Here are just ten of the forty-one unfinished projects/necessary tasks I unearthed/wrote down Monday:
1. Hook up Epson R1900 to new computer so I can print photos. Should take about five minutes. Why isn't this done already? I blame Mr. Lifeguard. He is falling down on his tech support job.
2. Hook up Cricut to new computer so I can use my SCAL2 again. Also Mr. Lifeguard's fault as he claims the Cricut's cord is too short to reach to the new computer. I suppose I need to either buy a new cord or rearrange the scraproom. Will figure this out eventually.
3. Make a video of the Beachiversary mini albums. It arrived during the peak of Christmas kit season, so it is still in the box it arrived in. Shocking!

4. Take the 17 completed 12"x12"/12"x24" layouts I have sitting in a pile and put them into an album already, what the hell is wrong with me!? Why are these not in albums!? Hello!?

5. Take the 7 incomplete 12"x12"/12"x24" layouts and add photos/journaling/whatever and get those suckers into an album. Really. What is the problem here. It's not hard.

6. Figure out some kind of tag storage/display as all the tags I have received in swaps are still sitting in boxes waiting for a permanent home.

7. Stop joining swaps until I am caught up on everything. I need to clear out the old unfinished projects to make room for new unfinished projects.
8. Finish the last page/video in the "World of Wonder" mini album series. I don't know what I'll do with the album after that, but at least it will be in condition to sell, if I want to put it on eBay or whatever. Or I could put photos in it, whatever. Although that whole "whatever" thinking is probably what got me here!

9. Finish altering my box of wings. This was a box I got to put very small layouts in ~ a tiny photo, a little journaling, an embellishment or two. For the things I wanted to remember but were maybe too small for a whole layout. I still love the concept ~ just need to get 'er done!

10. Finish adding photos and journaling to the "Welcome Home" album. I only have one page left to do before it's done. It's just a matter of printing the photos and adding the journaling.

During my Monday Night Scrapping show, I pulled out another one of my many projects to finish ~ the Maya Road/Cosmo Cricket tree album. I'm calling it "Love Birds" and it is going to be a variety of pictures of Mr. Lifeguard and me. I'll be working on it over the next few UStreams & I think it's going to be a really cute one!

As for the rest of the inccomplete projects, here's a run down of the numbers:
1. 17 finished 12"x12"/12"x24" layouts which have photos, journaling, etc., that are just waiting to be put into albums. Counted as one item under the "album organization" heading. :D
2. 7 unfinished 12"x12"/12"x24" layouts which need photos, journaling or both before they can be put into an album.
3. 3 altered items. I have a box, a dressform and a canvas. The box is above & here's a look at the canvas. It would be gorgeous hanging on a wall all framed and decorated and pretty. It's not so awesome on my floor:

4. 30 {!} mini albums that need to be repaired, finished or have photos, journaling or both added. Some are my creations and some I received from swaps.
One of the things I realized going through everything is that not every project needs to be completed. Some of them could be salvaged for supplies {there are ones that I just don't know what I was thinking when I started them}, others could be turned into RAKs or gifts, some sold and then others can be kept for myself. Regardless of what is done with some of them, I have given myself permission to reduce the number. My goal isn't to stress myself out finishing everything, so much as it is to make final decisions about the fate of some items that I have been holding onto for a very long time & get them out of the unfinished projects bin and into their final home.
What do you think? Can I reduce this number drastically in the next six months? Already since I compiled the list I have repaired two mini albums to finish them off & so my total outstanding projects number is down from 41 to 39 at this point.
It's going to be long climb out of this hole, but once I get some stuff done I think I will be really happy. It will be nice to print photos, finish these layouts and minis & basically have completed albums or home decor. Plus, I can gain some more storage by clearing out the unfinished projects bin, which would be very nice.
So that's the goal ~ we'll see how it goes!
~Kathryn :D
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.