Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach! I hope you all had a great weekend!
I have a new video for you today! I've gotten the final part in my current video series loaded over on my YouTube channel and it is ready for viewing.
I've been working on a Cosmo Cricket Blackboard album for a trade mini. The shape I chose was "Gracie's Album" and it is roughly 4"x6" and flourished. I have been using primarily the Basic Grey "Urban Prairie" collection to decorate the pages. I have also incorporated quite a few items from my stash of buttons, ribbons and bling. Because I have incorporated quite a few butterflies into this mini, I have been calling it the "Butterfly Love" album. I hope you enjoy the video & thanks for watching!
Thanks for watching & visiting my blog!
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
New Video: Butterfly Love, Part Four
Hi & TGIF, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach!
I have a new video for you today! I've gotten the fourth part in my current video series loaded over on my YouTube channel and it is ready for viewing.
I've been working on a Cosmo Cricket Blackboard album for a trade mini. The shape I chose was "Gracie's Album" and it is roughly 4"x6" and flourished. I have been using primarily the Basic Grey "Urban Prairie" collection to decorate the pages. I have also incorporated quite a few items from my stash of buttons, ribbons and bling. Because I have incorporated quite a few butterflies into this mini, I have been calling it the "Butterfly Love" album. I hope you enjoy the video & thanks for watching!
Thanks for visiting my blog & have a great weekend!
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
I have a new video for you today! I've gotten the fourth part in my current video series loaded over on my YouTube channel and it is ready for viewing.
I've been working on a Cosmo Cricket Blackboard album for a trade mini. The shape I chose was "Gracie's Album" and it is roughly 4"x6" and flourished. I have been using primarily the Basic Grey "Urban Prairie" collection to decorate the pages. I have also incorporated quite a few items from my stash of buttons, ribbons and bling. Because I have incorporated quite a few butterflies into this mini, I have been calling it the "Butterfly Love" album. I hope you enjoy the video & thanks for watching!
Thanks for visiting my blog & have a great weekend!
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I Finally Finished!
Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach!
I have finally finished The Meaning of Night: A Confession by Michael Cox. I started this book in August, and I was seriously afraid it was going to turn into another Bee Keeper's Apprentice {by Laurie King} but it didn't. It did take me six weeks to finish it, but since it took me almost three months to get through Bee Keeper's Apprentice, I figured this one came out a little ahead.

Now, it has just been brought to my attention that Michael Cox has written a sequel to The Meaning of Night, and, while I will not be rushing out to purchase it, I will be putting it on my Amazon Wishlist. Just because it took me a while to read this book, does not mean that it wasn't a good book. Just that it was dense and not a book that lent itself to staying up all night frantically turning the pages. Nevertheless, I did enjoy it for the most part, although I was getting a little sick and tired of it toward the end.
I can't decide what to read next. I am kind of done with the whole British murder mystery genre for a while, I think, and am at a loss for what to pick up next. I looked over my "To Read" pile when I finished The Meaning of Night but nothing jumped out at me. Probably because my brain was totally fried this weekend from the all-night crop.
So what are you reading?
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
I have finally finished The Meaning of Night: A Confession by Michael Cox. I started this book in August, and I was seriously afraid it was going to turn into another Bee Keeper's Apprentice {by Laurie King} but it didn't. It did take me six weeks to finish it, but since it took me almost three months to get through Bee Keeper's Apprentice, I figured this one came out a little ahead.

Now, it has just been brought to my attention that Michael Cox has written a sequel to The Meaning of Night, and, while I will not be rushing out to purchase it, I will be putting it on my Amazon Wishlist. Just because it took me a while to read this book, does not mean that it wasn't a good book. Just that it was dense and not a book that lent itself to staying up all night frantically turning the pages. Nevertheless, I did enjoy it for the most part, although I was getting a little sick and tired of it toward the end.
I can't decide what to read next. I am kind of done with the whole British murder mystery genre for a while, I think, and am at a loss for what to pick up next. I looked over my "To Read" pile when I finished The Meaning of Night but nothing jumped out at me. Probably because my brain was totally fried this weekend from the all-night crop.
