Thursday, May 27, 2010

Before: Scraproom Remodel

Hi, everyone! We have started the scraproom remodel, so I took some before pictures for you guys & I didn't even clean/tidy before I took them!

Picture of the whole room from the doorway:

As you can see, the room is very cluttered and that there is no way to move easily throughout the room. The lighting was also very poor & something that needed to be addressed.

Close up of closet organizer:

The closet organizer was functional when we bought it, but my style of scrapbooking changed. There was nothing wrong with the organizer, I just needed to adjust how I stored things to make it functional again. I took some of the pressure off the closet organizer by installing a pegboard, which you'll see in the "After" post.

Photo Printer Corner w/ Album Cabinet:

This corner is the worst area. It is hard to get to & a waste of space.

This cabinet used to be where I stored all of my scrapbook supplies. That certainly changed!

Cricut station:

I love my Cricut, but it is low to the floor here and across the room from me. I need to move it closer to where I work.

The room just wasn't working for me anymore. There was stuff everywhere & even doing a purge didn't help with the clutter and piles. we simply didn't have the right storage in there for purposes we needed the room to accomplish.

So while Mr. Lifeguard was away in Afghanistan, I measured the room and all the furniture & we created a scale drawing of the room & all the furniture in it. This allowed us to move the furniture around to find the most functional arrangement without breaking a sweat. This also allowed us to see if pieces we had our eye on would fit in the room & still allow us space to function. Once we had our plan decided, we needed to get to work!

This is what the room looked like as we emptied everything out of it:

While we were working, we stored the stuff temporarily in the living room. This gave us space to move around in the scraproom:

I know some of you have already seen the completed room on UStream, but I'll be posting photos and also {maybe, I hope} a video in another post that highlights what changes were made to the room. Look for that at the beginning of next week!

Speaking of UStream, remember that there are two live shows today! One at 2:00 PM EDT {GMT/UTC-4} and one at 9:00 PM EDT {GMT/UTC-4}, both over on my UStream Channel!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Random Ramblings

Hi, everyone! This post is nothing but random musings about life, so don't get too excited. :D

I'm taking a break from Paperbag Album, Part II: The Return to Insanity to watch the original Nightmare on Elm Street with Mr. Lifeguard. Just some Saturday afternoon cheesiness. We're thinking about going to see the remake, but since neither Wes Craven nor Robert Englund are in any way involved with the picture we are a little undecided about whether or not we should be snooty "purists" and just ignore it. Plus, this one doesn't have a young Johnny Depp either, so what's the point!? ;)

Mr. Lifeguard and I are going to the Orlando/Kissimmee Scrapbook Expo this weekend & having a little mini vacay. We're leaving Thursday afternoon to meet his dad for dinner & then heading to the hotel after that. Then I'm meeting some fabulous scrappers from the Miami area up there {Hi, marlene & Olga!} and we are going to paint the town. I haven't decided yet if we should use acrylics or Glimmer Mist or what. {I can hear the groans now ~ that was a bad joke, wasn't it!?} I want to get some fun shopping done, but I have nothing I really want on my wish list. Any ideas?

I went shopping yesterday with another new scrapper friend from Miami: Martica. She showed me some of her amazing paperbag albums, which you can check out on her YouTube Channel: Marticaluv11 We had lunch, and we checked out a store in the area called Scrapyland. It's actually the warehouse for an online store, but if they are there & filling orders, they will let you in to shop. It was fun! I got some new Nestabilities to feed my Nestie addiction:

Labels Eleven:

Labels Thirteen:

And I picked up a couple of the Tim Holtz Texture Fades. I want almost all of these embossing folders, but they're not all readily available. I really like the four I got, though, and I can't wait to play around with them. I want to dry emboss some of my white tags and use alcohol inks on them. I think it will turn out really cool!

Burlap & Swirls:

Checkerboard & Cracked:

And last, but not least, I got some fun stamps from the Unity Stamp Company. I like the stamp companies that are doing the unmounted red rubber stamps. I like how they are easy to store, easy to place & give such a great crisp image. They combine the things I love about rubber & acrylic stamps & are really the best of both worlds for me. I also love the Tim Holtz unmounted red rubber stamps & the Hero Arts Clings which are the same idea.

Beach Days & Sun Rays:

Love Grows:

Margarita Moments:

And I also grabbed a reinker for my "Victorian Velvet" Distress Ink pad. My "Victorian Velvet" pad was practically dry when it arrived, so it needed re-inking, and I also wanted the reinker to make my own "Pashmina" Glimmer Mist copy since I have burned through two bottles already & it was a seasonal {and, therefore, discontinued} color.

