Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hello, My Name Is Kathryn ...

... and I am addicted to not finishing my scrapbook projects. Seriously. I just made a list and took pictures of every single unfinished project I had hanging around and/or things I needed to do in order to make some more progress in scrapping this year. The list is frighteningly long, and while some things could easily be finished in five minutes {which brings up the question of why they are not already finished} some will take much more work to bring to completion.

Here are just ten of the forty-one unfinished projects/necessary tasks I unearthed/wrote down Monday:

1. Hook up Epson R1900 to new computer so I can print photos. Should take about five minutes. Why isn't this done already? I blame Mr. Lifeguard. He is falling down on his tech support job.

2. Hook up Cricut to new computer so I can use my SCAL2 again. Also Mr. Lifeguard's fault as he claims the Cricut's cord is too short to reach to the new computer. I suppose I need to either buy a new cord or rearrange the scraproom. Will figure this out eventually.

3. Make a video of the Beachiversary mini albums. It arrived during the peak of Christmas kit season, so it is still in the box it arrived in. Shocking!

4. Take the 17 completed 12"x12"/12"x24" layouts I have sitting in a pile and put them into an album already, what the hell is wrong with me!? Why are these not in albums!? Hello!?

5. Take the 7 incomplete 12"x12"/12"x24" layouts and add photos/journaling/whatever and get those suckers into an album. Really. What is the problem here. It's not hard.

6. Figure out some kind of tag storage/display as all the tags I have received in swaps are still sitting in boxes waiting for a permanent home.

7. Stop joining swaps until I am caught up on everything. I need to clear out the old unfinished projects to make room for new unfinished projects.

8. Finish the last page/video in the "World of Wonder" mini album series. I don't know what I'll do with the album after that, but at least it will be in condition to sell, if I want to put it on eBay or whatever. Or I could put photos in it, whatever. Although that whole "whatever" thinking is probably what got me here!

9. Finish altering my box of wings. This was a box I got to put very small layouts in ~ a tiny photo, a little journaling, an embellishment or two. For the things I wanted to remember but were maybe too small for a whole layout. I still love the concept ~ just need to get 'er done!

10. Finish adding photos and journaling to the "Welcome Home" album. I only have one page left to do before it's done. It's just a matter of printing the photos and adding the journaling.

During my Monday Night Scrapping show, I pulled out another one of my many projects to finish ~ the Maya Road/Cosmo Cricket tree album. I'm calling it "Love Birds" and it is going to be a variety of pictures of Mr. Lifeguard and me. I'll be working on it over the next few UStreams & I think it's going to be a really cute one!

As for the rest of the inccomplete projects, here's a run down of the numbers:

1. 17 finished 12"x12"/12"x24" layouts which have photos, journaling, etc., that are just waiting to be put into albums. Counted as one item under the "album organization" heading. :D

2. 7 unfinished 12"x12"/12"x24" layouts which need photos, journaling or both before they can be put into an album.

3. 3 altered items. I have a box, a dressform and a canvas. The box is above & here's a look at the canvas. It would be gorgeous hanging on a wall all framed and decorated and pretty. It's not so awesome on my floor:

4. 30 {!} mini albums that need to be repaired, finished or have photos, journaling or both added. Some are my creations and some I received from swaps.

One of the things I realized going through everything is that not every project needs to be completed. Some of them could be salvaged for supplies {there are ones that I just don't know what I was thinking when I started them}, others could be turned into RAKs or gifts, some sold and then others can be kept for myself. Regardless of what is done with some of them, I have given myself permission to reduce the number. My goal isn't to stress myself out finishing everything, so much as it is to make final decisions about the fate of some items that I have been holding onto for a very long time & get them out of the unfinished projects bin and into their final home.

What do you think? Can I reduce this number drastically in the next six months? Already since I compiled the list I have repaired two mini albums to finish them off & so my total outstanding projects number is down from 41 to 39 at this point.

It's going to be long climb out of this hole, but once I get some stuff done I think I will be really happy. It will be nice to print photos, finish these layouts and minis & basically have completed albums or home decor. Plus, I can gain some more storage by clearing out the unfinished projects bin, which would be very nice.

So that's the goal ~ we'll see how it goes!

~Kathryn :D
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

New Video: Holiday Gift Tags

Hi, everyone! I'm here with my last video and blog post before I leave for vacation. Which is in an hour and sixteen minutes and I still haven't finished packing. Ugh! I am such a procrastinator.

I have my last frew little holiday projects for you. I finished the last two tags I needed to do, wrapped my presents & made a tiny little Christmas village. I think I'm all set for holiday projects for 2010.

The little village is actually an easel card, which I made with those little Maya Road chipboard houses. I painted them, embossed them & decorated the roofs with crackle paint and liquid pearls. The little glowing windows are white cardstock inked with "Scattered Straw" Distress Ink and then sprayed with "Jingle Bells" Glimmer Mist. The patterned paper came from the relatively new "Happy Together" paper collection from Fancy Pants Designs.

I made a video of my brother's tag coming together for my YouTube Channel. My sister's tag & this little house are also shown on the video, although not step-by-step. You can watch below or over on YouTube at this link: Last Holiday Projects.

I'm off to go finish packing and spend the week before Christmas with my family & with Mickey Mouse. I hope you all enjoy the coming week and the holidays. I'll see you on December 27th at 8:30 p.m. EST {GMT/UTC-5} for Monday Night Scrappin'!

Merry Christmas!

~Kathryn :D
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

New Video: Lucky Star Centerpieces

Hi, guys!

I have another little holiday project for you. Who knew after the Christmas Kit drama that I would still have enough Christmas spirit left for some more holiday projects? Of course I still have two more tags to do and presents to wrap but I still found time in my day to make over one hundred tiny paper stars yesterday.

Thanks to the Pottery Barn holiday catalog, these cute paper stars are popping up all over blog land. Here is my take on what you can do with these adorable little stars:

These stars are very easy to make & they're addicting! Although, if you DO get addicted, I promise you will be well over your addiction after you have made 100 of them. I feel sorry for the poor intern who had to make all the paper stars for the Pottery Barn photo shoot.

