
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Grand Calibur Bundle on - TODAY ONLY!

Just a quick post to let you know that TODAY ONLY has a Grand Calibur bundle with a $250.00 value on sale for $80.00!

Click here to view the Grand Calibur bundle.

The bundle includes everything you need to cut & emboss Spellbinders dies (and all other wafer-thin dies) and embossing folders. If you want to use Cuttelbug or Sizzix embossing folders, you will need to purchase the Grand Raspberry Plate separately.

You will also qualify for free shipping with this purchase.

Click here to see free shipping offers.

I actually purchased this bundle today, even though I already own a BigShot & a BigShot Pro. Here's why:

1. It was a great deal - hard to pass up. The whole bundle is going for just a little more than the included dies alone.

2. Since most of the dies I use are wafer thin, it will give my poor BigShot a bit of a break - it has been working overtime lately.

3. I will be able to use oversized wafer-thin dies and embossing folders without having to get up & go in another room to use my BigShot Pro.

Just wanted to give you guys a heads up! Enjoy the rest of your weekends!

Friday, January 25, 2013

NEW LAYOUT: Paris via Epcot

Just a quick layout share today. I went to a crop last weekend. I was there for six hours and all I got done was this one layout:

Since I only got one layout done, I made the photo EXTRA big.
Despite only getting one layout done, this crop was WAY better than the last crop productivity-wise. I got nothing done during my last crop because I forgot to bring photos or a paper trimmer.
This one is definitely going in the "win" column.
Anywho, since I just have the one layout to share, I thought I would use it as a little bit of a "what not to do" teaching opportunity. There is something that really bugs me about this layout. If I had done just one thing differently it would look much better.
The problem is in the dark mat around the photo. All design elements have a visual weight to them. Things that are darker in color are typically perceived as being "heavier" by our eye than things that are lighter in color. So, in this case, the dark mat is "heavy" to the eye, while the blue and white patterned paper is "light" to the eye. The brain perceives this in much the same way as it would perceive a bowling ball being supported by a feather - it doesn't think it makes sense.

The above layout would be much more pleasing to the eye if the photo and title were at the bottom of the blue and white mat, with the journaling above. Don't believe me? Check it out below. This photoshop job is far from perfect, but I think you can see what I mean:

Changes it completely doesn't it? Now the building looks a lot more grounded and less like it is trying to float away into outer space.

This layout went into the album as it was since changing it would have involved way more time and UnDu than I had the inclination to spend on it, but it helps to see what might have been. Maybe next time I'll check the visual weight of my page BEFORE I start gluing down letter stickers.
Although maybe not since the next crop's theme is Spring Break & I am bringing margaritas.
Hope you guys all have a GREAT weekend! I am teaching the Bushel Box class at my local scrapbook store tomorrow, so I'll be cutting up chipboard all day. Whee!

P.S. I totally won the AccuCut photo contest! Thanks so much for all your help!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

NEW VIDEO: Bo Bunny's Winter 2013 CHA Releases!

Hi, cuties!
I hope each and every one of you has an awesome weekend planned! Tonight I am going to a crop, but, before I go, I have to pack my bags and make spinach puffs.
I spent yesterday editing & printing photos (I totally forgot to bring photos to the last crop I went to - such a dummy!) and filming a quick video for YouTube. Bo Bunny sent me samples of their new releases & you can see them in detail here:

Which one is your favorite?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Please Vote for Me! :)

Can you cuties please click this link & vote for my picture? I'd really appreciate it!

AccuCut Craft Photo Contest

Thank you kindly!

Last night's CHA wrap-up show was too fun - looking forward to a great year of fabulous products & projects!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Who Wants a CHA Wrap-Up USTREAM!?!!!

Let's do one tonight at 9:00 p.m. Eastern on my USTREAM channel! We won't do two hours like normal, but we can look at some things and do Q&A about all your favorites!

I'm posting from my phone on the way home from the airport (no, I'm not driving), so I can't put the link in this list, but it's over on the sidebar.

