
Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Video: "Dive Into Fall" Part Two

Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach! My greetings come to you from under a pile of Christmas paper and embellishments! :D

I've been working, working, working on the kits and the DVD the past few days, but I did get another video in the "Dive Into Fall" video series posted today over on my YouTube Channel:

I was definitely playing a lot with this album ~ trying new products, new techniques and all sorts of other fun stuff! I hope you enjoy it!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.


  1. Another wonderful video! It preserves the glass mat of former days in posterity!

  2. Thanks! :D Soon the poor, damaged glass mat will be retired to the Dumpster & replaced with a new Tonic 13"x13" glass mat. Soon I will once again have a glass mat of my very own!

    Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