They're an origami fold commonly known as "lucky stars" and you can find a written tutorial here: Lucky Star Tutorial. I also made a video of these stars and centerpieces coming together for my YouTube Channel. You can watch below or over on YouTube at this link: Lucky Star Centerpiece.

These stars are pretty quick and easy to make & they would work well as filler for boxes, vases {what I used}, bowls and other home decor items. You could even turn them into little ornaments for your tree by adding a loop of ribbon to the top. This is also a project kids would enjoy. Well, at least I think they would. I really have no idea what I'm talking about on the kid issue, though, since my only kids are stuffed monkeys & I have a feeling they would be pretty bad at making paper stars:

See? I told you stuffed monkeys were terrible crafters. :D In fact, I'm pretty sure that all stuffed monkeys know how to do is get into trouble:

Merry Christmas!

~Kathryn :D
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Twelfth Month of Christmas Winner!

Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach! I have the winner of the Twelfth {and final!} Month of Christmas Giveaway, chosen for me by!

::drumroll, please::

The winner of my 2010 Christmas DVD + Manual is Entry #3: Jill! CONGRATULATIONS, Jill!!! :D :D :D Please contact me at by 11:59 PM Eastern USA time on Thursday, December 16, 2010 with the address where you'd like me to send the DVD. If you do not contact me by end of day Thursday, December 16, 2010, you will forfeit the prize.

Thanks so much for pplaying along this year! I had fun looking at all the entires to these challenge & I'm grateful for your support of my blog and my YouTube Channel!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Friday, December 10, 2010

New Video: Snows Days Mini Album

Hi, guys!

Yesterday I finished a paper bag mini album for a custom order. A client had ordered it for her son who will be having his first ever white Christmas this year. I recorded a video of the completed album for my YouTube channel. You can watch it below, or over on YouTube at this link: Snow Days Mini Album.

I hope she likes the finished album. This was a challenging one for me, as it was the first album I have ever made for a child. I do think it turned out cute in the end & it makes me smile with how cute it is!

~Kathryn :D
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

New Video: "Dad" Christmas Gift Tag

Hi, guys!

So, yesterday I decided to make another "Snow Bird" tag & use it as my mom's gift tag for her Christmas present this year. Well, that opened up a whole can of worms, of course, because now that means I have to make something similar for the rest of the family. If I don't there will be lots of screaming, tears & finger pointing & "you've always loved so-and-so more than me" and who needs that during the holidays? ;D

Bad news for me, but good news for my blog, as I recorded & edited a video of my Dad's tag coming together for my YouTube channel. You can watch it below, or over on YouTube at this link: Dad's Christmas Gift Tag.

My camera is apparently already on Christmas vacation, it seems, so there is a chunk missing from the middle. Luckily it was pretty uneventful as all I did was add some super old Daisy D's rub-ons and a loop of twine. {Yay, twine!} I hope you enjoy the video ~ I had a lot of fun making this tag & it actually came together pretty quickly and easily {despite the fact that I normally struggle with the whole masculine, grungy thing}. Phew!

I think my next tag to work on will be the one for my sister. You guys have any ideas for that one? I'm currently stumped.

~Kathryn :D
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

New Video: Snow Bird Tag

Hi, guys! Yesterday I did decide to make myself another "Snow Bird" tag, so I recorded & edited a video of it for my YouTube channel. You can watch it below, or over on YouTube at this link: Snow Bird Tag.

I hope you enjoy the video ~ I had a lot of fun making this tag! It was super chilly yesterday, so I was starting to actually get in a wintery mood.

~Kathryn :D
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December Inspiration

Hi, guys! I hope you're all enjoying the December challenge I posted Monday morning. I thought today that I'd post some inspiration for you!

But first, a confession: I am not the best Christmas present wrapper in the world. I think it's because, when you get right down to it, Christmas present wrapping is a form of engineering. And we all know that math is not my forte by any means. Last year my brother asked me to help him wrap some presents, mistakenly thinking that because I could scrapbook I could wrap presents. The look he gave me when I was done "helping" was priceless. Oops!

Anyways, this year I resolved to do better. I thought it might help if I didn't think of it so much as wrapping a present, but of decorating a canvas or large album page. That actually really did help me get past my mental roadblock & enabled me to create this:

The wrapping paper is from the bottom of my closet & I think is from Costco? Maybe? I don't really remember, but it was on a ginormous roll, so Costco is a good guess. The flowers are all from Wild Orchid Crafts and the tiny bows are from IKEA.

The IKEA link won't take you to the exact bows I used {because they were also from the bottom of my closet}, but they are selling very similar bows this year. But, they're just plain old Christmas bows anyways, which you can probably find in about a billion stores right now. Or possibly even make yourself if you are not a recovering bow loser, like I am. Although I did tie a bow without the Bow Easy during our Virtual Crop this past Saturday. Go me! Maybe there is still hope.

While we're on the subject of things I did during Saturday's crop, I also decorated that tag on the front of the present. You can watch the whole thing coming together in the UStream recording: Snow Bird Tag. I was very happy with how soft and subtle it came out. I think I might make another one to keep for myself!

I hope you enjoy my first scrapbook style present wrapping & I look forward to seeing what you guys make of the December challenge. Have a great day!

~Kathryn :D
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Monday, December 6, 2010

On the Twelfth Month of Christmas

Hi, everyone! Welcome to the twelfth and final "12 Months of Christmas" challenge giveaway! It's been a fun year of challenges and prizes to celebrate my YouTube 100,000 video views milestone. We're at the end now, but you still have one more chance to win.

The prize for this month's challenge is a copy of my 2010 Christmas DVD + Manual!

The challenge this month is simply to celebrate December ~ whether you make a holiday layout, a wintery layouts or simply a layout about a family tradition you enjoy each year around this time.

To participate, create a layout or project on the December theme. Your layout may be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", 6"x6", etc.} and can be either a one-page or two-page layout. To be considered "complete" layouts need to have photos and journaling & basically be ready to go into an album. This challenge also lends itself to cards, tags, home decor and many other projects.

