
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

VIDEO SHARE: File Folder Mini Album

I was clicking around the Internet, as I do, and I stumbled across a cool album tutorial from Angelwings14100 using the We R Memory Keepers Envelope Punch Board. Watch the tutorial below, but be sure to come back here and answer the question for today's giveaway! Today' we're giving away a WRMK Envelope Punch Board!

This cool tool does more than make envelopes:


File Mini Album

These tabs were made with the punch board!

I love how the tabs open to reveal space for a photo!

Tuck a journaling spot of another folder under one of the flaps for interactive fun!

To see a video of the album above, watch below or click the link to watch over on YouTube. Actual album flip through starts 6 minutes into the video: click HERE to watch on YouTube.

She has two tutorial videos on how to put this album together:


To be eligible to win the punch board, answer the following question in the comments below before 11:59 p.m. Eastern USA time TONIGHT. If your choice is "Other" you must specify a type of class/tutorial in order to be eligible to win.

Speaking of tutorials, what is your favorite way to learn something new and what do you like best about the format you chose? Please pick one of the choices below.
Live Video Stream (such as USTREAM)
Pre-Recorded video (such as YouTube)
Written Manual
Other (please specify)
The winner of yesterday's EK Success Large Tag Punch is Karen "Buttercup" Seidlitz. Karen wrote:

I take the most pictures from my winter vacation in Florida each year. But my favorite holiday for scrapping would be Halloween. There are so many great papers.

Karen, please claim your prize by emailing me your shipping address at by 11:59 p.m. Eastern USA time on Sunday, November 17, 2014 or you will forfeit your prize.
Thanks for stopping by, and I'll see you tomorrow with another fun post and giveaway!
Kathryn :D


  1. I love learning from you tube videos. Thanks for the chance to win!

  2. The best way for me to learn is through You tube because there is more focus to what is being made. But I love ustream to enter act with you and other crafters.

  3. I like to watch live streams to learn something new. Not only do you get to learn how a project is going together but you also can chat and make lots of new friends who enjoy the same things. Then I watch the recordings to make the project so I can start and stop when I need to. Thank you for the opportunity to win the envelope board. It is high on my wish list. Have a great day.

  4. I enjoy you tube for learning (tutorials) I am often hitting the replay button and rewatching a detail - I'm slow like that...LOL, socializing and interacting with crafty on-line friends is a blast with ustream.

    1. by the way, Congratulations to "Buttercup" for winning your giveaway yesterday.

  5. I love you tube for learning new things. I can focus, pause, save the videos for future use easily. It's a great format however there is nothing wrong with ustream or tutorials, you tube is just my favourite format.

  6. I prefer YouTube....I can watch when I want and replay often. Thank you.

  7. I love Ustream. You get a lot of interaction with others, watch the stream, and get answers to questions. And you can always go back and watch it again and hit the pause button when needed.

  8. I luv youtube the best but i also like ustream for the live interaction. youtube i can save in my favorites, ustream i have to download to watch. Nothing wrong with either.

  9. I prefer YouTube videos I have learned so many great technique watching YouTube.

  10. Definately Live on Ustream. The interaction is really fun, and you can always go back and watch the video later.

  11. I like you tube so far. I haven't tried ustream, I guess I need to get on board with that. Youtube already consumes my time, so I am a little nervous about starting ustream.

    1. USTREAM can be really fun! The best part about it is that you can get answers to your questions while the project is coming together & chat with your fellow crafters. The biggest difference is that it is live, so the bloopers stay in and it's not sped up for time.

  12. I prefer You Tube for getting serious when making projects.

  13. I love learning from you at Ustream videos. Thanks for the chance to win!

  14. I like learning by Ustream because at that time I am able to ask questions if any should come up.

  15. I like Live on Ustream so I can ask questions as long as it's recorded so I can refrence back.

  16. I like ustream because you can ask the designer questions and being able to watch the show again when y are making the item.

  17. I enjoy learning by watching ustream live because of the interaction, however it doest always work well so the recorded videos work well for working along on the projects. I also enjoy having hard copies of patterns.

  18. I really like watching Pre-Recorded video on YouTube because I like to just let it run while I'm working on something else. Plus I can rewind it as much as I want :)

  19. I prefer YouTube videos when I'm making something. I have watched lots of UStream productions (live & recorded), but they take more time than I have and I find the "chat" distracting and not always on topic. YouTube videos are more condensed and to-the-point, but are only helpful if they contain all the needed information.

  20. I enjoy You Tube videos for learning new techniques. I pretty much watch You Tube the entire time I am working in my craft room. Thanks for having another giveaway. Johnna

  21. Youtube....otherwise I sometimes get caught up in the chat and could miss something it allows me to stop and go/make and take....thanks for the giveaways!

  22. I enjoy U Stream. I like the interaction with the others. And I also like the written manual. I have also watched your You Tube I enjoy them both. Thanks for giving the chance to win.

