
Monday, June 10, 2013

COMING SOON: Layout Week 2013!

In July of 2011, we did a week of layouts, sketches and prizes here on my blog and on YouTube. It was A TON of fun, so I decided we should do it again!
Starting on Monday, June 17th, I'll be kicking off Layout Week 2013 here on my blog with a sponsored giveaway from Hip 2b Square's Hip Kit Club!
They have sent me one of their June Main Kits to give away. Here's a picture of what's on the way:

Look at all those pretty papers! Yum!
In addition to sending one kit for me to give away, I'll be creating the first layout of Layout Week 2013 with their kits, so there will be plenty of inspiration for using yours once you get it.
But that's just what happens on Monday! I have FIVE step-by-step YouTube tutorials coming, with a new one posted each day of the week. That's five new layout process videos! The first one - featuring the June Hip Kit - will go up on Monday, June 17th at 5:00 a.m. Eastern USA time.
To convert to your time zone, click here
Not only do I have five new layouts AND five new videos coming, but I have also created a sketch for each layout that will be available for you on my blog as part of each day's post - how fun is that!? I drew all my own sketches for this week's video series. Not only was it a lot of fun, but it made the creative process go so quickly!
So mark your calendars, because next week is going to be a blast!


  1. ..let the party begin, Kathryn. This was an amazing idea of yours. I have a lil *flag* on my calendar. I wont bug you with questions -- Great idea and Thanks!!

  2. WooHoo! I'm excited and can hardly're rockin' it friend! Ella aka cmella04

  3. Oh..I hope I can play. We leave on Friday for a weekend in NC. Hubby will be home all week so we can get the motorhome stocked and ready for our first trip out this year. He's not one to work alone. He always needs help. I think it is his nature to give orders and supervise the task. So I will be the one working. LOL

  4. Awesome, I'm looking forward to it. Thanks so much Kathryn for all you do for us, know that you are appreciated. Shari (cricutrookie)

  5. Time to dust off my blog again it looks like, LOL. Seems that is the only time it gets used now, is your challenges etc.

  6. Kathryn...what a great idea and what fun. Thanks for the giveaway, which is awesome, and 5 sketches!!! That is a lot of work and really appreciated.

  7. Kathryn... I can't wait to see what you create with our June 2013 Hip Kit!!! Let me just say that the digital image just doesn't do this collection justice. :D It is even better in person. I am posting photos of our June Hip Kit on my blog this evening. Stop by and check them out! xo Kimberly

  8. Awesome kits and looking forward to this. I need all the ideas I can get and I love your work.