Monday, January 14, 2013

FROM THE ARCHIVES: The World's Most Violent Craft Blog

Since I am still at the 2013 Winter CHA Show in Anaheim, California and not really able to update my blog, I decided to bring you some blog posts from the vault.
Actually, I haven't left for California yet as I am writing this, so I am actually writing to you from the past. Because of my time machine.
Or possibly I pre-scheduled this blog post before I got on the plane.
You decide.

Anyways, way back in the day (2009, to be precise), I used to have a parental guidance rating for my blog. And for the longest time my blog was Rated G.
I know, I know ~ I need to get out more.
Believe me, I hear you.

Then one day I did a review of several different craft knives and all of a sudden my blog was Rated PG-13! For violence! Wha ... !?!!! Here's what I had to say at the time:

This Blog is Rated PG-13.
Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.
Parents strongly cautioned.
Prior to writing the "Love Your Craft Knife" post, My blog was rated G.
Now my blog is rated PG-13 because I used the word "knife" 13 times.
Well, I guess it's fifteen times now. I wonder if I write the word "knife" often enough my blog will become rated R? If I could get an R rating,
I would totally put that blinkie on my sidebar.

People will click over here from YouTube and be all "OMG! What can she possibly be talking about!?" but won't be able to find anything inappropriate.

I really think that would be hilarious. For a scrapbook-related blog with no bad words or inappropriate references to be rated R because of one post about craft knives (ooh ... I typed "knives" again! I can't help myself!) to be rated R? Hee hee!

Is it wrong that I find this so amusing?

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it. Use a craft knife.
You should click here to read the comments from the original post: This Blog Is Now Rated PG-13.
They are pretty hilarious. I used to be so weird.
Obviously I was not going to let a PG-13 rating go. If I couldn't have a G rating on my homey little craft blog, then I was definitely going for an R rating,
I would not be satisfied until I had the most violent craft blog on the planet.
On August 2, 2009, I achieved infamy!
 Welcome to the World's Most Violent Craft Blog!

{Side Note: am I the only person that automatically thinks of the movie The Big Lebowski when they hear this song?}

Last night I achieved the R rating I had feverishly sought for approximately the last twenty-four hours. {In between going to Target and killing the gross spiders on my porch.} I actually do not have any strikes against me for profanity, suggestive content, etc. My current R rating is based solely on the supposedly ultra-violent content of my blog.

Ladies and gentlemen, as far as I can tell,
this is the most violent craft blog in the world.

I love it.

I'd like to thank all of my readers who contributed to this rating with their comments yesterday ~ I never could have done this without you! You're the best!

Now that this blog is officially Rated R,
there's going to have to be some changes around here.


First of all, there will be no more free video tutorials.
I am going to have to insist that you pay me.


::insert maniacal laughter here::

Or you could just, you know, continue to leave me nice comments.
Whichever. I plan to be a benevolent dictator.

Most of the time anyway.

Second, uh, well ... I don't know what the second change will be yet, but it's going to be diabolical. Which befits my new status as author of the world's most violent craft blog. Yes indeedy. Diabolical.

But we'll still have plenty of bling.

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it. Or Else.

Once again, you can see the original post, along with murderous comments, here:
Welcome to the World's Most Violent Craft Blog

I hope you guys enjoy this blast from the past!

I'm at CHA all day today & then we catch the red eye back from California tonight. I don't actually get back to DC until tomorrow because of the long flight + time change. I'll Tweet when the plane lands so you guys know I'm alive. Pretty much going straight to bed after that!


Today is also my brother's birthday! Happy Birthday, Scott!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Off to CHA!

Hiya! I hope you're all sleeping in and have a relaxing weekend of crafting fun ahead of you!
By the time you read this blog post, I'll be on my way to the airport (blerg) to fly out to Anaheim for the Winter 2013 CHA Show. Well, technically I'm flying to Long Beach and then driving to Anaheim, but whatever. Details, details.
I'll be back next week with lots of great ideas for 2013 projects!
I will be tweeting pictures of things I see from the show. To follow the action, check me out here: @Kathryn_Scraps on Twitter.