So what are you reading?
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
Monday, September 21, 2009
New Video: Butterfly Love, Part Three
Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach!
I have a new video for you today, as well as an announcement. Our virtual crop over at the Life on the {Scrap}beach web community was so popular and such a success, that we will be having one once a month. They will be held on the first Saturday of the month starting at 9:00 p.m. {that's Miami, FL USA time} and wrapping up at 3:00 a.m. the next morning. Live video feed into my scraproom, as well as live chat with other scrappers, will be available on my site and on my Ustream channel. The next one will be on Saturday, October 3, starting at 9:00 p.m.
So, onto the video! I've gotten the next part in my current video series loaded over on my YouTube channel and it is ready for viewing. I've been working on a Cosmo Cricket Blackboard album for a trade mini. The shape I chose was "Gracie's Album" and it is roughly 4"x6" and flourished. I have been using primarily the Basic Grey "Urban Prairie" collection to decorate the pages. I have also incorporated quite a few items from my stash of buttons, ribbons and bling. Because I have incorporated quite a few butterflies into this mini, I have been calling it the "Butterfly Love" album. I hope you enjoy the video & thanks for watching!
Thanks for visiting my blog & have a great day!
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
I have a new video for you today, as well as an announcement. Our virtual crop over at the Life on the {Scrap}beach web community was so popular and such a success, that we will be having one once a month. They will be held on the first Saturday of the month starting at 9:00 p.m. {that's Miami, FL USA time} and wrapping up at 3:00 a.m. the next morning. Live video feed into my scraproom, as well as live chat with other scrappers, will be available on my site and on my Ustream channel. The next one will be on Saturday, October 3, starting at 9:00 p.m.
So, onto the video! I've gotten the next part in my current video series loaded over on my YouTube channel and it is ready for viewing. I've been working on a Cosmo Cricket Blackboard album for a trade mini. The shape I chose was "Gracie's Album" and it is roughly 4"x6" and flourished. I have been using primarily the Basic Grey "Urban Prairie" collection to decorate the pages. I have also incorporated quite a few items from my stash of buttons, ribbons and bling. Because I have incorporated quite a few butterflies into this mini, I have been calling it the "Butterfly Love" album. I hope you enjoy the video & thanks for watching!
Thanks for visiting my blog & have a great day!
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
All-Night Crop Was a Success!
Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach!
We had our all-night crop on Friday from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Saturday morning, and it was a complete success. My husband and I figured out a way to show a live video feed from my scraproom, so everyone could see what I was doing. We had a chat going in the video scraproom as well, so it was fun to all comment and share links.
Since everyone had so much fun, I am sure we will be doing this again, although probably not as long of a crop ~ we were definitely all very tired by the time 6:00 a.m. rolled around! But we all chatted about the possibility of another one and everyone seemed to think that once a month would be about right. You do not need to be a member of the Life on the {Scrap}beach web community to view the video scraproom & chat, so I will post info about how to access that the next time we do this, for any of you who might want to join in the fun.
I'll be posting a new video tomorrow, so stay tuned for part three of the "Butterfly Love" mini album!
We had our all-night crop on Friday from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Saturday morning, and it was a complete success. My husband and I figured out a way to show a live video feed from my scraproom, so everyone could see what I was doing. We had a chat going in the video scraproom as well, so it was fun to all comment and share links.
Since everyone had so much fun, I am sure we will be doing this again, although probably not as long of a crop ~ we were definitely all very tired by the time 6:00 a.m. rolled around! But we all chatted about the possibility of another one and everyone seemed to think that once a month would be about right. You do not need to be a member of the Life on the {Scrap}beach web community to view the video scraproom & chat, so I will post info about how to access that the next time we do this, for any of you who might want to join in the fun.
I'll be posting a new video tomorrow, so stay tuned for part three of the "Butterfly Love" mini album!
Friday, September 18, 2009
TGIF + New Video!
Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach!
It's finall Friday ~ yay! Tonight is the night of our big crop over on the Life on the {Scrap}beach web community to celebrate crossing out 100 member milestone. I've got ten great challenges plannes and we have a few prizes as well. It start at 6:00 p.m. Miami time.