"Pashmina" is a warm purplish pink with a golden pink glimmer & I love it! I was starting to panic about running out of it since it has been discontinued, but I think I can make a pretty close approximation of it this way. I already figured out how to make "Iridescent Gold" with water, Gum Arabic and two shades of PearlEx, so I am slowly figuring out recipes for my most used colors.

Maybe the reason I can't figure out what to buy at Scrapbook Expo is because I just went shopping!? :D

Enjoy the rest of your weekends, everyone! See you soon! :D

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

REMINDER: Fifth Month of Christmas Winner!

Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach!

This is just a reminder that the winner of the Fifth Month of Christmas Prima "May Shower" giveaway MUST EMAIL ME at with their address BEFORE FRIDAY in order to claim their prize.

The winner of the "May Showers" Prima flower goodie bag is Comment #33:

mickeymouse200430 said...

I am new at mini albums and love watching your videos. They give me great idea's and instructions. Please keep doing them. Thank you

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 1:46:00 PM

CONGRATULATIONS, Mickey!!! :D :D :D Please contact me at before Friday, May 21, 2010 with the address where you'd like me to send the flowers. If you do not contact me before Friday, May 21, 2010, the flowers will go to another entrant.

If you didn't win this time around, there are still seven months of Christmas left to go! See you the first Monday in June for the Sixth Month of Christmas!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Fifth Month of Christmas Winner Announced!

Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach! I'm back in Florida & am not driving to DC/VA for the rest of 2010. If people want to see me, then they can just come here.

I have the winner of the Fifth Month of Christmas Giveaway, chosen for me by!

::drumroll, please::

The winner of the "May Showers" Prima flower goodie bag is Comment #33:

mickeymouse200430 said...

I am new at mini albums and love watching your videos. They give me great idea's and instructions. Please keep doing them. Thank you

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 1:46:00 PM

CONGRATULATIONS, Mickey!!! :D :D :D Please contact me at before Friday, May 21, 2010 with the address where you'd like me to send the flowers. If you do not contact me before Friday, May 21, 2010, the flowers will go to another entrant.

If you didn't win this time around, there are still seven months of Christmas left to go! See you the first Monday in June for the Sixth Month of Christmas!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Friday, May 14, 2010

On the Road Again ...

... back to Virginia. Again. Man am I tired of I-95.

Anyways, so I didn't get a chance to select a winner in the flurry of packing, although I did close the comments. I'll post the winner later when I have access to a computer again, but it's kind of hard to do in a car on an iPhone. :)


Monday, May 10, 2010

New video + NSD Revenge Challenges Update + Fifth Month of Christmas + My Computer is a Thankless Wench

Hi, everyone! This post is kind of long, so bear with me. :)

So, I decided to spend the weekend scrapbooking and working on my blog {yes, I also called my mom and wished her a happy Mother's Day} and finishing my "Revenge Challenges" and doing the next layout in the "World of Wonder" album and ... well you get the idea. I had lots of stuff to do, and lots of it involved my computer actually, I don't know, working properly.

Which, I suppose, was just asking too much.

First, I spent an afternoon working on the "World of Wonder" album, filming as I created the second layout in the book. When I went to edit the video, Adobe Premiere Elements {my video editing software} told me the raw file was corrupted & couldn't be imported into the program. Now, Adobe Premiere Elements is kind of a temperamental program, so I decided to try and open the file in Windows Media Player {that was the file format, anyway} and it also told me it was corrupted and unplayable.

So, no step-by-step video for Part Three. Sigh.

I ended up filming a second video after that. It's an overview of the layout, explaining what I did to create it. I've included the video below & if you have any questions about it, just let me know & I'll try to answer them. Sorry about that, but technology was against me this weekend.

My computer problems didn't stop there, of course. I went to print photos so I could complete the rest of my "Revenge Challenges" from National Scrapbook Day on The Beach, but my computer couldn't find our external hard drive, even though it is on our network and Mr. Lifeguard's computer can find it just fine. After spending several hours trying to get it to work, Mr. Lifeguard finally had to stop trying to get it to work because he was *this close* to putting a sledgehammer through it.

