
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cleaning, Cleaning, Cleaning ...

Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}Beach!

It's time for the second of my twice annual scrap purges. ::insert giant dramatic sigh here:: I tend to go through my scrap stuff twice a year. There are a couple reasons why I do this. The first, and most important reason, is that I am making room for new stuff from the trade shows {I normally go through the room in January and July right around CHA}. I know I will want to shop when I see all the new goodies hitting the stores, and I don't want my scrap stash to just increase exponentially through the years until it buries me in a paper avalanche.

I hate paper avalanches. So many paper cuts.

The second reason why I like to go through everything is to optimize my storage and think about what I have, what I forgot I have, and all those sorts of things. This can help me make better decisions in what to purchase throughout the coming months. It also helps me scrap faster because I spend less time looking for things as I have reminded myself of what I have and where it is. And I can also take things I know I am not going to use and hopefully find them a new home with someone who will use them.

So, that's what I'm doing today! Should be fun ... yeah, fun ... :D How many of you get bitten by the organizing bug a couple times a year? I actually like purging my supplies. Well, I don't like purging my supplies, but I like the way the room looks and functions AFTER I do it.

Life's a beach. Scrapboook it.


  1. My room is actually pretty clean but I want to go through my drawers and go through some things because like you said i'm sure i have forgot about stuff and some things i may not even use now! maybe this weekend i'll tackle that haha

  2. Please come to my house...I like clean and organized but seems like I have no time for it...boohoo! Good Luck...hope you find lots of good stuff!

  3. I just remodel my room (pictures on the scrap beach) and reorganized my stuff. Today, I'm getting a dresser to put in my scrap room to organized stamps, laces, fabrics, dies and whatever I can put in it. I love to organize my stuff, like you said it is easier to see what you have and what you need!!!

  4. Oh Kathryn, How I wish I could be more like you! Please do get ride of anything that goes in the Wonder album LOL! Good luck cleaning ! Isn't it like shopping all over again ! LOL

  5. Upps! I meant do not get rid of anything that belongs in the Wonder Album!

  6. You are inspiring me. I have been thinking of doingthis because I realized that i have changed the way I scrapbook - AGAIN! I tend to do more stamping now and use embossing powders more often and making homemade flowers. I have to change things up again b/c most of my goodies are in a trunk - yes just thrown in a trunk b/c my past purchases are clogging my drawers and space. I need to purge and organize. MaybeIi will put on a movie tonight and get it done - we'll see! Thanks for motivating me!

  7. Hi Kathryn, I hope you can make a ton of room for new scrap goodies. I know we all like to see your reviews of product, so it benefits us all really. I got a chance to see "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and I wish I could have read the book first. Have you read his next book?
    Have a great day! JenniferNicole

  8. That is my GOAL this month as well. I really don't have things I need to purge but organize in a more functional manor for my craft area. Good Luck with your Day project!

  9. Hi Kathryn!!! I am so happy for your cleaning! Honestly, I am constantly reorganizing my office/scrapbooking room. I am a bif fan of plastic organizing boxes and label machine. I tend to have everything organized when I start to scrapbook. So have fun!!! :)

  10. i just moved so there's a good organization going on. Unfortunately there was also a flood at my parents place, where my stuff is/was being stored until I get it to my new place. Only my stuff was affected, but I was forced to purge ruined things. Now there's less to organize at the new place!

  11. I feel like I reorganize somewhat everytime I get done doing one project. Theres always such a mess while I craft, things tend to get put back in different places all the time:)

  12. I agree with the fact that "going thru" stuff is a wonderful reminder of what you already own as well as where it's hiding!!
    The organization of the loft seems to be a continual process... no beginning and no end...
    LOL - good luck!
    ~Jill ♥

  13. Hi, Jennifer Nicole! We just recently watched the movie as well. It was very well done, I thought. I have read the second book and just started the third last night. I enjoyed the second book more than the first one, but I'm not far enough into the third to have a judgement about it yet.

    Olga, you'll be happy to know that not only did I not throw out aything major today, but I did work on the "Wonder" album for a bit, so there will be a video soon.

    Michelle, I am sorry to hear about the flood ruining your stuff! You have such a great attitude about it ~ much better than I would have! I hope you didn't lose any finished albums.

    ~Kathryn :D