I've also got another video in the "Butterfly Love" mini album series edited and up on my YouTube channel for your viewing pleasure, although I still haven't printed any photos for the crop tonight {my super power is proscrastination}.
Thanks for watching & I hope to see you all at the crop tonight!
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
It's finall Friday ~ yay! Tonight is the night of our big crop over on the Life on the {Scrap}beach web community to celebrate crossing out 100 member milestone. I've got ten great challenges plannes and we have a few prizes as well. It start at 6:00 p.m. Miami time.
I've also got another video in the "Butterfly Love" mini album series edited and up on my YouTube channel for your viewing pleasure, although I still haven't printed any photos for the crop tonight {my super power is proscrastination}.
Thanks for watching & I hope to see you all at the crop tonight!
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Storing {and Using!} Those Scraps
Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach!
The other day I was chatting with a friend about scraps & whether or not we use them, how to store them, etc. She keeps her scraps, but doesn't use them ~ gasp! I used to be the same way, but I made some adjustments to how I store my scraps and now they are much more user-friendly. So, I thought that I would share my scrap storage system with you guys in case it will help you use your own scraps a little bit more.
I store my scraps in two Artbin One Compartment Super Satchels like the one below:

I keep my patterned paper scraps in one, and my cardstock scraps go in the other. Then I have large 12"x12" tabbed dividers I use to separate each bin by color:
1. Black & White
2. Natural {vanilla, kraft, browns, etc.}
3. Pink/Red
4. Yellow/Orange
5. Green
6. Blue
9. Purple
Now, the secret to me actually using my scraps has less to do with how they're stored and more to do with how they're cut. I used to keep all my scraps and I never used them. Now I only keep some of them & I use them all the time. The difference is in determining what to keep.
The first thing I do after completing a layout or dismantling a page kit is cut my scraps down into certain sizes. The sizes are different for patterned paper and cardstock, so I'll break it out by type.
1. I check to see if there are any scraps sized 8.5"x11" or larger. These I cut down into 8.5"x11" sheets and keep those in my paper racks with my other solid cardstock. This almost never happens.
2. Then I look for scraps sized 5.5"x8.5" or 4.25"x11" or larger {but smaller than 8.5"x11"} I cut those down into card bases and store them with my other card-making supplies. This gives me plenty of ready-to-go card bases in a variety of colors.
3. After those have been trimmed down and set aside, I look for any scraps large enough to cut into 4.5"x6.5" photo mats. These get filed in my Artbin by color.
4. Once I have sorted all those out, I cut the rest of the scraps down into 3.5"x5" pieces. These are great for smaller photos, for journaling spots, for tags and also for running through my diecut machine.
5. Any remaining scraps I run through my paper shredder. I collect these brightly colored shreds and use them as packing material for gifts.
Patterned Paper:
1. First off, I look for any scraps sized 8"x10" or larger. This is a good size for a large accent piece on a 12"x12" layout, and I use that size often on my layoutss, so it works well for me to have options in this size. Of course, I almost never have scraps this size, but when I do, I file these in my Artbin by color.
2. Then I look for scraps sized 8"x8" or larger {but smaller than 8"x10"} and I cut those down and file them away.
3. After those have been trimmed down and set aside, I look for any scraps large enough to cut into 4.25"x6.25" photo mats. I often like to use a piece of patterned paper between a photo and a cardstock mat, and this is a great size for that. This size also works very well for decorating the fronts of cards or the pages of mini albums.
4. I cut the rest of the scraps down into strips of 3"x6" or 2"x6" depending on how much I have left. These are great for accent pieces on a page, or for card accents, and they're especially great for decorating mini book pages.
5. Like the cardstock scraps, any remaining patterned paper scraps get run through my shredder to save for packing material for gifts.