You can submit up to three different links as long as 1) all the projects are new, created just for this challenge 2) the projects are substantially different from each other, 3) at least one of them must be a layout, complete with photos and journaling AND 4) each project must be linked separately ~ you can't combine them all in one link. Because of how the winners are selected, your name will need to appear on the list once for each project.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission BELOW using the InLinkz gadget following my signature. Links left in the comments will not be eligible to win ~ you must use InLinkz to enter. Entries must be posted by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, December 10, 2010. The link can be to a photo of your entry in an online gallery, or to a video on YouTube or to a post on your personal blog ~ wherever! I will post the winner first thing Saturday morning. The winner will have until 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, December 16th to claim the prize before it will be forfeited.

Winners will be selected by the random number generator, Entries will not be judged. Have fun creating with the challenge & I look forward to seeing what you make!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the Twelfth Month of Christmas giveaway challenge! You can link to a photo in a gallery, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed or to the video if you have done one for YouTube. Good luck!

1. Calendula  6. Veronica   
2. Jill Wroblewski  7. Crystal Biby  
3. Jill Wroblewski  8. Lety  
4. Jill Wroblewski  9. Lety  
5. Veronica   

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

So You Want to Make a Christmas Kit ...

... without losing your mind? And still make a profit? And stay out of divorce court? And not have to buy a new computer AND a new printer? Great! I have compiled a list below of helpful tips to get you started:

  1. Estimate how much time you think it will take to make the kits.

  2. Multiply that number to the tenth power.

  3. Estimate how much profit you think you'll make from the kits.

  4. Cut that number by 75%.

  5. Divide the revised profit by the revised time.

  6. Realize that you will only make $0.05 an hour for your time and effort.

  7. Go get drunk instead.

I am thinking about writing a book on this subject ~ what do you guys think? Will it be a bestseller? ;D

Right now, as I am typing, everything is sitting in the garage, packed into boxes & waiting for USPS to come pick it up in a few hours. My part of the Christmas extravaganza is complete & I am very happy and relieved to have my life back! LOL!

I know that last year I said I was never doing another Christmas kit & I still did one this year. But this year I really, REALLY mean it when I say I am never doing another Christmas kit. Remind me next September that I said this if I start making comments about doing another Christmas kit. Link me to this blog post if necessary ~ do everything in your power to talk me out of it! I am counting on you, my friends, to save me from myself.

~Kathryn :D

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

{Mrs.} Santa's Little Helper

Hi, everyone! I am still hard at work on the Christmas kits {and, therefore, not posting much ~ sorry!}. I have put Mr. Lifeguard to work on the kits as well ~ he is now in charge of making all the diecuts for you!

He is even wearing a festive hat while he works hard for you! :D

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Eleventh Month of Christmas Winner!

Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach! I have the winner of the Eleventh Month of Christmas Giveaway, chosen for me by!

::drumroll, please::

The winner of my 2009 Christmas DVD + Manual is Entry #3: Veronica! CONGRATULATIONS, Veronica!!! :D :D :D Please contact me at by 11:59 PM Eastern USA time on Thursday, November 11, 2010 with the address where you'd like me to send the DVD. If you do not contact me by end of day Thursday, November 11, 2010, you will forfeit the prize.

If you didn't win this time around, there is still one month of Christmas left to go! See you the first Monday in December for the Twelfth {and Final} Month of Christmas!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

On the Eleventh Month of Christmas ...

Hi, everyone! Welcome to the eleventh of my "12 Months of Christmas" giveaways! We're getting close to the end now, but you still have two more chances left to win.

The challenge this month is to make a layout about gratitude!

The prize for this month's challenge is a copy of my 2009 Christmas DVD + Manual!

To be entered to win, you'll need to create a layout or project on the theme of gratitude. It can be about your friends, your family ~ whatever you are grateful for!

To participate, create a layout or project on the theme of gratitude. Your layout may be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", 6"x6", etc.} and can be either a one-page or two-page layout. To be considered "complete" layouts should have photos and journaling {basically be ready to go into an album ~ unless it's for a gift/swap}. This challenge also lends itself to a page in an art journal or other project.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission BELOW using the InLinkz gadget following my signature. Links left in the comments will not be eligible to win ~ you must use InLinkz to enter. Entries must be posted by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, November 7, 2010. The link can be to a photo of your entry in an online gallery, or to a video on YouTube or to a post on your personal blog ~ wherever! I will post the winner first thing Monday morning.

You can submit up to three different links as long as 1) all the projects are knew, created for this challenge 2) the projects are substantially different from each other, 3) at least one of them is a layout, complete with photos and journaling AND 4) each project must be linked separately ~ you can't combine them all in one link. Because of how the winners are selected, your name will need to appear on the list once for each project.

Winners will be selected by the random number generator, Entries will not be judged. Have fun creating with the challenge & I look forward to seeing what you make!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the Eleventh Month of Christmas giveaway challenge! You can link to a photo in a gallery, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed or to the video if you have done one for YouTube. Good luck!

1. Divine  3. Veronica   
2. Crystal Biby  4. Divine  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween + New Video of Olga's Album!

Happy Halloween! I hope you all have fun today & tonight!

I have a quick album share before I have to go get ready to swap albums with Olga. We decided to do a Halloween mini album swap with each other {right in the middle of Christmas Kit season ~ where was my brain that day!?} and I am taking her album over there this afternoon. It's fun that we'll actually be swapping on Halloween.

I know I have worked on two Halloween albums which could have potentially been Olga's & the whole Halloween album thing has been very confusing. But I have decided to give her the one below & then to fill the other one with pictures of the Halloween party my sister and I threw last year & mail that off to her as a surprise. She's been having a rough couple weeks, so I am hoping that will lift her spirits a bit. :D

So here is the Halloween chipboard+paper bag hybrid album that I made for Olga. I just posted the video over on my YouTube Channel & you can follow the link to watch it there in high quality OR you can watch it below: Hallowe'en in Wonderland.

Have a great day, everyone! Don't steal too much candy from your kid's buckets. ;)

~Kathryn :D

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Is Your Name Teresa? Did You Pre-Order a Christmas Kit?