  23. I love your youtubes! I can rewind if necessary, because sometimes I'm not as quick in the understanding dept as I like to think I am!! But I do enjoy your live shows..I learn from those, also. I haven't ordered a manual yet, but I shall someday!

  24. I love learning form Ustream but I also like the You Tube videos. I mostly like the inter-action with you and the others on Ustream. Thanking you for a chance to win. Thanking you also for the great teacher that you are.

  25. Definately pre-recorded video, i'm currently enjoying your latest Xmas Kit, I'm prepping everything to take with us "hunting" in the wilderness over Thanksgiving. They hunt, I craft! I won't have internet to use the video but am watching the videos now and putting stuff together and I will assemble on the trip by using the manual. I must admit though, I still have 2009 & 2010 on DVD and really wish I had this years on DVD as well just for an occasion or trip like this one! Thanks Kathryn! I have enjoyed watching you since 2009 and wish you many more years to come!

    1. That's a good point, Kim! We switched to this format because so many people are using tablets in their craft rooms these days and can't play DVDs. Next time we'll offer a choice. Have fun of your crafting/camping trip!

  26. You-Tube is my preferredd format to learn new tricks ! I replay all day long... I don't have the envelope punch board din my arsenal yet and would love to play with it : ) Linda V

  27. Thanks for finding and posting the links for us! I definitely appreciate video over print, just because with video you can get a better idea of the process being used; still shots often leave me scratching my head. I like both YouTube and Ustream; I appreciate the ability to ask questions live, so Ustream is great for that, but it seems YouTube has that feature now as well. It's a bonus to be able to ask questions and get answers from the artist. Thanks for the opportunity, Kathryn, and good luck all!

  28. My is a double answer so I would have to say Other ... I love having the written tutorial to follow along with the video!

  29. I like YouTube videos that are condensed and to-the-point. The one you posted rambled too much for my taste. We are all short on time and I'd rather be crafting!

    When I can watch live, I also like USTREAM.

    Love all the prizes this week. Thanks!

    danceforjoyalways at yahoo dot com

  30. I prefer recorded videos. It's easy to rewind and watch something again if I need to and there usually isn't as much "off-topic" chatter as there is on live Ustream sessions.

  31. I like the You-Tube videos with your manuals. They are both so helpful and you can keep them and review them as needed. I also love your ustream classes. Being able to ask questions is a great way to learn also. Sorry, I don't think I can pick just one

  32. I love the youtube videos - I am such a visual learner that the ability to stop and start and rewind works so well.

  33. Hands down, my favorite way for tutorials is you tube! I can pause to take a good look at something on the screen, rewind to see something again and watch the tutorial at my convenience...even at 3 am when I can't sleep and decide to do some crafting! If a written manual is offered for purchase along with the you tube video...I almost always purchase it to have "just in case".

  34. When I am crafting I have to say 'You Tube'--the ability to stop and rewind and repeat very important for me as I am a pretty slow crafter! lol But for interaction and inspiration I love 'ustream' and following the 'chat family' who ask a lot of the same questions I have. Either way Katherine your tutorials are done so well and precise with excellent instruction I appreciate all three ways!! Thank You!

  35. My favorite way to learn is via Pre-Recorded video (such as YouTube). I can pause, rewind over an over until I get it. Thanks for the chance to win the punchboard.

  36. I guess I would have to say OTHER. Ustream for interaction with designer and fellow crafters. I can always rewatch and rewind as needed later. You Tube for quicky info like how to use the bowmaker. I use it so little that I forget how to use it and watch the YouTube video over and over. A manual is also very impt for repeat of a project and also when I am not near a computer or on the road. I do better with both video and written manual.

  37. I have not had the chance to view a live video stream. Hopefully one day I will! So I would have to go with pre-recorded. I am fairly new to scrapbooking, so I have to pause/rewind every video quite a bit. Plus, its nice to be able to go back to a pre-recorded video at a later time. :) Thank you!

  38. For 'simple' projects, such as Layouts or project share I like YouTube best. But if it is abit more complicated such as the trunk or the box set I like the Ustream format. I like to be able to ask questions while you construct the project and still have the option to watch the video later when I try to do the project myself.

  39. I like the pre-recorded video. I like it because I can stop and start it when I get overwhelmed by the teacher. LOL

  40. Pre recorded like Youtube as I like to be able to go back to it over and over if need be or pause. But simple techniques I still enjoy the live stream as you can ask questions directly at the time of doing.