So, what does all this math actually do to help me wth my scrapping!? It means that my scraps are all nice and neatly sorted into easy-to-grab and easy-to-use sizes. They're so handy that I can easily make cards and even entire mini albums just from scraps. If you've seen my Engagement Mini Album, it was made entirely from scraps stored in this method & sent to the bride in a box filled with brightly colored shredded material made from my scraps that were too small to save. What I like about this method is that all of the scraps are used, one way or another ~ either in projects or as packing material.
If you already have a great storage solution for storing and using your scraps, please let me know what it is. My solution works well for me, but it can always use some tweaking. ;) And if you store your scraps but don't use them, you might consider cutting them into sizes you frequently use in your scrapping or cardmaking. That will make them easy to grab for a project!
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
The other day I was chatting with a friend about scraps & whether or not we use them, how to store them, etc. She keeps her scraps, but doesn't use them ~ gasp! I used to be the same way, but I made some adjustments to how I store my scraps and now they are much more user-friendly. So, I thought that I would share my scrap storage system with you guys in case it will help you use your own scraps a little bit more.
I store my scraps in two Artbin One Compartment Super Satchels like the one below:

I keep my patterned paper scraps in one, and my cardstock scraps go in the other. Then I have large 12"x12" tabbed dividers I use to separate each bin by color:
1. Black & White
2. Natural {vanilla, kraft, browns, etc.}
3. Pink/Red
4. Yellow/Orange
5. Green
6. Blue
9. Purple
Now, the secret to me actually using my scraps has less to do with how they're stored and more to do with how they're cut. I used to keep all my scraps and I never used them. Now I only keep some of them & I use them all the time. The difference is in determining what to keep.
The first thing I do after completing a layout or dismantling a page kit is cut my scraps down into certain sizes. The sizes are different for patterned paper and cardstock, so I'll break it out by type.
1. I check to see if there are any scraps sized 8.5"x11" or larger. These I cut down into 8.5"x11" sheets and keep those in my paper racks with my other solid cardstock. This almost never happens.
2. Then I look for scraps sized 5.5"x8.5" or 4.25"x11" or larger {but smaller than 8.5"x11"} I cut those down into card bases and store them with my other card-making supplies. This gives me plenty of ready-to-go card bases in a variety of colors.
3. After those have been trimmed down and set aside, I look for any scraps large enough to cut into 4.5"x6.5" photo mats. These get filed in my Artbin by color.
4. Once I have sorted all those out, I cut the rest of the scraps down into 3.5"x5" pieces. These are great for smaller photos, for journaling spots, for tags and also for running through my diecut machine.
5. Any remaining scraps I run through my paper shredder. I collect these brightly colored shreds and use them as packing material for gifts.
Patterned Paper:
1. First off, I look for any scraps sized 8"x10" or larger. This is a good size for a large accent piece on a 12"x12" layout, and I use that size often on my layoutss, so it works well for me to have options in this size. Of course, I almost never have scraps this size, but when I do, I file these in my Artbin by color.
2. Then I look for scraps sized 8"x8" or larger {but smaller than 8"x10"} and I cut those down and file them away.
3. After those have been trimmed down and set aside, I look for any scraps large enough to cut into 4.25"x6.25" photo mats. I often like to use a piece of patterned paper between a photo and a cardstock mat, and this is a great size for that. This size also works very well for decorating the fronts of cards or the pages of mini albums.
4. I cut the rest of the scraps down into strips of 3"x6" or 2"x6" depending on how much I have left. These are great for accent pieces on a page, or for card accents, and they're especially great for decorating mini book pages.
5. Like the cardstock scraps, any remaining patterned paper scraps get run through my shredder to save for packing material for gifts.
So, what does all this math actually do to help me wth my scrapping!? It means that my scraps are all nice and neatly sorted into easy-to-grab and easy-to-use sizes. They're so handy that I can easily make cards and even entire mini albums just from scraps. If you've seen my Engagement Mini Album, it was made entirely from scraps stored in this method & sent to the bride in a box filled with brightly colored shredded material made from my scraps that were too small to save. What I like about this method is that all of the scraps are used, one way or another ~ either in projects or as packing material.