If so, I need you to please contact me at or Dawn at as soon as possible ~ we have some important information about your order!


~Kathryn :D

Friday, October 22, 2010

SOLD OUT: 2010 Christmas Kit Pre-Orders!

Hi, everyone! It's official ~ you can now pre-order to reserve your copy of the 2010 "Christmas Traditions" Mini-album-Class-In-A-Box!

For those of you who don't know, I am working with my pals at Wild West Scrap Divas to offer you a virtual Christmas album class in a box. The kit will come with everything you need to complete an album of my design, along with a DVD where I will guide you step-by-step through the assembly of the album in a classroom like format.

This album tutorial will be exclusive to the DVD ~ no one will see this album who has not purchased the DVD. It will never be shown in entirety on YouTube or UStream. Putting the class on DVD allows me to offer a slower pace with fewer cuts and more detailed shots. The DVD classroom format also enables you to scrap at your own pace by pausing, rewinding, skipping ahead, etc. No more waiting for videos to load.

Like all my albums, this album will be chock full of beautiful techniques, unique and exciting pages, interactive elements and fun embellishments. The 2010 album will primarily feature the Graphic 45 "Christmas Past" collection, with inclusions from 7Gypsies, American Crafts, Clearsnap, Crafty Secrets, Jenni Bowlin, Prima, Ranger, Sizzix, Tattered Angels, Tim Holtz and More! There is over $150.00 MSRP worth of goodies in the box & that's not including the DVD! For a full supply list, click here: 2010 Christmas Kit Supply List.

You can see a video of one of the kits here: 2010 "Christmas Traditions" Class Kit.

This year we're moving away from the Advent Calendar format we used last year, and chronicling our family Christmas traditions, memories and recipes in a luxurious vintage ~ even Victorian ~ twelve page 8"x8" Christmas album. I'm calling the class "Christmas Traditions" and the format allows for you to record your family's traditions through the years. You can record Christmases past, or save the album and add to it each year as you develop new traditions.

The pre-order period will last through November 1, 2010, or until all kits have sold ~ whichever comes first. At the time I wrote this over 30 of the 50 kits we planned to sell had been reserved. Last year the kits sold out completely during pre-orders. Kits will ship on or before December 1st unless there is a problem with a manufacturer. Pre-order prices are only good through November 1st. After that, kits may not be available or may only be available at elevated prices due to minimum order requirements.

There will be three pre-order options this year: Full Kit + DVD Deposit Only, Full Kit + DVD Paid in Full and DVD Only.

Pre-Order Prices: through November 1st
1. DVD only: $19.95 USD + shipping due on order.
Will ship in a USPS Priority flat rate envelope. DVDs will ship as soon as filming, editing and production is complete. Please choose your shipping method from the drop down box. This will take you to my PayPal account and DVDs will ship from Miami, FL.

Shipping Options

2. Full Kit, Deposit Only: $150.00 USD total, $75.00 USD due on pre-order and the remaining $75.00 USD + Shipping due when kits are complete & ready to ship. Shipping will be via the USPS Priority mail Medium FRB. If you are outside the US and want the full kit, you must choose this option as shipping may vary person to person as we try to get you the best shipping rate we can. We will need to invoice you again for exact shipping costs when the kits are ready to go. Please select your country from the options below. This will take you to the Wild West Scrap Divas PayPal account and kits will ship from Gilette, WY.

Deposits + Shipping

3. Full Kit, Paid in Full: $150.00 USD + shipping due on pre-order. The benefit of paying the total upfront is that the second the kits are ready to ship, these kits will be the first out the door. Only US resident can choose this option. This will take you to the Wild West Scrap Divas PayPal account and kits will ship from Gilette, WY.

US buyers ONLY

If you have any questions about the kits, DVD, etc., please check out this FAQ: Christmas Kit FAQ. If you still have questions after reviewing the FAQ, please email me at

Thank you for your interest and for all your support! Please do not hesitate to leave a comment here with a question or e-mail me at I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

VIDEO: Recently Overheard in the Krieger-Jackson Household

Backstory: during last week's UStream, the new webcam suffered catstrophic failure. We now know that it was UStream's fault, but when we made this video we were testing it after reinstalling the drivers. You can watch the video directly below, or on my YouTube Channel: Recently Overheard.

Note to Self: Never let Mr. Lifeguard into the scraproom while the microphone is on.

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

SOLD OUT: Countdown to Christmas 2009 DVDs

Hi, everyone! I received some emails and PMs from those of you who were interested in purchasing last year's Christmas DVD, so I burned a few copies over the weekend.

The DVD explains step-by-step how to make a gate folded album similar in style to this one {but with different papers and embellishments, etc.}: Christmas 2008 Album.

The DVDs will also come with a step-by-step instruction manual with all the measurements and directions written out for you, as well as reference photos for what each page should look like when it's finished.

To purchase one for yourself, simply choose your country from the options below and check out via PayPal: {prices include shipping via USPS Priority Mail}


The DVDs and manuals are all packed and ready to go. They will ship the next business day after payment through PayPal clears.

Thanks for watching & for your interest in last year's class. I hope you enjoy!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Recently Overheard in the Krieger-Jackson Household ...

Backstory: the new computer came with two alien stickers exactly the right size to cover the Dell logos on our laptops.

Me: Oh, you put your little alien head on!

Him: Yes, I did that earlier today.

Me: checks laptop You didn't do mine, though.

Him: I thought you would want to do that yourself.

Me: Well, that's tricky

Him: How so?

Me: If you'd put it on for me, I would have been mad at you because I wanted to do it myself. Since you didn't put it on for me, now I am mad at you for not doing it.

Him: ::sigh:: I'm never going to be able to win, am I?

Me: Not a chance.

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Gonna Party Like a Rockstar ...

... er, probably not. But I am going to Scrapyland today to meet another batch of Miami scrappers. {It's an online store, but the warehouse is local & they will open it and let you shop if you are local and they are going to be on site during the time you want to come.} Sounds like there could be as many as nine or ten people there today ~ exciting! We're well on our way to making Miami scrapbooking paradise!

