
Friday, December 4, 2009

WINNER ANNOUNCED: Black Friday Giveaway!

Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach!

This is just a quick post to announce the winner of the Black Friday Giveaway:

Joanna said...
mini ablum kits would be a fab giveaway.

lovely cards :)

Friday, November 27, 2009 10:54:00 AM

Congratulations, Joanna! You have won the cards from the Black Friday Giveaway! Please email me your mailing address at thescrapbeach{at}gmail{dot}com so I can get them on their way to you!

Thanks for participating, everyone! The first giveaway for the Twelve Months of Christmas will be announced on Monday, January 4th, so stay tuned for more prizes!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.


  1. Congartulations Joanna....Kathryn you are so generous

  2. congratulations to Joanna .Kathryn those cards were super gorgeous tfs