The gist of this is that I can't print photos because the only place I have photo editing software installed is on my desktop & my desktop can't get to my photos. So, I am posting my finished challenges without photos in some cases. Bad me, but what can you do when your computer turns against you? So here's what I came up with:

NSD Revenge Challenge #1: Blind Stash Grab

The challenge for this layout was to create a layout using only items I took from my stash with my eyes closed. This one wasn't actually that bad since I had just finished organizing my scraproom, so I was able to control what I chose pretty well & not end up with anything too heinous.

This is the layout I created with the items I took from my stash. When my computer is cooperating again, I will mat a photo of my stuffed monkeys on that piece of book paper & it will be done!

NSD Revenge Challenge #2: NSD 2010

The challenge for this layout was to create a page using photos and quotes from the NSD 2010 celebration on The Beach.

I prepared the above digital layout, because I wanted everyone to have a copy if they were interested. It is available for you to download in the "Scrapbook Related" section of the Forum on The Beach site: Commemorative Layout. So if you'd like your own copy to commemorate the event, it is available over there!

NSD Revenge Challenge #3: Monochromatic Challenge

The challenge for this layout was to complete a page using only elements of one color.

In the above layout, I used pictures of my family from the beach Christmas 2008. My first inclination was to use blue since that is the predominant color in the pictures, but I changed my mind at the last minute & went with orange. Blue and orange are opposite each other on the color wheel, so the orange background made the blue photos really pop & created a dynamic layout, even though it has no embellishments.

NSD Revenge Challenge #4: Handmade Garden Layout

The challenge for this layout was to complete a page about a garden, using only handmade embellishments.

In the above layout, I printed out a screenshot of the "All Photos" page on The Beach and titled it "Creative Garden". I then made the three flowers from paper & called it a day. I disliked this challenge intensely because I do not enjoy making handmade embellishments {which is why I rarely do it & therefore suck at it}. I think if this was the only way to scrapbook, then I would not be a scrapbooker.

NSD Revenge Challenge #5: Triplet Challenge

This challenge was to make a layout, a tag and a card that incorporated all the same elements and embellishments. So, or example, if I used a flower on the layout, then I also needed to use a flower on the tag and the card.

In this challenge, I cheated a little bit. I made a 12"x12" "tag" that was a copy of the above layout. I mailed that "tag" to Dawn Edwards who is pictured on the layout & is the creator of the challenge. I also enclosed the card i made with the tag and the prizes she won from NSD. Unfortunately, I boxed them up and sent them off before I took a picture of all three of them together, but I can at least show you the layout.

NSD Revenge Challenge #6: Spring Cleaning Challenge

This challenge was to make a layout using some of the oldest stuff in my stash.

I have not even been scrapbooking for four years, so none of my stuff is all that old. However, I did recently unearth some Heidi Swapp ghost shapes that are some of the oldest things in there. I also used one of the first fonts of Thickers I ever purchased, so that's another older stash item. This one also has no pics because of the computer being a thankless wench.

So that's it for the "Revenge" Challenges! I hope you enjoyed seeing what I can up with & there are many hours of UStream recorded from NSD weekend where you can see me working on some of these challenges: Live on the {Scrap}beach.

Whew! I am exhausted already from this Tolstoy-long blog post. Are you guys still with me? Are your eyes tired? Did you pass out from low blood sugar?

If you're still with me, it's time to announce the prize for the Fifth Month of Christmas. This month's prize was inspired by the age old saying, "April showers bring May flowers" and it is some packs of Primas!

The winner will receive the above pictured Primas to do with as they please. To be entered to win the "May Flowers" prize pack, simply leave a comment on this post before 11:59 p.m. Miami, FL USA time {GMT/UTC-4} on Thursday, May 13th. I will post the winner first thing on Friday morning!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

NSD Recap & Update

Hi, everyone! I am still in recovery mode from National Scrapbook Day ~ how are you all feeling!? As soon as I had recovered from the crop itself, it was time to announce the winners & now I am in recovery mode from packing and shipping prizes!

I hope to post my responses to the NSD "Revenge Challenges" by Monday of next week. Monday of next week is also when I hope to post the "Fifth Month of Christmas" prize offering as well. It will give me a few things to work on this weekend ~ finishing layouts & putting prizes together.

I don't know when I'll post another part of the "World of Wonder" album as I have a lot of irons in the fire right now, but I'll be sure to update you here so you know it's ready!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it. Unless you're too tired. Then take a nap.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May 2010 NSD Crop Challenge #12: No Pictures? No Problem!

May 2010 NSD Crop Challenge #12: No Pictures? No Problem!

