
Friday, July 27, 2012

Pumpkin Album Finished Photos

Hi, everyone!
I got a request a l-o-o-o-n-g time ago to post pictures of the finished pumpkin album & totally forgot about it until today ~ basements eat your brain, it seems!
Below please find photos of the finished album. The album was cut with an AccuCut pumpkin die & decorated with Bo Bunny papers and embellishments. Enjoy!
Front Cover:

First Layout:

First Page:

Second Page:

Second Layout:

Third Page:
Fourth Page:

Third Layout:

Fifth Page:

Sixth Page:
Fourth Layout:
Seventh Page:

Eighth Page:

Fifth Layout:

Ninth Page:

Tenth Page:

Back Cover:

You can see all the details + tutorials on how each page was constructed over on USTREAM, starting with Part One: Pumpkin Album, Part One.
Have a great weekend!
~Kathryn :D


  1. Good to see the Wheat page again :)

  2. This turned out really awesome. I need to go back and finish mine. TFS

  3. thanks so much for the pictures! It is a really great fall album. Mary WErner

  4. Thanks for showing this. I missed the last few classes for some reason. I was overwhelmed with the wagon. I need to finisn mine too. I just have a couple pages to do.

    1. I was overwhelmed by the wagon, too! Sometimes I wonder where I get these crazy ideas.

      I have seen two pumpkin albums where photo-realistic paper was used to back the wagon slats to make it simpler ~ one with straw paper & one with apple paper. Both looked great!

      I hope you enjoy finishing the project!

  5. the detail, as usual, is so impressive. How good of you to share these photos.

  6. Great project! Is there still a possibility to order a pumpkin? I would really love to make one!
    Ingrid jager

    1. Please send me a message with your info here:!contact. We'll work something out! :D

  7. Thanks, Kathryn! I left a messsage. You are the best!!

    Ingrid (freskin)