You do not have to have a Twitter account to see my Tweets.
You can just bookmark the link above to follow the action online.

Just as a reminder, if you're ever looking for a link to my YouTube, or Pinterest or any other web presence I maintain, the best place to look is my website: Kathryn Is on the Web!
I have links there to all my social media accounts.

If you have questions while I am at the show, just Tweet back to me and I will try to answer them or get the info you're looking for. I can't promise to answer every request (things can be chaotic there and the conference center is SO big), but I will do my absolute best!

Also, if you are in the Anaheim area, you are invited to join me and some other online crafting "personalities" for a pizza party from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Pacific USA time on Sunday, January 13, 2013. This party is hosted by Barrie and Carol of Scrapadabadoo in the meeting room of the Cortona Inn and Suites in Anaheim, CA near the Anaheim Convention Center.

You're also invited if you're not in the Anaheim area, but it might be a long way to go for some pizza. Especially if, say, you live in France or New Zealand. ;D

Please come party down with me, Mr. Lifeguard, Barrie and Carol, as well as Laura Denison from Following the Paper Trail; Jim Hankins from the Gentleman Crafter; Kathy Orta from Paper Phenomenon and all your friends from the online crafting community!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

NEW VIDEO: Make Your Own Washi Tape!

Hi, everyone! I hope you're all enjoying your week ~ almost halfway through! I leave in two(ish) days to head out to Anaheim for the Winter 2013 CHA Show, so I hope to be back with lots of great ideas for 2013 projects.
I will be tweeting pictures of things I see from the show. To follow the action, check me out here: @Kathryn_Scraps on Twitter.
Before I go, though, I have one last video and two more USTREAMs for you!


On today's USTREAM shows, we're going to be making some cute Valentine treat holders.
I know it's only January 10th, but I'm doing them a month before the holiday so you will have plenty of time to mass produce them for kid's classrooms, church groups, friends, neighbors, etc. 
Treat box classes are this afternoon from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM Eastern USA time and then again this evening from 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM Eastern USA time. 
All classes and their recordings will be over on my USTREAM channel: Kathryn Scraps!

To convert Eastern USA time to your time zone, click here: Time Zone Converter.

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I have a longer USTREAM tutorial on how to make your own washi tape, which you can check out here if you prefer to see me work in real time: Homemade Washi.

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I thought I'd make a shorter video for YouTube, in case anyone wanted some quick info or extra ideas for more tapes. I tried to make these tapes different from the ones we did on USTREAM.
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 Also, I really didn't feel like folding my laundry or packing for CHA so "make a video" seemed like a GREAT idea at 2:00 a.m. :D

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I'm super happy with how cute they all turned out! This is such a relaxing project for me, because I just love playing with colors, inks, stamps & just having fun. And if a style of tape doesn't work out, it's only tissue paper, so who cares!?!!!

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I filmed this technique video for my YouTube channel.
You can watch the video below,
or click this link to watch it over on YouTube: Make Your Own Washi Tape.

Have a great day & see you later this afternoon!


Monday, January 7, 2013

Camera 360 App

Today I have a photography app for you to check out! The app I wanted to share with you today is the Camera360 Ultimate app by PinGuo Inc.



This app is available in both the Google Play Store and the iTunes App Store, and it was free in the Google Play Store when I installed it.

It is available from Google Play and iTunes, and was free when I installed it. There are links to the app for both devices below.

Camera360 Ultimate for Android Devices

Camera360 Ultimate for Apple Devices

The Camera360 app is a photo editing app that can be used in conjunction with or in place of your device's camera app. What this means is that you can take pictures with your phone's regular camera and then edit them afterward with Camera 360, or you can take the photos with the Camera360 app itself. 

For example, these photos below were not taken with Camera360, but I used the app to edit them later:



Camera360 has several different way it can add to your photos. You can add frames or other scenery, add effects, add filters (they have TONS of filters) and make changes to the camera's focus, white balance and depth of field to give your more control over your photos.