For the twelfth challenge, you must create a layout that has NO pictures. Pick an event that you have no pictures for and scrap it. Remember the day through your journaling and choice of embellishments.

The prize for this challenge is Canon Pixma iP600. If the winner is a USA resident, they will receive the printer. If the winner lives outside the USA, they will receive a gift card to the online scrapbooking store of their choice. No exceptions! If you are in the USA & already have a photo printer, you are not eligible for a gift card. If you do not agree, then please do not enter this challenge.

To participate, create a layout that has no pictures. Instead, remember the events through journaling. The layout may be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", etc.} and can be either a one-page or two-page layout.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission below by 9:00 p.m. on Monday, May 3, 2010. The link can either be to a photo of your entry in the gallery here, or to a video on YouTube or to your personal blog ~ wherever!

Remember that you have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday {that's Miami, FL EST USA time which is GMT/UTC-4} so you have until then to submit an entry for each challenge. Prize winners will be announced Monday and posted on a new May NSD 2010 Crop Prize Winners thread in the forum.

The prize for this challenge is a photo printer, or a gift card, depending on country of residence. See above for details.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the May 2010 Crop Challenge #12! You can link to the photo on the beach, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed, or to the video if you have done one for YouTube.

1. Charlotte D  12. Sarah (sweetpeascrapbooking)  
2. Brandy Norris  13. Katie  
3. Carol  14. Jennifer Hawkins  
4. Cass Young  15. Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs  
5. Cindy Roderique  16. BEverly Steele  
6. tiffany morgan  17. Sandra Perdomo  
7. Kathy (felkatz)  18. Jenn Sloane  
8. DeAnna Yaritz  19. Tammy B  
9. Suzieqtt  20. Amy Versprille  
10. Lety  21. Penny Pudge  
11. Chelle B  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

May 2010 NSD Crop Challenge #11: I {Heart} Challenges!

May 2010 NSD Crop Challenge #11: I {Heart} Challenges!

The eleventh challenge is to create a project using your favorite past challenge. If you just joined, look back at the past challenges and complete one: Monthly Virtual Crop Challenges and Entires. If you’ve been here since the beginning, then go back to your favorite challenge. It must be a NEW project! You can’t link back to what you made with the challenge if you have done it before.

To participate, create a layout or project using your favorite past challenge. It must be a NEW project! The layout may be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", etc.} and can be either a one-page or two-page layout. This challenge also lends itself well to a card, art journal page or other art project.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission below by 9:00 p.m. on Monday, May 3, 2010. The link can either be to a photo of your entry in the gallery here, or to a video on YouTube or to your personal blog ~ wherever!

Remember that you have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday {that's Miami, FL EST USA time which is GMT/UTC-4} so you have until then to submit an entry for each challenge. Prize winners will be announced Monday and posted on a new May NSD 2010 Crop Prize Winners thread in the forum.

Prizes for this challenge are an Attempt Creativity "Cinderella" Kit from Kristin Gagliardi and an Attempt Creativity "You Are My Sunshine" Kit from Kristin Gagliardi.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the May 2010 Crop Challenge #11! You can link to the photo on the beach, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed, or to the video if you have done one for YouTube.

1. tiffany morgan  11. Sarah (sweetpeascrapbooking)  
2. Carol  12. Gina  
3. Beth Miller  13. Dawn Edwards  
4. Cindy Roderique  14. Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs  
5. Kay  15. Beverly Steele  
6. Kathy (felkatz)  16. Sandra Perdomo  
7. DeAnna Yaritz  17. Tara  
8. Suzieqtt  18. Jenn Sloane  
9. Lety  19. Emma Marion  
10. Cass Young  20. Penny Pudge  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

May 2010 NSD Crop Challenge #10: May Day!

May 2010 NSD Crop Challenge #10: May Day!

For the tenth challenge, you must create a layout using items in three’s. Want to use a flower? Good, but you have to use three of them. Bling? Fine, but there must be three. If you use it once, you must use it two other times.

To participate, create a layout using items that are in three‘s. The layout may be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", etc.} and can be either a one-page or two-page layout.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission below by 9:00 p.m. on Monday, May 3, 2010. The link can either be to a photo of your entry in the gallery here, or to a video on YouTube or to your personal blog ~ wherever!

Remember that you have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday {that's Miami, FL EST USA time which is GMT/UTC-4} so you have until then to submit an entry for each challenge. Prize winners will be announced Monday and posted on a new May NSD 2010 Crop Prize Winners thread in the forum.

