
Monday, September 21, 2009

New Video: Butterfly Love, Part Three

Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach!

I have a new video for you today, as well as an announcement. Our virtual crop over at the Life on the {Scrap}beach web community was so popular and such a success, that we will be having one once a month. They will be held on the first Saturday of the month starting at 9:00 p.m. {that's Miami, FL USA time} and wrapping up at 3:00 a.m. the next morning. Live video feed into my scraproom, as well as live chat with other scrappers, will be available on my site and on my Ustream channel. The next one will be on Saturday, October 3, starting at 9:00 p.m.

So, onto the video! I've gotten the next part in my current video series loaded over on my YouTube channel and it is ready for viewing. I've been working on a Cosmo Cricket Blackboard album for a trade mini. The shape I chose was "Gracie's Album" and it is roughly 4"x6" and flourished. I have been using primarily the Basic Grey "Urban Prairie" collection to decorate the pages. I have also incorporated quite a few items from my stash of buttons, ribbons and bling. Because I have incorporated quite a few butterflies into this mini, I have been calling it the "Butterfly Love" album. I hope you enjoy the video & thanks for watching!

Thanks for visiting my blog & have a great day!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

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