
Friday, November 16, 2012

NEW LAYOUT: Epcot, December 2008

Hi, everyone!

I went to a crop last weekend without any photos OR a paper trimmer. I don't know what I was thinking there! Even so, I was able to get this layout started. The only thing I added after I got home was the photo, the title, the journaling and the wood veneers. Not bad, all things considered!

This 12"x12" layout highlights a photo taken of me at Epcot one Christmas. It was the first "winter" we lived in Miami, and some friends of ours were down on vacation. We met up with them and had a blast!

Here are some pictures of the finished layout:

The paper is from the Basic Grey "Fact" paper pad in the "Fact & Fiction" collection, exclusive to JoAnn stores (and the Basic Grey website). The wood veneers are from Studio Calico, and the glitter letters are from Pink Paislee.

Thanks for checking out the layout & I hope you all have a great weekend!

~Kathryn :D


  1. Yey! You scrapped about yourself!! You are not a faceless scrapper :) love the layout. Love the colors.

    1. I don't have a ton of photos of myself since I'm usually the one taking them, but I do have some!

  2. I always look for the little surprise details you add. Like the paperclip. I love red so this layout is right up my alley.

    1. I'm liking red more and more these days! I like to add smaller pieces like the paperclip to give that extra little bit to look at for people who really want to explore the page.

  3. ...I am so glad you are starting to do/show some
    lay-outs.. they are turning out Fabulous..Going to try and work them into some lay-outs too... What Fun !!

    1. My interests in paper crafting are pretty wide, but I always come back to my first love in the end - 12"x12" layouts.

  4. love your thinking behind layouts, can now understand how to do them

    1. I'm glad you are enjoying the layouts, Margaret Ann! I hope you have fun playing with some of your own. :)

  5. Interesting! I always start with my photos so I'm not sure I could do that!

    1. Normally I start with photos, but this was an emergency! I went to a crop and I left my photos AND my trimmer at home. :/ Lucky for me, I have so many photos that I can almost always find one that fits.

  6. I've seen that paper at Joann's....perfect for your picture! I wasn't sure what I could use with it but seeing your lay out, I am now inspired. Guess I'll have to go back to the store..oh darn. ;)

    1. I'm always sad when I have to go back to the store! Yeah, right! LOL! :D