Prizes for this challenge are a Grungeboard Goodie Bag fromBeth, and a mystery goodie bag from DeAnna Yaritz.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the May 2010 Crop Challenge #10! You can link to the photo on the beach, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed, or to the video if you have done one for YouTube.

1. Charlotte D  8. Dawn Edwards  
2. Cass Young  9. Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs  
3. Kathy (felkatz)  10. Beverly Steele  
4. Suzieqtt  11. Jenn Sloane  
5. Lety  12. Jennifer Hawkins  
6. Carol  13. Sarah (sweetpea)  
7. Tammy B  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

May 2010 NSD Crop Challenge #9: Tag! You’re It!

May 2010 NSD Crop Challenge #9: Tag! You’re It!

For the ninth challenge, you must create a project using a tag. It can be a layout, card, etc. The only requirement is that it must include a tag.

To participate, create a layout or project that includes a tag. The layout may be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", etc.} and can be either a one-page or two-page layout. This challenge also lends itself well to a card, art journal page or other art project.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission below by 9:00 p.m. on Monday, May 3, 2010. The link can either be to a photo of your entry in the gallery here, or to a video on YouTube or to your personal blog ~ wherever!

Remember that you have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday {that's Miami, FL EST USA time which is GMT/UTC-4} so you have until then to submit an entry for each challenge. Prize winners will be announced Monday and posted on a new May NSD 2010 Crop Prize Winners thread in the forum.

Prizes for this challlenge are beads and custom charm dangles from Crystal Biby, and a Supply Kit from Tammy.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the May 2010 Crop Challenge #9! You can link to the photo on the beach, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed, or to the video if you have done one for YouTube.

1. Cass Young  14. Sarah (sweetpeascrap)  
2. Brandy Norris  15. Tammy B  
3. Carol  16. Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs  
4. Charlotte D  17. Beverly Steele  
5. Beth Miller  18. Lucy Bourque  
6. Cindy Roderique  19. Tara  
7. Gina  20. Dawn Edwards  
8. tiffany morgan  21. Sandra P  
9. Kathy (felkatz)  22. Jennifer Hawkins  
10. Taffy  23. Jenn Sloane  
11. DeAnna Yaritz  24. Emma Marion  
12. Suzieqtt  25. Amy Versprille  
13. Chelle B  26. Lety  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

May 2010 NSD Crop Challenge #8: I {Heart} My Scrap Space!

May 2010 NSD Crop Challenge #8: I {Heart} My Scrap Space!

For the eighth challenge, use your scrap space as inspiration. Is your scrap space nice and organized? Then make a clean layout. Is your scrap room painted with certain colors? Then use those colors. Let your space inspire you.

You can scrap your space using pictures that some of you took during last month’s crop. Which ever way you go, let your space guide you.

To participate, create a layout that is inspired by your scrapping heaven. The layout may be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", etc.} and can be either a one-page or two-page layout.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission below by 9:00 p.m. on Monday, May 3, 2010. The link can either be to a photo of your entry in the gallery here, or to a video on YouTube or to your personal blog ~ wherever!

Remember that you have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday {that's Miami, FL EST USA time which is GMT/UTC-4} so you have until then to submit an entry for each challenge. Prize winners will be announced Monday and posted on a new May NSD 2010 Crop Prize Winners thread in the forum.

Prizes for this challenge include two bottles of Glimmer Mist from Dawn Edwards, and 25 6"x9" newsprint paper bags, 12 newsprint coin envelopes & 12 mini newsprint envelopes from Jamie.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the May 2010 Crop Challenge #8! You can link to the photo on the beach, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed, or to the video if you have done one for YouTube.

1. Charlotte D  10. Lety  
2. Carol  11. Chelle B  
3. Cass Young  12. Suzieqtt  
4. Beth Miller  13. Tammy B  
5. tiffany morgan  14. Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs  
6. Dawn Edwards  15. Beverly Steele  
7. Kathy (felkatz)  16. Jenn Sloane  
8. Brandy Norris  17. Sarah (sweetpea)  
9. DeAnna Yaritz  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

May 2010 NSD Crop Challenge #7: ABC’s of Scrapbooking

May 2010 NSD Crop Challenge #7: ABC’s of Scrapbooking

The seventh challenge is to pick a letter in the alphabet and use it to create a layout. Be careful, though! You can only use items that begin with that letter. For example, if you should choose the letter B: bling, brads, buttons, Bazzil, blue, brown, black, and so on.