There are A LOT of features to Camera360, so I recommend just sitting and playing with photos to see what you can make it do. It doesn't automatically save and share all your corrections and changes like some other social camera apps, which makes playing around easy and fun.



Camera360 is probably my current favorite of the camera and photography apps I have on my phone. I still have a lot to learn on the app, but I am experimenting with it all the time and having lots and lots of fun.

Hope you all have a great week & I enjoy the app! What are some of your favorite phone apps for scrapbooking and photography?

Kathryn :D

P.S. My translation app for the blog is broken. As soon as I find another good one, I'll replace it. In the meantime, if you view my blog in Google Chrome, you should be given the option of translating the blog from English.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Test Your Color IQ!

Happy Friday, my friends! Yesterday on the show we were talking about how well we see colors, and I promised to post this test that Mr. Lifeguard found.

This is an online color hue IQ test. I was a bit stressed about taking it at first because I always thought I had a good eye for color, and I really didn't want to find out I was wrong about that. I decided to take it anyway, and to my relief received the following result:

To test yourself, go to the X-Rite Online Color Challenge page and arrange the tiles as instructed: Online Color Challenge

It doesn't take too long and it is a fun little challenge. Be sure to come back and tell us how you did.

Have a GREAT weekend!

~Kathryn :D

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Latest Manicure!

Yesterday my mom and I went to get our nails done. It was time for Santa to fly back to the North Pole!

The nail technician noticed my Santa design, and asked if she could design something different for my nails. I told her to go right ahead! I figured if it was really bad, I could always just have it removed and do a plain polish. Well, what she came up with was AMAZING!

I love the design she chose. It's so intricate and detailed and the colors are very me, as well. I also like that the design is on a clear base, so it will be less noticeable when they start to grow out. My nails grow very fast and I am not always the best at getting them redone in a timely fashion.

I'm definitely going to make an appointment to see her at the beginning of February and have her do something in pinks and reds for Valentine's Day!

See you this afternoon and evening for our regular USTREAM show! Today we are starting the mailbox project. Classes are this afternoon from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM Eastern USA time and then again this evening from 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM Eastern USA time. All classes and their recordings will be over on my USTREAM channel: Kathryn Scraps!

To convert Eastern USA time to your time zone, click here: Time Zone Converter.

See ya!

Kathryn :D

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

NEW VIDEO: Photo Shoot Realities, 12"x12"

Hi, everyone & welcome to 2013! To be honest, 2012 basically sucked, so I am not too sad to see it go. But, like the poem from yesterday suggests, I am going to put all that behind me! I have my fingers crossed for good things from 2013. :D

In honor of turning over a new leaf, I have given my blog a total makeover for the new year! I like how fresh and clean it looks ~ like a new sheet of paper. :D And it really makes the layout photos pop, so I like that, too.

Here is my first layout video of 2013! This layout has some "out-takes" from my sister's engagement photo shoot. I'll probably be scrapping her engagement photos in a couple different ways, but in this version I wanted to talk specifically about some of our photo shoot challenges: cranky models & an impending hurricane (Sandy made landfall about eight hours after these photos were taken), to name just two.

I used papers and embellishments from the Studio Calico "34th Street" kit with the "Penn Station" and "Herald Square" add-ons. I took advantage of a deal from Northridge Publishing that enabled me to get all that for the price of the kit + S&H. I also mention in the video that I used some paper tape I made myself. I have a USTREAM tutorial on how to do that which you can check out here: Homemade Washi

Below are some pictures of the finished layout:


I filmed this layout coming together for my YouTube channel. You can watch the video below, or click this link to watch it over on YouTube: Photo Shoot Realities.

Have a great day & a great year! See you Thursday!

~Kathryn :D

P.S. CHA is getting SO close! Anything in particular you guys want to see? I will be tweeting from the floor again this year, so there should be lots to chat about!