
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Update on Carol's Sister

I spoke with Carol of Scrapadabadoo this evening, and I have an update on her sister's condition for you. As you may know, Carol's sister suffered a very serious heart attack last week and did not show any brain activity following the arrest. She was put into a hypothermic state to preserve her brain function while her organs recovered.
Early yesterday morning they started letting her body temperature rise and she did wake up. She is able to blink, smile and turn her head, as well as to respond to basic questions about how she feels (if she hot, cold, in pain, etc.). The doctor's are pleased with her progress so far, but say they need to wait until she is off the ventilator to do a full assessment.
Her heart is clear and she is able to maintain her own blood pressure.
She has a touch of pneumonia, but that is improving with treatment.
Carol and her family appreciate your thoughts and prayers very much and she has told me they all feel them while they are with her sister in the hospital.
Carol will be posting updates on her sister's condition to Facebook. You can friend her here for more information: Carol Hester on Facebook.
If you have an order pending from Scrapadabadoo, there are people working while Carol is away to fulfill your orders. There may be a delay of 1-2 days beyond their usual fast shipping, but they are working very hard to get your products packed and on their way to you.
If you have any questions about your order, please contact Scrapadabadoo directly: Contact Scrapadabadoo.


  1. thinking and praying about her thank you for filling Us in

  2. Thanks for the update. I did go to facebook but I don't expect her to answer. She has a lot on her plate now. I am praying for her sister and the family. Prayers and positive energy can only help. My order can go to the bottom of the list. Family is always first.

  3. Thank you so much for this update. You are a good friend - to many! Mary W

  4. Thanks for the update Kathryn. I didn't think of Facebook. I hardly go there much. So pleased everything is going well. It didn't sound so good starting out. Since women don't usually survive these types of heart attacks. She is truely a miracle!!!

  5. thank you for updating...sounds like her sister has received some great medical care and swiftly. My thoughts and prayers for a full recovery.

  6. Great news!!!! it is such a relief when they respond...hugs and prayers for Carol, her sister and families....thanks for the up date!!

  7. Thank you so much for the update. Glad to hear the great news. Will keep praying for her continued recovery.

  8. Thank you so much for the news. I have kept her and Carol in my prayers. Lanna

  9. Thank you so much! I have been keeping up with Carol's news on FB. Nice to have such a caring community!