I made ten of these simple little Halloween tags to take with me as gifts for everyone:

I started by stamping "Forest Moss" Distress Ink directly on my misting mat. Then I sprayed the "Forest Moss" Distress Ink with "English Ivy" Glimmer Mist & dragged a #6 manila tag from staples through the mixture to create that mottled green background color.

While the tags were still wet, I ran them through my burlap embossing folder. I covered one side of the embossing folder in Colorbox Fluid Chalk Ink in "Blackbird" so that the embossing would be two-toned. Finally, I finished prepping the background by inking the edges and any light colored area in "Walnut Stain" Distress Ink.

Next I embossed the pumpkin image from the Inkadinkado "Happy Haunting" stamp set on black cardstock from American Crafts, using the "Terra Cotta" Adirondack Semi-Matte embossing powder by Ranger. I cut out the pumpkins leaving a slight black edge and stuck them to the tags with black foam tape.

Finally, I embellished the tag with some flowers, some Making Memories Tiny Alphas and a custom stick pin I put together. I added some fibers to the top and tied a skull charm around the fiber with a piece of string {aka ecru embroidery floss}. Then I signed the backs & now they're ready to take with me today!

I hope you enjoyed the tags & have a great day!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Tenth Month of Christmas Winner!

Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Life on the {Scrap}beach! I have the winner of the Tenth Months of Christmas Giveaway, chosen for me by!

::drumroll, please::

The winner of the set Crafty Secrets "Halloween Fun" Clear Art Stamps is Entry #14: Cathy Falbe! CONGRATULATIONS, Cathy!!! :D :D :D Please contact me at by 11:59 PM Eastern USA time on Thursday, October 14, 2010 with the address where you'd like me to send the stamps. If you do not contact me by end of day Thursday, October 14, 2010, you will forfeit the prize.

If you didn't win this time around, there are still two months of Christmas left to go! See you the first Monday in November for the Eleventh Month of Christmas!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Monday, October 4, 2010

On the Tenth Month of Christmas ...

Hi, everyone! Welcome to the tenth of my "12 Months of Christmas" giveaways! The challenge this month is to use your very best stuff on a layout or project ~ no holding back! The paper you have been saving for just the right occasion ~ well now's the time to get it out from behind the security glass & put it onto a layout!

As a reward for using your best stuff, I am giving away new stuff! This month I am giving away a set of the Craft Secrets "Halloween Fun" Clear Art Stamps:

To be entered to win, you'll need to show me your best stuff on a project. Create a layout, card or other project using your very best stuff ~ no cheating & pretending you're using your best stuff!

To participate, create a layout utilizing your very best stash ~ the stuff you've been hoarding or saving for something special. Your layout may be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", 6"x6", etc.} and can be either a one-page or two-page layout. To be considered "complete" layouts should have photos and journaling {basically be ready to go into an album ~ unless it's for a gift/swap}. This challenge also lends itself to a card or other project.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission BELOW using the InLinkz gadget following my signature. Links left in the comments will not be eligible to win ~ you must use InLinkz to enter. Entries must be posted by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, October 8, 2010. The link can be to a photo of your entry in an online gallery, or to a video on YouTube or to a post on your personal blog ~ wherever!

You can submit up to three different links as long as 1) the projects are substantially different, 2) at least one of them is a layout, complete with photos and journaling AND 3) each project must be linked separately ~ you can't combine them all in one link. Because of how the winners are selected, your name will need to appear on the list once for each project.

Winners will be selected by the random number generator, Entries will not be judged. Have fun creating with the challenge & I look forward to seeing what you make!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the Tenth Month of Christmas giveaway challenge! You can link to a photo in a gallery, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed or to the video if you have done one for YouTube. Good luck!

1. Cindy Roderique  6. Yer Vang  11. Crystal Biby  
2. Cindy Roderique  7. Dawn Edwards  12. Cathy Falbe  
3. Jolaine Frias  8. Dawn Edwards  13. Cathy Falbe  
4. Jolaine Frias  9. Dawn Edwards  14. Cathy Falbe  
5. Jolaine Frias  10. Crystal Biby  15. Suzieqtt  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

October 2010 Virtual Crop Challenge #3: Howl at the Moon!

October 2010 Crop Challenge #3: Howl at the Moon!

The prize for this challenge is Zeffy's Graphic 45's Staples.

The full moon is out and our products are changing! The challenge here is to transform an every day scrap item into something extraordinary & use a product in a way it wasn't intended. Transform a journaling spot into a 3D embellishment, use ribbon or fabric as a background instead of patterned paper ~ think outside the box & turn something ordinary into something extraordianry.

To participate, create a layout or project using an ordinary scrapbook product that you've transformed to fit a new purpose. The layout may be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", etc.} and can be either a one-page or two-page layout. This challenge also lends itself to a card or other project.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission BELOW by 6:00 p.m. on Monday, October 4, 2010. The link can either be to a photo of your entry in an online gallery, or to a video on YouTube or to a blog post ~ wherever!

Remember that you have until 6:00 p.m. on Monday {that's Miami, FL EDT USA time which is GMT-4} so you have until then to submit an entry for each challenge. Prize winners will be announced Monday and posted on a new "October 2010 Crop Prize Winners" thread in the forum.

You will get one entry for each challenge you participate in, so get scrapping!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the October 2010 Crop Challenge #3! You can link to the photo on the beach, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed, or to the video if you have done one for YouTube. Good luck!

1. Zeffy  3. BelindaAkers  5. Veronica Taltavull  
2. Beth  4. Lucy Bourque  6. Crystal Biby  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

October 2010 Virtual Crop Challenge #2: Fangs for Noticing!

October 2010 Crop Challenge #1: Fangs for Noticing!

The prize for this challenge is Hope Simpson's Mini Album kit.

Use your paper piercer {or a large needle} to create a design elements on a project. You can punch holes in a row for a border, create an artistic swirl with holes for brads, or whatever you like.

To participate, create a layout or project using your paper piercer to create a design element. The layout may be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", etc.} and can be either a one-page or two-page layout. This challenge also lends itself to a card or other project.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission BELOW by 6:00 p.m. on Monday, October 4, 2010. The link can either be to a photo of your entry in an online gallery, or to a video on YouTube or to a blog post ~ wherever!