If you already have a great storage solution for storing and using your scraps, please let me know what it is. My solution works well for me, but it can always use some tweaking. ;) And if you store your scraps but don't use them, you might consider cutting them into sizes you frequently use in your scrapping or cardmaking. That will make them easy to grab for a project!
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
Monday, September 14, 2009
New Video: Butterfly Love, Part One
Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach!
I feel like I've been going in a million diferent directions lately ~ whew! I've been working on two minis for swapping in two different trade clubs in September {both are now finished, and, yes, I made videos ~ the first of which is posted below} as well as working hard on getting my new web community up and running. I've also been editing videos like crazy while preparing for our online crop coming up this Friday at 6:00 p.m. my time {Miami, FL USA} on the new site. Which reminds me, I still need to come up with a couple more challenges for the crop AND print photos like mad if I'm going to have anything to scrap on Friday.
Plus there was that promotion party for my husband, hosting the out of town guests who attended, and, oh, yeah, and I still need to eat, sleep, clean the kitchen, do laundry, and try to spend at least five minutes a day talking to this strange man who seems to have taken up residence in my house and insists on being fed and having clean underwear. It certainly doesn't help that I've been somehow sucked into the show Sanctuary on the Netflix Instant Queue. {Side note: does anyone else think it is really dumb that the SciFi channel changed their name to SyFy? What does that even mean!? So weird ...}
Anyway, all that is just a long-winded explanation for why things haven't been as exciting around here as usual. I've neglected my blog a wee bit, but I figured maybe no one would notice because they were all very busy with the whole "back to school/back to work" routine. Regardless, I've still managed to get a video for your viewing pleasure loaded over on my YouTube channel which is the first in a series of five of a new album I am calling the "Butterfly Love" album. Enjoy!
Thanks for watching!
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
I feel like I've been going in a million diferent directions lately ~ whew! I've been working on two minis for swapping in two different trade clubs in September {both are now finished, and, yes, I made videos ~ the first of which is posted below} as well as working hard on getting my new web community up and running. I've also been editing videos like crazy while preparing for our online crop coming up this Friday at 6:00 p.m. my time {Miami, FL USA} on the new site. Which reminds me, I still need to come up with a couple more challenges for the crop AND print photos like mad if I'm going to have anything to scrap on Friday.
Plus there was that promotion party for my husband, hosting the out of town guests who attended, and, oh, yeah, and I still need to eat, sleep, clean the kitchen, do laundry, and try to spend at least five minutes a day talking to this strange man who seems to have taken up residence in my house and insists on being fed and having clean underwear. It certainly doesn't help that I've been somehow sucked into the show Sanctuary on the Netflix Instant Queue. {Side note: does anyone else think it is really dumb that the SciFi channel changed their name to SyFy? What does that even mean!? So weird ...}
Anyway, all that is just a long-winded explanation for why things haven't been as exciting around here as usual. I've neglected my blog a wee bit, but I figured maybe no one would notice because they were all very busy with the whole "back to school/back to work" routine. Regardless, I've still managed to get a video for your viewing pleasure loaded over on my YouTube channel which is the first in a series of five of a new album I am calling the "Butterfly Love" album. Enjoy!
Thanks for watching!
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Life on the {Scrap}beach All Night Crop Scheduled!
Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach!
I am excited to announce that after less than three weeks live on the internet, my new web community has over 100 members! WOW! I am so excited to be sharing this crafty space with all you magnificent women. If you haven't had a chance to check out the site, I have included a video tour below:
To celebrate this milestone, I have joined with Regina and Lisa from the super duper awesome Craft Craving Chicas kit club to offer you a few chances to win one of their marvelous kits. They have graciously donated THREE fabulous kits to the Life on the {Scrap}beach web community to give away in celebration of our 100 member milestone! These ladies are so generous, I am overwhelmed, and I am sure you will all join me in going to their blog and leaving a comment with a huge "THANK YOU!" for their kindness to us here!
As many of you already know, Craft Craving Chicas offers unique and affordable limited edition kits on their website. These highly sought-after kits sell out in a matter of minutes because of their unique combination of products and very reasonable prices. Not only that, but Regina and Lisa are valued members of the community at Life on the {Scrap}beach and can be seen in and around the site leaving comments and praise and just chatting about scrapbooking. They are talented, down-to-earth women and add so much to the community with their creativity. I am proud to have them with us and wish them the best of luck in all their creative endeavors!
