
Friday, May 18, 2012

Lovely Camera Straps!

Happy Friday!

I hope you all have fantastic weekend plans. I am actually heading to the beach with Mr. Lifeguard for a few days! I am really looking forward to getting away from it all and having some "sand therapy".

I was clicking around the Internet today and I found the CUTEST camera straps on the Bloom Theory website: Bloom Theory.

Here are three of my favorites, but there are lots of pretty ones:

You Are My Sunshine:

Petit Cheri:


If you remember, I not too long ago successfully completed my search for an attractive but functional camera bag. Now I think I've found an equally adorable camera strap:

All About the Beaus:

Now I just need to let Mr. Lifeguard know what I want for my birthday!

~Kathryn :D

P.S. The Perfect Trim Tools will be back in stock on Monday!


  1. Lovely!!! Thanks for the heads up Kathryn! Have a good time at the beach! Actually sounds like a really good idea!

  2. Glad you are having some R & R. You need it. Take care of yourself.

  3. Have a FANTASTIC weekend with your lifeguard Kathryn! Looks like great weekend weather for you.

  4. They are gorgeous and what a nifty idea!!

  5. enjoy your time away Kathryn with Mr. Lifeguard..:)

  6. Does she sell the camera with the strap. LOL I've been wanting to make one for my Nikon.

  7. Hi Kathryn! Missed you! What is the prefect trim tools? I have to go and watch all the classes I I was hoping you got my package the 2nd week I was away, but I think you got it right away? See you thurdsaY.
    Hugz, Z

    1. Hi, Zandra! Welcome back! I hope you had a super amazing trip. :D The package did arrive right away and I LOVE it ~ it was very cool. Thank you so much!

      The Perfect Trim Tool is a specialty cutting guide for mitering corners and wrapping chipboard in paper. You can see how it works at the beginning of this USTREAM recording:

      ~Kathryn :D