To participate, create a layout that includes items that begin with the letter of your choice. The layout may be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", etc.} and can be either a one-page or two-page layout.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission below by 9:00 p.m. on Monday, May 3, 2010. The link can either be to a photo of your entry in the gallery here, or to a video on YouTube or to your personal blog ~ wherever!

Remember that you have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday {that's Miami, FL EST USA time which is GMT/UTC-4} so you have until then to submit an entry for each challenge. Prize winners will be announced Monday and posted on a new May NSD 2010 Crop Prize Winners thread in the forum.

Prizes for this challenge include a Lollipop Flower kti from Tara, and a Stampin Up! goodie bag from Debi.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the May 2010 Crop Challenge #7! You can link to the photo on the beach, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed, or to the video if you have done one for YouTube.

1. Sandra Perdomo  10. Gina  
2. Charlotte D  11. Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs  
3. cass Young  12. Beverly Steele  
4. Beth Miller  13. Jenn Sloane  
5. Kathy (felkatz)  14. Sarah (sweetpea)  
6. DeAnna Yaritz  15. Dawn Edwards  
7. Carol  16. Sherri Tremblay  
8. Suzieqtt  17. Jennifer Hawkins  
9. Tammy B  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

May 2010 NSD Crop Bonus Challenge #2: Chirp! Chirp!

May 2010 NSD Crop Bonus Challenge #2: Chirp! Chirp!

Cricut owners, here is your challenge. Create a layout using cuts from at least three different Cricut cartridges. You can use however many cuts you want from each cartridges, but there must be three cartridges used total.

The winner of this challenge will win Provo Craft “Life’s A Beach” Cricut cartridge!

To participate, create a layout that has cuts from at least three different Cricut cartridges. The layout may be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", etc.} and can be either a one-page or two-page layout.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission below by 9:00 p.m. on Monday, May 3, 2010. The link can either be to a photo of your entry in the gallery here, or to a video on YouTube or to your personal blog ~ wherever!

Remember that you have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday {that's Miami, FL EST USA time which is GMT/UTC-4} so you have until then to submit an entry for each challenge. Prize winners will be announced Monday and posted on a new May NSD 2010 Crop Prize Winners thread in the forum.

The prize for this challenge is a Cricut "Life's a Beach" cartridge to feed your machine.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the May 2010 Cricut Cartridge Crop Challenge! You can link to the photo on the beach, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed, or to the video if you have done one for YouTube.

1. Charlotte D  8. Cindy Roderique  
2. crystalangel  9. DeAnna Yaritz  
3. Sandra P  10. Sarah (sweetpea)  
4. Penny Pudge  11. Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs  
5. Dawn Edwards  12. Beverly Steele  
6. Beth Miller  13. Hope Simpson  
7. Kathy (felkatz)  14. Jennifer Hawkins  

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May 2010 NSD Crop Bonus Challenge #1: Kick Me!

May 2010 NSD Crop Bonus Challenge #1: Kick Me!

Don’t have a die-cutting machine? Then this is your challenge! For this challenge, you must create a project that includes three hand-cut embellishments. It can be a flower, flourish, top note shape, etc. It MUST be hand cut with scissors/craft knife.

The winner of this challenge will win a Big Kick and some dies to get you started. How cool is that? The winner must pay for shipping the Big Kick. Kathryn will pay to ship the dies. If you do not agree to pay for shipping, then please do not enter this challenge.

To participate, create a layout or project by handcutting three items. The layout may be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", etc.} and can be either a one-page or two-page layout. This challenge also lends itself well to a card, art journal page or other art project.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission below by 9:00 p.m. on Monday, May 3, 2010. The link can either be to a photo of your entry in the gallery here, or to a video on YouTube or to your personal blog ~ wherever!

Remember that you have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday {that's Miami, FL EST USA time which is GMT/UTC-4} so you have until then to submit an entry for each challenge. Prize winners will be announced Monday and posted on a new May NSD 2010 Crop Prize Winners thread in the forum.

Prize for this challenge is a Sizzix BigKick + some dies.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the May 2010 BigKick Crop Challenge! You can link to the photo on the beach, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed, or to the video if you have done one for YouTube.