In addition to these kits, I will also be giving away my most popular project to date from my YouTube Channel during this celebration: the "Family" paper bag album! Some of the videos in this album series have been viewed over 3000 times, so I figure it must be pretty popular. :D
Now, I know what you are all wondering right now: "What do I have to do to get a chance to win this great stuff!?" It's easy! All you need to do is participate in the all night crop celebration we'll be having over at the web community to celebrate our 100 member milestone. It starts at 6:00 p.m., Friday, September 18th and continues until 6:00 a.m., Saturday, September 19th. These times are all Eastern US time.
Throughout the night and morning, I will be posting new threads with challenges as part of the Celebration Crop! You will have until 6:00 p.m. Sunday night to complete the challenges and leave a comment on the challenge thread with a link to your work. The link can be to photos you upload to the gallery there, or to a YouTube video, or to a post on your personal blog. At 6:00 p.m. on Sunday the 20th, I will close all the challenge threads and put the names of the participants into a hat. My husband will draw three winners and I will post the names here and over at the web community by 9:00 p.m. on Sunday night. Your name will go into the hat once for each challenge you participate in, so the more you participate, the more chances you have to win! Good luck to all of you!
Thank you again for making this blog and the web community everything it is today and another big thank you to Lisa and Regina from Craft Craving Chicas for being such great supporters of Life on the {Scrap}beach!
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
I am excited to announce that after less than three weeks live on the internet, my new web community has over 100 members! WOW! I am so excited to be sharing this crafty space with all you magnificent women. If you haven't had a chance to check out the site, I have included a video tour below:
To celebrate this milestone, I have joined with Regina and Lisa from the super duper awesome Craft Craving Chicas kit club to offer you a few chances to win one of their marvelous kits. They have graciously donated THREE fabulous kits to the Life on the {Scrap}beach web community to give away in celebration of our 100 member milestone! These ladies are so generous, I am overwhelmed, and I am sure you will all join me in going to their blog and leaving a comment with a huge "THANK YOU!" for their kindness to us here!
As many of you already know, Craft Craving Chicas offers unique and affordable limited edition kits on their website. These highly sought-after kits sell out in a matter of minutes because of their unique combination of products and very reasonable prices. Not only that, but Regina and Lisa are valued members of the community at Life on the {Scrap}beach and can be seen in and around the site leaving comments and praise and just chatting about scrapbooking. They are talented, down-to-earth women and add so much to the community with their creativity. I am proud to have them with us and wish them the best of luck in all their creative endeavors!
In addition to these kits, I will also be giving away my most popular project to date from my YouTube Channel during this celebration: the "Family" paper bag album! Some of the videos in this album series have been viewed over 3000 times, so I figure it must be pretty popular. :D
Now, I know what you are all wondering right now: "What do I have to do to get a chance to win this great stuff!?" It's easy! All you need to do is participate in the all night crop celebration we'll be having over at the web community to celebrate our 100 member milestone. It starts at 6:00 p.m., Friday, September 18th and continues until 6:00 a.m., Saturday, September 19th. These times are all Eastern US time.
Throughout the night and morning, I will be posting new threads with challenges as part of the Celebration Crop! You will have until 6:00 p.m. Sunday night to complete the challenges and leave a comment on the challenge thread with a link to your work. The link can be to photos you upload to the gallery there, or to a YouTube video, or to a post on your personal blog. At 6:00 p.m. on Sunday the 20th, I will close all the challenge threads and put the names of the participants into a hat. My husband will draw three winners and I will post the names here and over at the web community by 9:00 p.m. on Sunday night. Your name will go into the hat once for each challenge you participate in, so the more you participate, the more chances you have to win! Good luck to all of you!
Thank you again for making this blog and the web community everything it is today and another big thank you to Lisa and Regina from Craft Craving Chicas for being such great supporters of Life on the {Scrap}beach!