Remember that you have until 6:00 p.m. on Monday {that's Miami, FL EDT USA time which is GMT-4} so you have until then to submit an entry for each challenge. Prize winners will be announced Monday and posted on a new "October 2010 Crop Prize Winners" thread in the forum.

You will get one entry for each challenge you participate in, so get ready to scrap! The next challenge will be posted at 9:00 p.m. Miami time!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the October 2010 Crop Challenge #2! You can link to the photo on the beach, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed, or to the video if you have done one for YouTube. Good luck!

1. SuzieQTT  4. Beth  7. Crystal Biby  
2. zeffy  5. Sheri  8. Lucy Bourque  
3. Fiona Milestone  6. BelindaAkers  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

October 2010 Virtual Crop Challenge #1: Zombie Attacks!

October 2010 Crop Challenge #1: Zombie Attacks!

The prize for this challenge is Crystal Biby's Coffin Box & Mini.

It's time for something from your scraproom to rise from the dead! Dig deep in your stash and pull out some of your older suppplies to use on a project.

To participate, create a layout or project using product from your stash released prior to the January 2010 CHA. The layout may be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", etc.} and can be either a one-page or two-page layout. This challenge also lends itself to a card or other project.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission BELOW by 6:00 p.m. on Monday, October 4, 2010. The link can either be to a photo of your entry in an online gallery, or to a video on YouTube or to a blog post ~ wherever!

Remember that you have until 6:00 p.m. on Monday {that's Miami, FL EDT USA time which is GMT-4} so you have until then to submit an entry for each challenge. Prize winners will be announced Monday and posted on a new "October 2010 Crop Prize Winners" thread in the forum.

You will get one entry for each challenge you participate in, so get ready to scrap! The next challenge will be posted at 5:00 p.m. Miami time!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the October 2010 Crop Challenge #1! You can link to the photo on the beach, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed, or to the video if you have done one for YouTube. Good luck!

1. SuzieQtt  4. Beth  7. Lucy Bourque  
2. Zeffy  5. Sheri  
3. Fiona Milestone  6. BelindaAkers  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

September TWS Swap Mini Received! {Video}

Hi, everyone! I wanted to share with you the mini album I received from my September 2010 Trade Wind Scrappers swap partner Kim. You can check out Kim's blog here: Kute 'N Krafty Kim.

This mini from Kim is GORGEOUS and looks like it uses a great deal of Ella Blue papers from GCD Studios ~ I LOVE IT! Thanks, Kim!

I really hope you enjoy it! Check it out on YouTube or down below: "Dream" Swap Album.

For more info on the swaps I host, check out my online scrappy community: The Beach.

Thanks for watching & have a great weekend!

~Kathryn :D
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Now Taking Christmas 2010 Kit Pre-Orders! Reserve Yours Now!

Hi, everyone! It's official ~ you can now pre-order to reserve your copy of the 2010 "Christmas Traditions" Mini-album-Class-In-A-Box!

For those of you who don't know, I am working with my pals at Wild West Scrap Divas to offer you a virtual Christmas album class in a box. The kit will come with everything you need to complete an album of my design, along with a DVD where I will guide you step-by-step through the assembly of the album in a classroom like format.

This album tutorial will be exclusive to the DVD ~ no one will see this album who has not purchased the DVD. It will never be shown in entirety on YouTube or UStream. Putting the class on DVD allows me to offer a slower pace with fewer cuts and more detailed shots. The DVD classroom format also enables you to scrap at your own pace by pausing, rewinding, skipping ahead, etc. No more waiting for videos to load.

Like all my albums, this album will be chock full of beautiful techniques, unique and exciting pages, interactive elements and fun embellishments. The 2010 album will primarily feature the Graphic 45 "Christmas Past" collection, with inclusions from 7Gypsies, American Crafts, Clearsnap, Crafty Secrets, Jenni Bowlin, Prima, Ranger, Sizzix, Tattered Angels, Tim Holtz and More! There is over $150.00 MSRP worth of goodies in the box & that's not including the DVD! For a full supply list, click here: 2010 Christmas Kit Supply List.

You can see a video of one of the kits from last year here: 25 Days Until Christmas Kit by Tiffany.

This year we're moving away from the Advent Calendar format and chronicling our family Christmas traditions, memories and recipes in a luxurious vintage ~ even Victorian ~ twelve page 8"x8" Christmas album. I'm calling the class "Christmas Traditions" and the format allows for you to record your family's traditions through the years. You can record Christmases past, or save the album and add to it each year as you develop new traditions.

The pre-order period will last through November 1, 2010, or until all kits have sold ~ whichever comes first. I should tell you that last year the kits sold out completely during pre-orders. Kits will ship on or before December 1st unless there is a problem with a manufacturer. Pre-order prices are only good through November 1st. After that, kits may not be available or may only be available at elevated prices due to minimum order requirements.

There will be three pre-order options this year: Full Kit + DVD Deposit Only, Full Kit + DVD Paid in Full and DVD Only.

Pre-Order Prices: through November 1st
1. DVD only: $19.95 USD + shipping due on order.
Will ship in a USPS Priority flat rate envelope. DVDs will ship as soon as filming, editing and production is complete. Please choose your shipping method from the drop down box. This will take you to my PayPal account and DVDs will ship from Miami, FL.

Shipping Options

2. Full Kit, Deposit Only: $150.00 USD total, $75.00 USD due on pre-order and the remaining $75.00 USD + Shipping due when kits are complete & ready to ship. Shipping will be via the USPS Priority mail Medium FRB. If you are outside the US and want the full kit, you must choose this option as shipping may vary person to person as we try to get you the best shipping rate we can. We will need to invoice you again for exact shipping costs when the kits are ready to go. Please select your country from the options below. This will take you to the Wild West Scrap Divas PayPal account and kits will ship from Gilette, WY.

Deposits + Shipping

3. Full Kit, Paid in Full: $150.00 USD + shipping due on pre-order. The benefit of paying the total upfront is that the second the kits are ready to ship, these kits will be the first out the door. Only US resident can choose this option. This will take you to the Wild West Scrap Divas PayPal account and kits will ship from Gilette, WY.

