
Saturday, December 19, 2009

It's Snowing! *UPDATED*

Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach!

After many hours on the road, I made it to my final holiday destination! I am very tired and very achy. It was a pretty bad drive ~ I got rained on the whole time {buckets and buckets ~ Miami is flooded right now!} and then as soon as I got here, it immediately started dumping piles and piles of snow on me! :) It is officially too cold for me. Yikes!

UPDATE: We have been upgraded from a Winter Storm Warning to a Blizzard Warning by the National Weather Service! They have all the trucks on the road, but the snow is falling two inches per hour and they cannot keep up with even the highways. My sister and I were going to finish up Christmas shopping today, but instead we're drinking hot chocolate and are buried in a snow drift while we watch the news on the weather. :)

I hope you're all staying warm and dry this holiday season!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.


  1. Glad you had a safe (even if it was horrible) trip. Have fun with your family. I have my fingers crossed that you'll be going home with a Cricut!

  2. Be safe and Warm Kathryn!
    I hope it is OK, I gave your blog address in a Youtube video I did. When I announced the winner to my adhesive bundle I told the ladies about how you compared Glossy Accents and Diamond Glaze. Merry Cricut-mas and
    Scrappy New Year! Hugz- Joyce

  3. Happy holidays Kathryn, and i really hope santa is bringing you the cricut!!! Well we all know you deserve it. And I am sure Santa knows as well. We also have a lot of snow over here and I love it.. enjoying it while it last they say it will be raining next week. Warm wishes for you and your family, Hugs from the netherlands- Gina

  4. I am so happy you arrived safely to your destination!
    Since you were a nice scrapbooker this year, Santa will propably bring you a cricut!!
    Enjoy the holidays and the snow!!
    MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR for you and your family!!Be always healthy and creative,among people who love and care about you!
    love from Greece,Lena

  5. Glad you got there safe :) Oh we know you just looove the snow ;) lol. We are getting some right now too :)

  6. The weather man called it a major snow storm! I'm glad you made it safely there. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas.

  7. I'm glad you made it there safely! I am loving the snow and hope we get more! :) Have a very Merry Christmas with your family!

  8. UPDATE: We have been upgraded from a Winter Storm Warning to a Blizzard Warning by the National Weather Service! They have all the trucks on the road, but the snow is falling two inches per hour and they cannot keep up with even the highways. My sister and I were going to finish up Christmas shopping today, but instead we're drinking hot chocolate and are buried in a snow drift while we watch the news on the weather. :)


    Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

  9. So Glad you arrive to your final destination safely. I love to watch the snow fall but I absolutely hate it when I have to drive in it. We are at 18 inches of snow and it is still coming down here in Virginia. Yikes!!!! Soooo keep warm and be safe. Take care and happy holidays to you and your family. Hugs, Friday

  10. Glad you made it! Did I tell you it was cold here!!! LOL

  11. Glad you had a safe journey! Keep warm and have a wonderful Christmas! Alyson x

  12. So glad that although it was a long journey, you made it safely. We make ours on the 24th and I am not really looking forward to it.

  13. Glad you made it to your families. Enjoy your holiday vacation, hope Santa is good to you, you've been a good girl (?) no...?
    Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas, not pc I realize and don't
    take care and have a safe trip...♥
