
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Recently Overheard in the Krieger-Jackson Household ...

Backstory: the new computer came with two alien stickers exactly the right size to cover the Dell logos on our laptops.

Me: Oh, you put your little alien head on!

Him: Yes, I did that earlier today.

Me: checks laptop You didn't do mine, though.

Him: I thought you would want to do that yourself.

Me: Well, that's tricky

Him: How so?

Me: If you'd put it on for me, I would have been mad at you because I wanted to do it myself. Since you didn't put it on for me, now I am mad at you for not doing it.

Him: ::sigh:: I'm never going to be able to win, am I?

Me: Not a chance.

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.


  1. Kathryn -

    Way too funny! Poor guy.

    Elaine Allen

  2. They do the same to us sometimes! Poor Mr. Lifeguard! You should make him feel better by telling him he is not alone - all husbands have it rough!

  3. That is funny! I would be mad if Brian put it on instead of waiting for me. Poor Mr. Lifeguard!

  4. hello! i just discovered your youtube scrapbooking videos today! i LOVE them!! i'm 24wks pregnant and on mandatory bedrest at a hospital til i deliver. i LOVE LOVE to scrapbook but never went beyond 8x8 or 12x12. i discovered your step by step mini albums series and have been watching them and wish i could be on bedrest at home so i can be in my scrapbook room! i'm extremely inspired by your mini albums! you make it look so simple to put together and in the looks like a masterpiece! wish i could run home and put one together now. :)
    i'm a blog follower so i'll be visiting daily to see what creations you have going. in the meantime...i'll be checking out ALL your you tube videos! makes my stay at the hospital worthwhile! thanks for the inspiration! can't wait to see all your videos! :)

  5. Hahaha - this sounds as if someone were listening in on conversations between my husband and me - at least I don't feel so bad now :D Your husband sousnds like he knows you pretty well and I am fortunate that I am married to someone who understands me as well. That is not always a good thing for me, though. ~:(

  6. Yes, all husbands have it tough! But wives don't always have it so easy, either. At least I am honest about his chances & he knows the drill pretty well by now ~ LOL! :D Although, Lois is right ~ it's not always a good thing when your husbands know you.

    Purpledaisy, thank you so much for your kind comments about my YouTube videos! I just wanted to let you know that I also have a live UStream show three times a week that you might find entertaining while you are in the hospital. Times are in the "Watch me live!" box on the right sidebar. There's also recorded videos there, too.

    ~Kathryn :D

  7. I think I have had the same conversation with my