1. Kathy (felkatz)  11. Suzieqtt  
2. Penny Pudge  12. Heather Mitchell  
3. tiffany morgan  13. Cass Young  
4. Dawn Edwards  14. Sarah (swwetpeascrap)  
5. Betty S  15. Veronica  
6. Brandy Norris  16. Judy  
7. Carol  17. Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs  
8. Beth Miller  18. Beverly Steele  
9. Charlotte D  19. Jennifer Hawkins  
10. Alexis Martinez  20. Cindy Roderique  

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May 2010 NSD Crop Challenge #6: Happy Mother’s Day!

May 2010 NSD Crop Challenge #6: Happy Mother’s Day!

The sixth challenge is to make a project that is either for a mother or involves a mother. Are you a mom? Well, create a layout with you and your children. With Mother’s Day approaching, you can also make something for your mom. Let’s make mom happy with this challenge!

To participate, create a layout or project that involves a mom. It can either be for your mom or layout with you and your children. The layout may be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", etc.} and can be either a one-page or two-page layout. This challenge also lends itself well to a card, art journal page or other art project.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission below by 9:00 p.m. on Monday, May 3, 2010. The link can either be to a photo of your entry in the gallery here, or to a video on YouTube or to your personal blog ~ wherever!

Remember that you have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday {that's Miami, FL EST USA time which is GMT/UTC-4} so you have until then to submit an entry for each challenge. Prize winners will be announced Monday and posted on a new May NSD 2010 Crop Prize Winners thread in the forum.

Prizes for this challenge include a Crop-A-Dile Big Bite from Rita, and a mystery prize from Jenn/LTC.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the May 2010 Crop Challenge #6! You can link to the photo on the beach, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed, or to the video if you have done one for YouTube.

1. Charlotte D  15. Taffy  
2. crystalangel  16. DeAnna Yaritz  
3. Jennifer H  17. Suzieqtt  
4. Betty S  18. Brandy Norris  
5. tiffany morgan  19. Lety  
6. Sandra Perdomo  20. Chelle B  
7. Carol  21. Sarah (sweetpeascrap)  
8. Kathy (felkatz)  22. Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs  
9. Beth Miller  23. Beverly Steele  
10. Tammy B  24. Dawn Edwards  
11. Tracey  25. Jenn Sloane  
12. Kay  26. Emma Marion  
13. Cindy Roderique  27. Sherri Tremblay  
14. susan  28. Penny Pudge  

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May 2010 NSD Crop Challenge #5: Think outside the box!

May 2010 NSD Crop Challenge #5: Think outside the box!

The fifth challenge is to create a project with NO squares or rectangles. You can use circles, triangles, octagons, etc. I don’t want to see any right angles!

To participate, create a layout or project that is not a square or a rectangle. The layout may be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", etc.} and can be either a one-page or two-page layout. This challenge also lends itself well to a card, art journal page or other art project.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission below by 9:00 p.m. on Monday, May 3, 2010. The link can either be to a photo of your entry in the gallery here, or to a video on YouTube or to your personal blog ~ wherever!

Remember that you have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday {that's Miami, FL EST USA time which is GMT/UTC-4} so you have until then to submit an entry for each challenge. Prize winners will be announced Monday and posted on a new May NSD 2010 Crop Prize Winners thread in the forum.

Prizes for this challenge include a mystery prize from Kristen, and a Crop-A-Dile with case from Rita.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the May 2010 Crop Challenge #5! You can link to the photo on the beach, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed, or to the video if you have done one for YouTube.

1. kathy (felkatz)  13. Lety  
2. Charlotte D  14. Chelle B  
3. Sandra Perdomo  15. Sarah (sweetpeascrap)  
4. tiffany morgan  16. Judy  
5. Dawn Edwards  17. Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs  
6. Carol  18. Beverly Steele  
7. Beth Miller  19. Jennifer Hawkins  
8. Tracey  20. Jenn Sloane  
9. Brandy Norris  21. Emma Marion  
10. Sherri Tremblay  22. Amy Versprille  
11. DeAnna Yaritz  23. Cindy Roderique  
12. Suzieqtt  

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May 2010 NSD Crop Challenge #4: Color Crazy!

May 2010 NSD Crop Challenge #4: Color Crazy!

The fourth challenge is to create a project using two primary colors and their secondary color. Primary colors are red, blue, and yellow. Secondary colors are green (blue + yellow), orange (red + orange), and purple (red + blue). You can use any shade of these colors (i. e. light blue, pink, pale yellow, etc), but you must pick two primary colors and use their secondary color. You can not mix any of the colors (no blue green, etc). You can
also use black and white.

