
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Some Snow Pics

Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach! Nothing beachlike about the weather here, though ~ brrr!

I am still snowed in. We managed to dig out my sister's Jeep {didn't required as much digging as my car, since it's a 4 Wheel Drive SUV} and get some food, but my car remains buried in a snow drift. My brother is coming with his truck {big, black, Dodge Ram} later today to dig/push me out. So I should be free by this evening! Yay! In the meantime, I thought I'd share some pictures of the snow with you!

Anyone care for a stroll? :) This is the view from my sister's balcony of the sidewalk that runs past her building. I just took this picture a few minutes ago, so there's already been a good deal of melting and shoveling going on.

Here's a picture of her swimming pools. Looks inviting, yes? :) Notice the drifts along the fence?

And this is a decorative footbridge she has in her complex's shared area. You can't even see the little stream/valley thing it crosses.

I hope you're staying warm & enjoying your families from the comfort of a sweater this holiday season!

Merry Cristmas!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.


  1. wow that is a lot of snow!! hope you get your car out ok!! Merry Christmas :)

  2. Oh wow! Those are some amazing pictures of the snow you are in. Definitely be safe when you get your car out! Talk to you more later!

    Merry Christmas!

  3. Thanks for sharing Kathryn!

  4. How wonderful for you Kathryn! A real white Christmas enjoy it and bring me back a little snow, please LOL. Hope you have fun and sunny Miami is here waiting for you. MERRY CHRISTMAS.
