat SCREAM a couple of times. (insert scary music here) and lets not forget the FOUR letter words ....%&**#......**&$%?......%$#@. Ok now I'm exhausted but I have done my part to help you retain your "R" rating.

  16. Aw, thanks, Hope! I really appreciate you doing your part to help us maintain our status as the World's Most Violent Craft Blog! That's very sweet of you ~ lol! :D I do love The Big Lebowski! I got turned on to it in college and I just think Jeff Bridges and John Goodman {and everyone else} are brilliant in that movie!

    Hmm. Now I want a White Russian ...

    Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

  17. Kathryn, I totaly forgot about the white russian!!! I've got to watch it again....Netflix here I come HE HE HE
    OH, almost forgot....Slash, Strangle, rip, and I love to SCREAM!
