
Thursday, December 9, 2010

New Video: "Dad" Christmas Gift Tag

Hi, guys!

So, yesterday I decided to make another "Snow Bird" tag & use it as my mom's gift tag for her Christmas present this year. Well, that opened up a whole can of worms, of course, because now that means I have to make something similar for the rest of the family. If I don't there will be lots of screaming, tears & finger pointing & "you've always loved so-and-so more than me" and who needs that during the holidays? ;D

Bad news for me, but good news for my blog, as I recorded & edited a video of my Dad's tag coming together for my YouTube channel. You can watch it below, or over on YouTube at this link: Dad's Christmas Gift Tag.

My camera is apparently already on Christmas vacation, it seems, so there is a chunk missing from the middle. Luckily it was pretty uneventful as all I did was add some super old Daisy D's rub-ons and a loop of twine. {Yay, twine!} I hope you enjoy the video ~ I had a lot of fun making this tag & it actually came together pretty quickly and easily {despite the fact that I normally struggle with the whole masculine, grungy thing}. Phew!

I think my next tag to work on will be the one for my sister. You guys have any ideas for that one? I'm currently stumped.

~Kathryn :D
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.


  1. That is really cool - Christmas & masculine, what a challenge and way to raise up and meet it!!

  2. Great tag, Kathryn! I think it totally fulfills the masculine and Christmas-y requirements! For your sister's tag, you can totally make it girly with lots of flowers (poinsettias, maybe?) and BLIIIIING! Every girl loves bling... right?? ;-D

  3. Thanks, Jill & Lety! I'm so glad you liked it. I do have a few poinsettias, so maybe we will go all "girly glam" with my sister's tag. I have some ideas swirling in my brain right now ~ thanks!

    ~Kathryn :D
    Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
