... or are Charlie Sheen and Tom Cruise now virtually indistinguishable in text?
Fun for you: Cats Quote Charlie Sheen.
~Kathryn :D
Monday, February 28, 2011
New Video: Policy Envelope Pocket Tutorial
Hi, everyone!
I have a new tutorial for you guys. This is one of the new pockets from the "Steampunk Debutante" album. This is the Policy Envelope Silhouette Pocket {for lack of a real title ~ lol}. A tutorial on the expandable accordion folder pocket is also in the works.
If you'd like to learn how to make the policy envelope pocket thingy, I uploaded a tutorial over on my YouTube channel this weekend: Policy Envelope Tutorial. You can check it out on YouTube or down below:
I hope you enjoyed the video & the completed project. I'll be crossing that tutorial off my "to do" list! Also, I started the "Le Cirque" mini and have already created a tent folder pocket thingy, which you can check out at the links below:
"Family Cirucs" Album, Part One
"Family Cirucs" Album, Part Two
"Family Cirucs" Album, Part Three
For details on my UStream show, including links and showtimes, check out the "Watch Me Live!" section on the right sidebar.
~Kathryn :D
Ahead of the game. For once.
I have a new tutorial for you guys. This is one of the new pockets from the "Steampunk Debutante" album. This is the Policy Envelope Silhouette Pocket {for lack of a real title ~ lol}. A tutorial on the expandable accordion folder pocket is also in the works.
If you'd like to learn how to make the policy envelope pocket thingy, I uploaded a tutorial over on my YouTube channel this weekend: Policy Envelope Tutorial. You can check it out on YouTube or down below:
I hope you enjoyed the video & the completed project. I'll be crossing that tutorial off my "to do" list! Also, I started the "Le Cirque" mini and have already created a tent folder pocket thingy, which you can check out at the links below:
"Family Cirucs" Album, Part One
"Family Cirucs" Album, Part Two
"Family Cirucs" Album, Part Three
For details on my UStream show, including links and showtimes, check out the "Watch Me Live!" section on the right sidebar.
~Kathryn :D
Ahead of the game. For once.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Recently Overheard in the Krieger-Jackson Household ...
Him: kisses me on inside of my wrist
Me: Why are you doing that!?
Him: Because I love you and wanted to kiss you.
Me: hmm . . .
Him: What?
Me: I suspect there is an ulterior motive for this action. Like maybe you have done something wrong and are trying to get me in a good mood before I discover it.
Him: Or maybe I just like you.
Me: Ha! A likely story. gets off bed, starts to leave room
Him: Where are you going?
Me: I'm going to write this latest infraction in my Things Mr. Lifeguard Did Wrong Today book.
Him: That must be a big book.
Me: Huge. I have to keep it in the spare room & use a wheelbarrow to move it around.
Me: Why are you doing that!?
Him: Because I love you and wanted to kiss you.
Me: hmm . . .
Him: What?
Me: I suspect there is an ulterior motive for this action. Like maybe you have done something wrong and are trying to get me in a good mood before I discover it.
Him: Or maybe I just like you.
Me: Ha! A likely story. gets off bed, starts to leave room
Him: Where are you going?
Me: I'm going to write this latest infraction in my Things Mr. Lifeguard Did Wrong Today book.
Him: That must be a big book.
Me: Huge. I have to keep it in the spare room & use a wheelbarrow to move it around.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
What's Next for UStream?
Hi, everyone! I have received a lot of comments regarding my Graphic 45 "Once Upon a Springtime" album & how much you enjoyed being able to see the whole thing come together in one uninterrupted {well, mostly ~ I did have to make that one emergency birthday card for my dad} series on my UStream Channel. I'm actually going to start another series just like that tomorrow, so I thought I'd post a little bit about what's coming up!
I just received my box with the new Graphic 45 "Le Cirque" and "Curtain Call" papers yesterday & am excited to be starting an 8"x8" chipboard album with the "Le Cirque" collection. The album is actually going to be a twist on the trditional family album theme ~ it's a family circus! :D I think it's a really fun idea & I am looking forward to starting it this afternoon.
This is the paper from the collection that I chose for the cover:

The album pages are cut down, covered with paper & are all prepped and ready to go. The edges have been inked, the holes punched & the eyelets set. It's just the fun part left ~ decorating! Yay!
I am live today and every Thursday from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and again from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on my UStream Channel: Live on the {Scrap}Beach!
All times are Eastern USA {Miami/New York}. To convert to your time zone, click here: Time Zone Converter.
Hope to see you there!
~Kathryn :D
Winning the war against unfinished projects. One UStream at a time.
I just received my box with the new Graphic 45 "Le Cirque" and "Curtain Call" papers yesterday & am excited to be starting an 8"x8" chipboard album with the "Le Cirque" collection. The album is actually going to be a twist on the trditional family album theme ~ it's a family circus! :D I think it's a really fun idea & I am looking forward to starting it this afternoon.
This is the paper from the collection that I chose for the cover:

The album pages are cut down, covered with paper & are all prepped and ready to go. The edges have been inked, the holes punched & the eyelets set. It's just the fun part left ~ decorating! Yay!
I am live today and every Thursday from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and again from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on my UStream Channel: Live on the {Scrap}Beach!
All times are Eastern USA {Miami/New York}. To convert to your time zone, click here: Time Zone Converter.
Hope to see you there!
~Kathryn :D
Winning the war against unfinished projects. One UStream at a time.
Monday, February 21, 2011
New Video: "Sisters" Album
Hi, everyone!
So, I am continuing with my path to unfinished projects/requests freedom! Last week I finished my "Sisters" gate fold album with a springtime feel using Graphic 45's "Once Upon a Springtime" paper collection. This wasn't an unfinished project, but finishing it for my friend's birthday {first week of March} kep it from ever becoming one. And I got to cross another project off my request list: Spring Mini.
If you'd like to see how to assemble the base of this album, I have a tutorial up my YouTube channel already: Gate Fold Album Tutorial.
The completed album is a 6"x9" chipboard album. It's bound on both sides using the Bind-It-All & 1.25" diameter o-wires. It wasn't easy to keep it flat enough to function, but I managed & I love how it turned out: Sisters Gate Fold Album.
I hope you enjoyed the video & the completed project. I worked on this project during my UStream show, so there won't be any YouTube step-by-step tutorials, but you can view the UStream recordings at the links below.
"Sisters" Album, Part One
"Sisters" Album, Part Two
"Sisters" Album, Part Three
"Sisters" Album, Part Four
"Sisters" Album, Part Five
"Sisters" Album, Part Six
"Sisters" Album, Part Seven
"Sisters" Album, Part Eight
"Sisters" Album, Part Nine
"Sisters" Album, Part Ten
"Sisters" Album, Part Eleven
For details on my UStream show, including links and showtimes, check out the "Watch Me Live!" section on the right sidebar.
~Kathryn :D
Ahead of the game. For once.
So, I am continuing with my path to unfinished projects/requests freedom! Last week I finished my "Sisters" gate fold album with a springtime feel using Graphic 45's "Once Upon a Springtime" paper collection. This wasn't an unfinished project, but finishing it for my friend's birthday {first week of March} kep it from ever becoming one. And I got to cross another project off my request list: Spring Mini.
If you'd like to see how to assemble the base of this album, I have a tutorial up my YouTube channel already: Gate Fold Album Tutorial.
The completed album is a 6"x9" chipboard album. It's bound on both sides using the Bind-It-All & 1.25" diameter o-wires. It wasn't easy to keep it flat enough to function, but I managed & I love how it turned out: Sisters Gate Fold Album.
I hope you enjoyed the video & the completed project. I worked on this project during my UStream show, so there won't be any YouTube step-by-step tutorials, but you can view the UStream recordings at the links below.
"Sisters" Album, Part One
"Sisters" Album, Part Two
"Sisters" Album, Part Three
"Sisters" Album, Part Four
"Sisters" Album, Part Five
"Sisters" Album, Part Six
"Sisters" Album, Part Seven
"Sisters" Album, Part Eight
"Sisters" Album, Part Nine
"Sisters" Album, Part Ten
"Sisters" Album, Part Eleven
For details on my UStream show, including links and showtimes, check out the "Watch Me Live!" section on the right sidebar.
~Kathryn :D
Ahead of the game. For once.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Another Finished Layout!
Hi, everyone!
I have another finished layout to share with all of you! Unfortunately, it hasn't gotten me any closer to my short-term goal of completing half my unfinished projects. :'( This is because I received a new unfinished project this week! Veronica sent me a beautiful mini album with a very unique ribbon binding that I am excited to share with all of you via video soon. I love it, it's gorgeous BUT that bumped my unfinished projects total to 42, so my completion of project number 17 got me exactly nowhere ~ lol! {I still love ya, though, Vron!}
So, here's the layout I finished last night during my UStream show:

This layout uses Basic Grey's "Lemonade" collection {one of my all-time favs} and features a picture of Mr. Lifeguard and me from the southernmost point of the continental USA in Key West, FL from Valentine's Day 2011. {And if that isn't some kind of speedy scrapping record, I don't know what is}
The main embellishments on this page are the button clusters on the left and the Jillibean Soup "journaling sprout" cluster on the right. I used the layered journaling spots to jot down little notes from our trip. This sort of informal journaling was a departure for me, but it was fun to do & I loved how it looked in the end.
Hope you all had a great V-Day, too & see you soon! I have two videos coming out soon, so stay tuned! One is the video of Vron's album & the other will be a video of the completed Graphic 45 "Once Upon a Springtime" gate-fold album.
For details on my UStream show, including links and showtimes, check out the "Watch Me Live!" section on the right sidebar.
See ya soon!
17/42 Unfinished Projects Completed
I have another finished layout to share with all of you! Unfortunately, it hasn't gotten me any closer to my short-term goal of completing half my unfinished projects. :'( This is because I received a new unfinished project this week! Veronica sent me a beautiful mini album with a very unique ribbon binding that I am excited to share with all of you via video soon. I love it, it's gorgeous BUT that bumped my unfinished projects total to 42, so my completion of project number 17 got me exactly nowhere ~ lol! {I still love ya, though, Vron!}
So, here's the layout I finished last night during my UStream show:

This layout uses Basic Grey's "Lemonade" collection {one of my all-time favs} and features a picture of Mr. Lifeguard and me from the southernmost point of the continental USA in Key West, FL from Valentine's Day 2011. {And if that isn't some kind of speedy scrapping record, I don't know what is}
The main embellishments on this page are the button clusters on the left and the Jillibean Soup "journaling sprout" cluster on the right. I used the layered journaling spots to jot down little notes from our trip. This sort of informal journaling was a departure for me, but it was fun to do & I loved how it looked in the end.
Hope you all had a great V-Day, too & see you soon! I have two videos coming out soon, so stay tuned! One is the video of Vron's album & the other will be a video of the completed Graphic 45 "Once Upon a Springtime" gate-fold album.
For details on my UStream show, including links and showtimes, check out the "Watch Me Live!" section on the right sidebar.
See ya soon!
17/42 Unfinished Projects Completed
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Finished Layouts!
Hi, everyone!
Today I wanted to share with you some layouts I finished yesterday. These six layouts had been sitting in my unfinished projects bin, needing either photos, journaling or both. It was nice to just sit down and get them all complete and into albums.
Downtown Miami:

This is a layout designed based on a sketch by Becky Fleck from her book PageMaps. I designed it to record some of my first impressions of Miami, FL.
Tess's Christening:

This is a layout designed by Dawn Edwards for a layout challenge she and Kim completed during one of the WWSDivas webshows. I used it for "behind the scenes" photos of my friend Katie's daughter's Christening.
Summer Reading:

This is a layout from NSD 2010. It was completed as part of the "Revenge Challenges" the gals on The Beach designed for me. This is a picture of me reading a book & the layout is about how much I love to read.
10 Little Monkeys:

This is a layout from NSD 2010. It was completed as part of the "Revenge Challenges" the gals on The Beach designed for me. This is a picture of some of my monkey friends.
Birthday Girl:

This is a layout designed by Kim Davis during a layout challenge she and Dawn completed during one of the WWSDivas webshows. I used it to record my thoughts on turning 30.
Halloween 2009:

This is a layout from Halloween 2009. These are pictures from a party I threw with my sister & all the different characters that came to the party.
So that's those six layouts done & they're already in albums. I also put into albums all the finished layouts I had that were just sitting in my unfinished projects bin. As of right now, I only have one unfinished 12"x12" layout left to do & that's only because I couldn't get the photo for that one to fit on the same sheet as all the other photos. Since I didn't want to use a whole sheet of photo paper for one layout, that one will have to wait a bit.
So my total is now 14 of 41 unfinished projects complete. That's 34% of the way through! I am excited!!!
~Kathryn :D
unfinished projects, eat my dust!
Today I wanted to share with you some layouts I finished yesterday. These six layouts had been sitting in my unfinished projects bin, needing either photos, journaling or both. It was nice to just sit down and get them all complete and into albums.
Downtown Miami:

This is a layout designed based on a sketch by Becky Fleck from her book PageMaps. I designed it to record some of my first impressions of Miami, FL.
Tess's Christening:

This is a layout designed by Dawn Edwards for a layout challenge she and Kim completed during one of the WWSDivas webshows. I used it for "behind the scenes" photos of my friend Katie's daughter's Christening.
Summer Reading:

This is a layout from NSD 2010. It was completed as part of the "Revenge Challenges" the gals on The Beach designed for me. This is a picture of me reading a book & the layout is about how much I love to read.
10 Little Monkeys:

This is a layout from NSD 2010. It was completed as part of the "Revenge Challenges" the gals on The Beach designed for me. This is a picture of some of my monkey friends.
Birthday Girl:

This is a layout designed by Kim Davis during a layout challenge she and Dawn completed during one of the WWSDivas webshows. I used it to record my thoughts on turning 30.
Halloween 2009:

This is a layout from Halloween 2009. These are pictures from a party I threw with my sister & all the different characters that came to the party.
So that's those six layouts done & they're already in albums. I also put into albums all the finished layouts I had that were just sitting in my unfinished projects bin. As of right now, I only have one unfinished 12"x12" layout left to do & that's only because I couldn't get the photo for that one to fit on the same sheet as all the other photos. Since I didn't want to use a whole sheet of photo paper for one layout, that one will have to wait a bit.
So my total is now 14 of 41 unfinished projects complete. That's 34% of the way through! I am excited!!!
~Kathryn :D
unfinished projects, eat my dust!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Ready for Scrappybowl!?
Hi, everyone!
I just wanted to remind you that tomorrow we are having a Superbowl Party on my UStream Channel! Since I am not into the whole football thing & don't plan on watching the Superbowl, we will be having a Scrappybowl instead! This year the Superbowl will be on Sunday, February 6, 2011 with kickoff at 6:30 PM Eastern USA time. So that's when we'll kick-off our UStream show! The show will run during the Superbowl.
We'll have UStream during the game, fun chatting & some random prize drawings. So if you've been less than impressed with the Superbowl commercials lately, come join us for some scrapping instead!
~Kathryn :D
P.S. UStream details such as links and times can be found on the right side-bar under "Watch me live!"
P.P.S. The Superbowl Party is in lieu of the February Virtual Crop, so there will be no crop this month.
I just wanted to remind you that tomorrow we are having a Superbowl Party on my UStream Channel! Since I am not into the whole football thing & don't plan on watching the Superbowl, we will be having a Scrappybowl instead! This year the Superbowl will be on Sunday, February 6, 2011 with kickoff at 6:30 PM Eastern USA time. So that's when we'll kick-off our UStream show! The show will run during the Superbowl.
We'll have UStream during the game, fun chatting & some random prize drawings. So if you've been less than impressed with the Superbowl commercials lately, come join us for some scrapping instead!
~Kathryn :D
P.S. UStream details such as links and times can be found on the right side-bar under "Watch me live!"
P.P.S. The Superbowl Party is in lieu of the February Virtual Crop, so there will be no crop this month.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Cards for Alyssa and Tatiana + An Update
Hi, everyone! A few of you have asked about sending cards for Alyssa, Tatiana {or both!} and I think that is awesome and that she would really love them. :D She is a scrapbooker at heart, but with all her tiny tots she doesn't get much crafty time. She loves handmade cards, though, so I know she will really treasure them.
She is doing better every day. Yesterday she was able to come off her IV and catheter and she is just improving with leaps and bounds. She may be home in just a day!
When I first posted on The Beach about what was going on with Alyssa, Jill posted a comment on the thread with my address for anyone who wanted to send cards for Alyssa and Tatiana: Alyssa Update Thread. If you're a member of The Beach, you'll be able to see the thread and get my address there. If you're not a member of The Beach member, but would still like to send a card, please just send me an email at thescrapbeach@gmail.com and I will write you back with my info. I'll collect the cards & send Alyssa a care package after she returns home. :D
I'll be making cards for both Alyssa and Tatiana during tomorrow's afternoon UStream. I am going to make a pretty card for Tatiana & for Alyssa I have something a little bit silly in mind, so come join us for fun and chatting and see what I've got planned! :D The show starts at 2:00 PM Eastern USA time and will be recorded. You can check out my UStream Channel here: UStream Linky.
Thanks again to all of you who have kept Alyssa and her family in your thoughts and prayers. And also, thank you so much, to the generous souls who asked about sending cards. You guys are just so awesome!
~Kathryn :D
She is doing better every day. Yesterday she was able to come off her IV and catheter and she is just improving with leaps and bounds. She may be home in just a day!
When I first posted on The Beach about what was going on with Alyssa, Jill posted a comment on the thread with my address for anyone who wanted to send cards for Alyssa and Tatiana: Alyssa Update Thread. If you're a member of The Beach, you'll be able to see the thread and get my address there. If you're not a member of The Beach member, but would still like to send a card, please just send me an email at thescrapbeach@gmail.com and I will write you back with my info. I'll collect the cards & send Alyssa a care package after she returns home. :D
I'll be making cards for both Alyssa and Tatiana during tomorrow's afternoon UStream. I am going to make a pretty card for Tatiana & for Alyssa I have something a little bit silly in mind, so come join us for fun and chatting and see what I've got planned! :D The show starts at 2:00 PM Eastern USA time and will be recorded. You can check out my UStream Channel here: UStream Linky.
Thanks again to all of you who have kept Alyssa and her family in your thoughts and prayers. And also, thank you so much, to the generous souls who asked about sending cards. You guys are just so awesome!
~Kathryn :D
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
New Video: Steampunk 8"x8" Album + Alyssa Update
Hi, everyone!
I completed yet another project last night & am excited to share it with you! This mini is one I have been working on for a long time, but it is finally done now ~ yay! Before I get into that, though, I wanted to give you all the latest update on Alyssa.
Alyssa has been moved out of the ICU. That is two days earlier than her doctors expected, so she is progressing toward full recovery rapidly & impressing everyone with her progress. We are hoping that she will soon be home with her family and her new baby!
Now, onto the scrapping. :D I uploaded a video of my Graphic 45 "Steampunk Debutante" 8"x8" album over on my YouTube channel. You can view the album below, or you can follow this link to watch it on YouTube: Steampunk Debutante Album.
Thanks so much for watching the video & I hope you enjoy the album!
~Kathryn :D
Slightly less Steampunk-y!
I completed yet another project last night & am excited to share it with you! This mini is one I have been working on for a long time, but it is finally done now ~ yay! Before I get into that, though, I wanted to give you all the latest update on Alyssa.
Alyssa has been moved out of the ICU. That is two days earlier than her doctors expected, so she is progressing toward full recovery rapidly & impressing everyone with her progress. We are hoping that she will soon be home with her family and her new baby!
Now, onto the scrapping. :D I uploaded a video of my Graphic 45 "Steampunk Debutante" 8"x8" album over on my YouTube channel. You can view the album below, or you can follow this link to watch it on YouTube: Steampunk Debutante Album.
Thanks so much for watching the video & I hope you enjoy the album!
~Kathryn :D
Slightly less Steampunk-y!
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