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
New Haul Video!
Hi, everyone! Just a quick post to let you know I just uploaded a quick haul video over on my YouTube channel. It's a couple kits I got in the mail last week.
Thanks for watching!
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
Thanks for watching!
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Swap Mini Albums Received
Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach!
I was looking through my mini albums the other day, and I realized that I have not shown you guys any of the minis I have received from my swap partners ~ only the minis I have sent off! So, I uploaded a video of the two albums I have received from my swap partners over on my YouTube channel. Here it is if you'd like to take a look:
If you'd like to take a look at these talented ladies' other work, I have included links to their blogs below:
Angela's blog: Scrap Sugar
Lisa'a blog: Scrappin' XOXO
Thanks for watching! I hope you enjoyed the video and seeing these awesome albums ~ I am so happy and lucky to have received them!
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
I was looking through my mini albums the other day, and I realized that I have not shown you guys any of the minis I have received from my swap partners ~ only the minis I have sent off! So, I uploaded a video of the two albums I have received from my swap partners over on my YouTube channel. Here it is if you'd like to take a look:
If you'd like to take a look at these talented ladies' other work, I have included links to their blogs below:
Angela's blog: Scrap Sugar
Lisa'a blog: Scrappin' XOXO
Thanks for watching! I hope you enjoyed the video and seeing these awesome albums ~ I am so happy and lucky to have received them!
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Giveaway Alert!
Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach!
Today I have a giveaway alert for you: Laura from Following the Paper Trail is giving away a kit to make one of her fabulous "Butterfly" albums.
If you have not seen her "Butterfly" album yet, you must take a look ~ it is gorgeous. I have posted it here for you to see:
To be eligible to win this kit, all you need to do is leave a comment on her blog here: Blog Candy and let her know how you are spreading the word about her blog and her giveaway. That's it!
Good luck, everyone!
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
Today I have a giveaway alert for you: Laura from Following the Paper Trail is giving away a kit to make one of her fabulous "Butterfly" albums.
If you have not seen her "Butterfly" album yet, you must take a look ~ it is gorgeous. I have posted it here for you to see:
To be eligible to win this kit, all you need to do is leave a comment on her blog here: Blog Candy and let her know how you are spreading the word about her blog and her giveaway. That's it!
Good luck, everyone!
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I Love to Read All Day
Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach! I hope you're enjoying the blog and have had a chance to check out my new web community where you can chat live with me and other scrappers, as well as share photots, videos and ideas.
Before I started this blog, I just had my YouTube channel to share projects and ideas. In March, I decided to keep track of all the books I read over the course of a year in a small album. I love to read, and I read a wide variety of books over the course of a year. Friends and family are always asking me for recommendations, and sometimes I forget the titles or authors of what I've read recently. I wanted to keep better track of what I had read and how I felt about it, so I created a 6"x6" postbound album where I could make a list of every book I read and include a rating as well.
In Part One and Part Two of the series, I created and decorated the outside of the album:
In Part Three of the series, I created the introductory page:
I just uploaded Part Four this morning, where I created the pages for the first four months of this list:
I am still reading and still keeping tack of what I read, so I will continue to update this album periodically over the next few months. I am very excited about this project and may do it each year ~ we'll see how I feel at the end of the year!
Thanks for watching!
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
Before I started this blog, I just had my YouTube channel to share projects and ideas. In March, I decided to keep track of all the books I read over the course of a year in a small album. I love to read, and I read a wide variety of books over the course of a year. Friends and family are always asking me for recommendations, and sometimes I forget the titles or authors of what I've read recently. I wanted to keep better track of what I had read and how I felt about it, so I created a 6"x6" postbound album where I could make a list of every book I read and include a rating as well.
In Part One and Part Two of the series, I created and decorated the outside of the album:
In Part Three of the series, I created the introductory page:
I just uploaded Part Four this morning, where I created the pages for the first four months of this list:
I am still reading and still keeping tack of what I read, so I will continue to update this album periodically over the next few months. I am very excited about this project and may do it each year ~ we'll see how I feel at the end of the year!
Thanks for watching!
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.
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