To participate, create a layout or project that has two primary colors and their secondary color. The layout may be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", etc.} and can be either a one-page or two-page layout. This challenge also lends itself well to a card, art journal page or other art project.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission below by 9:00 p.m. on Monday, May 3, 2010. The link can either be to a photo of your entry in the gallery here, or to a video on YouTube or to your personal blog ~ wherever!

Remember that you have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday {that's Miami, FL EST USA time which is GMT/UTC-4} so you have until then to submit an entry for each challenge. Prize winners will be announced Monday and posted on a new May NSD 2010 Crop Prize Winners thread in the forum.

Prizes for this challlenge include a mini album kit from Hope, and a mystery prize from Dawn-Marie.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the May 2010 Crop Challenge #4! You can link to the photo on the beach, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed, or to the video if you have done one for YouTube.

1. Kathy (felkatz)  13. Carol  
2. Dawn Edwards  14. Sarah (sweetpea)  
3. Nanda Pauwels  15. Judy  
4. Kay  16. Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs  
5. Beth Miller  17. Beverly Steele  
6. Gina  18. Lucy Bourque  
7. Brandy Norris  19. Jenn Sloane  
8. Alexis Martinez  20. Cindy Roderique  
9. Penny Pudge  21. Jennifer Hawkins  
10. DeAnna Yaritz  22. Sherri Tremblay  
11. Suzieqtt  23. Amy Versprille  
12. Lety  

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May 2010 NSD Crop Challenge #3: I {Heart} Sketches!

May 2010 NSD Crop Challenge #3: I {Heart} Sketches!

The second challenge is to create a project using this sketch:

To participate, create a layout or project that is based on the above sketch. You may adapt the sktch to be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", etc.}, stretch it accommodate a two-page layout, shrink it to make a card, etc.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission below by 9:00 p.m. on Monday, May 3, 2010. The link can either be to a photo of your entry in the gallery here, or to a video on YouTube or to your personal blog ~ wherever!

Remember that you have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday {that's Miami, FL EST USA time which is GMT/UTC-4} so you have until then to submit an entry for each challenge. Prize winners will be announced Monday and posted on a new May NSD 2010 Crop Prize Winners thread in the forum.

Prizes for this challenge include a nail goodies from Hope {two sets, one set per winner}.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the May 2010 Crop Challenge #3! You can link to the photo on the beach, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed, or to the video if you have done one for YouTube.

1. Kathy (felkatz)  9. suzieqtt  
2. Sandi  10. Chelle B  
3. Sandra Perdomo  11. Sarah (sweetpea)  
4. tiffany morgan  12. Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs  
5. Brandy Norris  13. Beverly Steele  
6. Nanda Pauwels  14. Lucy Bourque  
7. Beth Miller  15. Jenn Sloane  
8. Sherri Tremblay  16. Cindy Roderique  

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May 2010 NSD Crop Challenge #2: Stencil This!

May 2010 NSD Crop Challenge #2: Stencil This!

The second challenge is to create a project using a stencil and make your own pattern paper. You can use any kind of stencil (glimmer screen, Tim Holtz mask, etc). Or you can make your own stencil. Use anything to color the stencil: Glimmer Mist, ink, color pencils, etc.

To participate, create a layout or project using your own pattern paper made with a stencil. The layout may be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", etc.} and can be either a one-page or two-page layout. This challenge also lends itself well to a card, art journal page or other art project.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission below by 9:00 p.m. on Monday, May 3, 2010. The link can either be to a photo of your entry in the gallery here, or to a video on YouTube or to your personal blog ~ wherever!

Remember that you have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday {that's Miami, FL EST USA time which is GMT/UTC-4} so you have until then to submit an entry for each challenge. Prize winners will be announced Monday and posted on a new May NSD 2010 Crop Prize Winners thread in the forum.

Prizes for this challenge include a mystery prize from Tiffany, and a mini album kit from Hope.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the May 2010 Crop Challenge #2! You can link to the photo on the beach, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed, or to the video if you have done one for YouTube.

1. Penny Pudge  10. Tammy B  
2. Kathy (felkatz)  11. Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs  
3. Brandy Norris  12. Beverly Steele  
4. Cass Young  13. Jenn Sloane  
5. Kay  14. Beth Miller  
6. DeAnna Yaritz  15. Emma Marion  
7. Suzieqtt  16. Jennifer Hawkins  
8. Carol  17. Cindy Roderique  
9. Sarah (sweetpea)  

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