US buyers ONLY

If you have any questions about the kits, DVD, etc., please check out this FAQ: Christmas Kit FAQ. If you still have questions after reviewing the FAQ, please email me at

Thank you for your interest and for all your support! Please do not hesitate to leave a comment here with a question or e-mail me at I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Christmas Traditions" Class-In-A-Box Supply List

Hi, everyone! I wanted to quickly post the supply list for the "Christmas Traditions" Class-In-A-Box! This way you'll get to see a list of everything that's included in the kit, so you know what luscious goodies are coming your way. Pre-orders start at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow here on my blog!

Supply List:

7 Gypsies:
1 pack of Naked Pockets, multi-size

American Crafts:
10 sheets of textured cardstock in five luscious colors
1 pack of glittered Thickers in the "Rainboots" font

3 Colorbox Fluid Chalk Ink Cat's Eyes in Blackbird, Warm Green and Warm Red

Crafty Secrets:
"Vintage Christmas" Clear Art Stamp set

Graphic 45:
1 full "Christmas Past" Deluxe 8"x8" Paper Pad
1 full "Christmas Past" Deluxe 12"x12" Paper Pad

Jenni Bowlin:
Vintage Christmas Chipboard Buttons

1 Victorian Vas Pin
1 pack Holiday Lights
1 pack Camelot Roses
1 pack Lilliput Roses
1 pack Rossetti Roses in "Sara"
1 pack Winter Branches in "Apricot"
1 pack Antique Mistletoe in "Raspberry Mocha"
2 packs of Brown Say it in Pearls w/ Crystals

1 Adirondack Dabber in gold
1 bottle of Liquid Pearls in White Opal
1 bottle of Stickles in Gold

Tattered Angels:
1 bottle of Glimmer Mist in "Iridescent Gold"

3 yards of elegant cluny lace
5 yards of assorted ribbons
12 8.5"x11" sheets of chipboard
24 assorted size shipping tags
36 large eyeletss
Chipboard die cuts from Sizzix and Spellbinders
Custom journaling spots of my design
Mulberry Leaves

The MSRP for all these goodies is over $150.00 ~ the stamp set alone retails for $24.95. There are seven full packs of Prima flowers, not to mention pearls, stamps and two full packs of Graphic 45 paper. This kit is loaded! You are getting all of this PLUS an exclusive DVD class for less than the MSRP of just the goodies.

Those of you who purchased the kits last year know that we had a problem with one of the manufacturers not being able to supply the quantities we needed. In the unlikely event that a similar situation occurs this year, a comparable item of equal or greater value will be substituted so that your kit remains complete and you get your full value.

~Kathryn :D
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Christmas Kit FAQs

Hi, everyone! I've been getting some emails with questions about the Christmas Kits, so I thought I'd do an FAQ.

How do we pre-order the kits?

Starting on October 1st, I will have PayPal buttons on my blog where you can reserve a kit for yourself.

I don't have PayPal ~ can I still get a kit?

Yes, but you need to email me ASAP at to discuss payment.

Will you ship the kits outside the US?


How much will it cost to ship to my country?

The kits will ship in the USPS Priority Mail Regular Flat Rate Box. What this means for International customers is that it will not cost more than $26.95 {Canada/Mexico} or $43.45 {all other countries} to ship. Before we ship the boxes internationally, we will check how much it costs to ship by weight to your destination. If the price by weight is less than the flat rate, we will ship by weight. If the price by weight is higher, we will use the flat rate.

I live outside the US ~ will the DVD still play on my computer or television?

The DVD format will be NTSC, and will play on any device that reads NTSC encoding. Most players outside the US read both the PAL and the NTSC formats. This is not like a studio released DVD which is formatted by region, and so will not play in all countries. You should have no problem playing it on both your computer and your television.

Will we get to see the album before we buy the kit?

No, only people who pay for the class will be able to see the album. It is exclusive to kit purchasers.

Will you be doing a video of the kit?

I will be showing elements of the kit over the coming month, but it is unlikely that the entire kit will be shown before November 1st. However, I will post a detailed supply list in the pre-order post on October 1st so you can see exactly what is in the kit.

If I order just the DVD, will it come with an instruction manual like we saw in the video of last year's kit?

Yes, the DVD will come with any written instructions that are included in the full kit.

I missed this last year ~ do you still have copies of the 2009 DVDs?

Yes, I am currently making more copies of the 2009 Christmas DVD & hope to have them in stock for you to order soon.

I hope that answers most of your questions! If you have others, feel free to post them here or send me an email at

Liffe's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

September 2010 TWS Mini Album

Hi, everyone! I wanted to share with you the mini album I made for my September 2010 Trade Wind Scrappers swap partner Kim. You can check out Kim's blog here: Kute 'N Krafty Kim.

This shabby chic paper bag album has a romance theme, and primarily uses the Creative Imaginations "Beloved" paper collection. I really hope you enjoy it! Check it out on YouTube or down below: Beloved Paper Bag Album.

For more info on the swaps I host, check out my online scrappy community: The Beach.

Also, if you'd like to see how I made the linen flower on the front cover, check out the recording from the UStream class where I put it together: Linen Flower Tutorial.

Thanks for watching & have a great weekend!

~Kathryn :D
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Recently Overheard in the Krieger-Jackson Household ...

Him: You've been posting a lot today.

Me: Oh, you mean on my blog and YouTube Channel?

Him: Yeah, I saw where you posted about the Christmas Kits.

Me: Did you read all the way to the part where we got hit by a comet?

Him: I wanted to talk to you about that. It's actually more likely that we'd get hit by a meteorite. Comets don't really hit the earth.

Me: They never hit the earth?

Him: Not as often. And they're a lot bigger than meteorites. It could have been a comet hitting the earth that wiped out the dinosaurs.

Me: I'd better go change my blog then.

Him: Why?

Me: I don't want to be giving out false information about impending comet attacks.

Him: Yeah, you could start a panic.

Me: Just call me Orson Welles.