  41. it is a toss up between youtube and Ustream, but if I would pick one it would be Ustream because it is live and you have the interaction
    upnurse at aol dot com

  42. Pre recorded videos like Youtube are my perfrence. It would be Ustream if Ustream didn't give so many problems.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Although I love Ustream classes and the interaction that goes along with them both with fellow viewers and the teacher herself - (being able to ask questions at the time is great!), I love the YouTube format to learn something. I think that the format lends itself to teaching in a way that is intimate and yet reaches thousands. Most YouTube teachers are great at answering questions posted and you get the specific lesson for that project. Having said that - it all depends on the person making the video - does she share vital information, does she have decent equipment, is she a good teacher? Thank you for the chance to win and to put forward my opinion. Julie

  45. I guess my "Pick one" final answer is YOUTUBE.

    I like YouTube, because I can pause it if I need to, to make dinner, or to see the technique again and again and again!!!!
    LOL I can also share the video with others. I do also like Ustream, (when Im watching a Live show) for the social time. People ask craft questions in live chats, and you can get answers from the person that is Ustreaming, or the people in the chatroom. For Ustream, unless you know the crafter and his/her time for streaming, you can't always find things. Youtube makes it easy to search for ANYTHING you want to do. Thanks for the chance to win the board, Kathryn!!

  46. Being a visual learner, it's a toss up between Youtube and Upstream. I want to know how to make it 'now!'...LOL! Both are great and I've learned so much from watching both. The only thing I find I learn from written instructions is that it doesn't take much for me to get frustrated with them. Thanks for the opportunity to win a prize!!

  47. Tks 2 U for an opportunity to win. Live Video Stream (such as USTREAM) for detail projects. PDF files are also great for less detail projects not obtainable from a picture.

  48. I'm a visual person, so I really like Ustream for how-to's. I like when the instructors talk through their decisions so you get an idea of what they are thinking and considering before they construct anything. I learn so much about products, techniques and style choices. Of course, it's an optimum situation if I have the written manual to follow, too!

  49. You Tube! I prefer to watch and craft when I know I won't be interrupted. Because of some health issues, I sometimes find Ustream a little drawn out, off topic, distracting with multiple repeats of the same questions, by the same token, I also love to watch Ustream live when I'm feeling well and won't be following along, but just listening and watching the chat to see what people are up to. With people living in so many different time zones and having such busy lives, I love that you take the time to offer a few options. Thanks so much for generously sharing your time and talent with us all! I've definitely learned so much from you!

  50. I like youtube because I can pause the video when I get interrupted, start it again, back it up and continue. With youtube I can pause and make a note or too, then go back to it later if I need to. I can pace myself and my project. I like live too - but prefer video.

  51. Youtube because it is usually very focused and direct. If I could have two, I would add the written tutorial to it. Win, win!

  52. Written Manual, I tend to make changes to make it my own and with a video/you tube, I have to fast forward, rewind etc to find the section I'm looking for. Also easy to note changes on a printed copy of instructions.

  53. I love learning from Pre-Recorded videos such as YouTube. I can download them and whach whenever and wherever I want. I can pause, repeat and fast forward them.

  54. I prefer something recorded so I can rerun it if necessary. I love watching live UStream, but sometimes I need to back up. Usually YOUR live classes are at a pace I can follow, but some others, not so much! Having the written manual further enhances the experience! :)

  55. I like to use a written tutorial and Ustream and You tube... I sometimes have trouble with written only. I like to visually see the instruction on the screen versus looking at pictures only in the written tutorial. The clearer, the better!! Video also offers being able to pause at certain points to put notes on the written copy. I like that. Thanks Kathryn!

  56. My preference would be a pre recorded video that allows me to watch but yet stop and rerun the tutorial if I misunderstand the directions in addition to a written tutorial . I enjoy watching the techniques used and have learned so much about so many different products as well as their uses. Ustream and You Tube are great tools. Ustream seems to have a mind of its own and some other challenges. So You Tube as well as a written tutorial would be my choice.

  57. I find that I like a combination of things depending on the project. I can usually learn from the written tutorial, but it is always nice to know that there is a recording somewhere in case I get lost. I sometimes watch the video and follow along in the tutorial and make notes of things that I might need to remember. Thanks for the chance to win.

  58. I love You Tube videos. Thanks for the chance to win!!!!!

  59. Thank you for the link to the tutorial and for the chance of winning,
    I prefer YouYube tutorials, they are less time consuming (although I love watching Ustream, I never have the time to watch the entire show)

  60. I love watching on u-stream you get to learn and chat with friends at the same time. I already have a envelope maker so if you pick my name I would love for you to gift it to the next person.

  61. I really enjoyed the social aspect of joining both you and Laura on Ustream although I haven't been able to join you for the past few months due to other commitments.I do,however, frequently check the recorded shows and find the shows very helpful.I always order a written manual for a particular project as I find the combination of watching you demonstrate the construction plus having the diagrams with measurements on paper an unbeatable combination. Youtube is also a wonderful option for quick tutorials on many different tecniques for papercrafting and you can always find something new to try. Thank you Kathryn for all your wonderful shows and the work that they involve which is much appreciated.