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

P.S. New Video: "Beloved" TWS Swap Album for Kim

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Christmas Kit Pre-Orders Coming Soon!

Hi, everyone! It's getting close to that time of year where I start wishing I had never taken up scrapbooking: Christmas Kit Pre-Order Time! :D

I know, I know ~ I swore I would never make another Christmas Kit after that whole fiasco with Making Memories last year {who you will notice does NOT appear in the list of manufacturers below ~ HA! REVENGE!}, but the kits are back by popular demand!

Which is just proof that when I swear up and down I am never, EVER going to do something EVER AGAIN AS LONG AS I LIVE, you can probably talk me into doing it again assuming you wait for my PTSD to subside & for amnesia to set in.

So what am I even talking about anyway? For those of you who don't know, last year I offered a virtual Christmas album class in a box. The kit came with everything needed to complete an album I designed, along with a DVD where I guided viewers through the assembly of an album identical to mine in a classroom like format. The tutorial was exclusive to the DVD & included tips and techniques which I have never shown on YouTube. Putting the video on DVD instead of YouTube allows me to offer a slower pace with fewer cuts and more detailed shots. The DVD classroom format also enables purchasers to scrap at their own pace by pausing, rewinding, skipping ahead, etc. No more waiting for videos to load.

Like all my albums, this album will be chock full of beautiful techniques, unique and exciting pages, interactive page elements and fun embellishments. The 2010 album will primarily feature the Graphic 45 "Christmas Past" collection, with inclusions from 7Gypsies, American Crafts, Clearsnap, Crafty Secrets, Jenni Bowlin, Prima, Ranger, Sizzix, Tattered Angels, Tim Holtz and More! There is over $150.00 MSRP worth of goodies in the box & that's not including the DVD!

You can see a video of one of the kits from last year here: 25 Days Until Christmas Kit by Tiffany.

This year the kits are going deluxe. We've included lots of high-end papers and embellishments from some of the hottest manufacturers in scrapbooking. We'll be chronicling our family Christmas traditions, memories and recipes in a luxurious vintage ~ even Victorian ~ twelve page 8"x8" Christmas album.

Pre-orders will go up on October 1, 2010 and will close on November 1, 2010. Kits will ship by December 1st unless there is a problem with a manufacturer, the USPS goes on strike, or a comet hits my house. Pre-order prices are only good through November 1st. After that, kits may not be available or may only be available at elevated prices due to minimum order requirements. I should tell you that last year the kits sold out completely during pre-orders.

There will be three pre-order options this year: Full Kit + DVD Deposit Only, Full Kit + DVD Paid in Full and DVD Only.

Pre-Order Prices: through November 1st
1. DVD only: $19.95 USD + shipping due on order.
Will ship in a USPS Priority flate rate envelope.
2. DVD, Chipboard, Paper & All the Trimmings, Deposit Only: $150.00 USD total, $75.00 USD due on pre-order and the remaining $75.00 USD + Shipping due when kits are complete & ready to ship. Shipping will be via the USPS Priority mail Medium FRB.
3. DVD, Chipboard, Paper & All the Trimmings, Paid in Full: $150.00 USD + shipping due on pre-order. The benefit of paying the total upfront is that the second the kits are ready to ship, these kits will be the first out the door.

Payment will be via PayPal. Information on how to pre-order this gorgeous showcase for your family's activities, recipes and holiday traditions will be available on October 1st!

While a full class sample will not be available for this project kit for you to view before you commit to pre-ordering, a supply list will be included in the pre-order post so you can see exactly what product is included. The album is a twelve page 8"x8" chipboard album. This will be the album that I use for my personal 2010 Christmas album, so you can be sure that it will have the same attention to detail and level of creativity that I put into all my projects.

If you are reading this post, then you are probably already familiar with my work and my YouTube videos, so you know what to expect from my creations. This one will be no exception, and it will be exclusive to the class DVDs ~ it will never appear in videos on my YouTube channel or live UStream shows! Only class members will have access to this exclusive album through the instructional DVD.

Thank you for your interest and for all your support! Please do not hesitate to leave a comment here with a question or e-mail me at I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

New Video: Fall Album + Fun Scrappy Goodies!

Hi, everyone! I have just finished the next layout in my "Love the Fall" album, which features the K & Company "Alleghany Plum" collection {available at JoAnn's} and the Fall 2010 Glimmer Mists.

I posted the video over on my YouTube Channel. You can view it below or follow the link to watch on YouTube: Love the Fall, Part 3.

I also went shopping yesterday at Scrapyland {it's an online retailer, but their warehouse is in Miami so if you live here you can go in there and shop around ~ just call first} and bought some fun stamps and dies. I went with Olga, who is a bad influence, and so I got lots of cool stuff. However, as a result, my debit card has now entered the witness relocation program:

Crafty Secrets "Art Studio" Clear Stamps:

He'd also just gotten in a bunch of stamps from Impression Obsession {a new addiction of mine} so I picked up a few of those as well:

Wood Grain:




By the way, if you are looking for either the Impression Obsession stamps "Branches" or "Crackle" that I have used recently in my UStreams, he should have them up on his website either by now or very soon.

Also in the stamp category, I picked up my first ever Greeting Farm stamp {sigh}: Cheeky Mate

At that point my debit card started wheezing and whining about not being able to go on, so I shocked it with the paddles and told it to man up ~ it was time to go nuts on some of the new Rachael Bright Sizzix Dies {they're beautiful!}:


Clock, Ornate & Hands:

Corners, Flourish #2:

Frame, Ornate #3:

Key & Keyhole:

Wings, Angel:

I also picked up three of the Tim Holtz's dies from his last release that I skipped the first time around.

Gadget Gears: I'm collecting things for my upcoming steampunk album

On the Edge Ornate:

On the Edge Plaque & Postage:

That's it for what I bought, but that's not all I came home with! Dani {from Scrapyland} gave me a few sets of cool vintage inspired images to give away on the show, so I'll be having a few random number drawings for those during today's UStreams. Thanks, Dani!

I have lots of fun stuff planned & in the works for all these goodies, so stay tuned!

~Kathryn :D
Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.