Friday, July 29, 2011

Layout Week: Day Five!

TGIF, everyone!

Today is the last day of our "Week of Layouts" here and on my YouTube Channel. Each day this week I have posted a new video with a new 12"x12" layout. I hope you've all had as much fun this week as I have!

I made a sketch for each layout that will be available for you here on my blog as part of each day's post. I actually drew all my own sketches for this week's video series on graph paper. This was the first time I have ever drawn my own sketches, but I really enjoyed it!

Here's today's sketch: {click the sketch to make it bigger}

And here's the layout I created from the above sketch: {click the layout to make it bigger}

The papers I used in today's layout are from the Pink Paislee Butterfly Garden collection. Today's layout was all about the embellishments and s single photo. By having only one photo on the layout, I was really able to zero in on a special memory and highlight it.

I just uploaded the new video with my "I Can Has Dis?" 12"x12" layout over on my YouTube channel. You can watch the video in the window below, or click the link to watch over on YouTube: I Can Has Dis? 12"x12" Layout.

I hope you enjoyed the video & the layout! Have a GREAT weekend, everyone!

~Kathryn :D
Layout Queen

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Layout Week: Day Four

Hi, everyone!

Today is the fourth day of our "Week of Layouts" here and on my YouTube Channel. Each day this week I have posted a new video with a new 12"x12" layout. I have one more step-by-step YouTube tutorial filmed, edited and ready to upload for you tomorrow.

I made a sketch for each layout that will be available for you here on my blog as part of each day's post. I actually drew all my own sketches for this week's video series on graph paper. This was the first time I have ever drawn my own sketches, but I really enjoyed it!

Here's today's sketch: {click the sketch to make it bigger}

And here's the layout I created from the above sketch: {click the layout to make it bigger}

The papers I used in today's layout are from the October Afternoon 5 & Dime collection. Today's layout was about having a nice balance between photos, journaling and a title. Using these photo strips, I was able to get eight photos on this 12"x12" layout and still have room for a strong title and plenty of journaling.

I just uploaded the new video with my "Seaquarium" 12"x12" layout over on my YouTube channel. You can watch the video in the window below, or click the link to watch over on YouTube: Seaquarium 12"x12" Layout.

I hope you enjoyed the video & the layout! Stay tuned for the last layout tomorrow!


~Kathryn :D
Layout Queen

P.S. I am live every Thursday from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and again from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on my UStream Channel: Live on the {Scrap}Beach! Join us today for more fun with the Pink Paislee "Hometown Summer" house album.

All times are Eastern USA {Miami/New York}. To convert to your time zone, click here: Time Zone Converter.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Layout Week: Day Three

Hi, everyone!

Today is the third day of out "Week of Layouts" here and on my YouTube Channel. Each day this week I will post a new video with a new 12"x12" layout. I have two more step-by-step YouTube tutorials filmed, edited and ready to upload this week.

I made a sketch for each layout that will be available for you here on my blog as part of each day's post. I actually drew all my own sketches for this week's video series on graph paper. This was the first time I have ever drawn my own sketches, but I really enjoyed it!

Here's today's sketch: {click the sketch to make it bigger}

And here's the layout I created from the above sketch: {click the layout to make it bigger}

The papers and stickers I used in today's layout are from the Cosmo Cricket Odds & Ends collection. Today's layout was about capturing the mood of a day with a good balance between photos and journaling. The photos on this layout represent little bits and pieces of things we saw throughout a day spent in the Everglades. There are hundreds of photos from that day ~ way too many for one layout or even one mini album ~ but I was able to sketch a good picture of what happened that day with just a few photos that trigger good memories.

I just uploaded the new video with my "Gator Bait" 12"x12" layout over on my YouTube channel. You can watch the video in the window below, or click the link to watch over on YouTube: Gator Bait 12"x12" Layout.

I hope you enjoyed the video & the layout! Stay tuned for a new layout tomorrow using the October Afternoon's 5 & Dime collection. I managed to get eight photos on one 12"x12" layout, so be sure to check it out!


~Kathryn :D
Layout Queen

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Layout Week: Day Two

Hi, everyone!

Today is the second day of out "Week of Layouts" here and on my YouTube Channel. Each day this week I will post a new video with a new 12"x12" layout. I have three more step-by-step YouTube tutorials filmed, edited and ready to upload.

I made a sketch for each layout that will be available for you here on my blog as part of each day's post. I actually drew all my own sketches for this week's video series on graph paper. This was the first time I have ever drawn my own sketches, but I really enjoyed it! Here's today's sketch: {click the sketch to make it bigger}

And here's the layout I created from the above sketch: {click the layout to make it bigger}

The papers and stickers I used in today's layout are from the Bo Bunny Zoology collection. Today's layout was all about the story. I've been to Disney's Animal Kingdom quite a few times, and I have TONS of photos. I could have had a double page-layout that was all photos, but instead I decided to highlight just a few photos and use most of the layout space to tell the story of a particular trip. I also used my computer to do typed journaling, but printed it on patterned paper, which is really fun to do.

I just uploaded a new video with my "Zoo Crew" 12"x12" layout over on my YouTube channel. You can watch the video in the window below, or click the link to watch over on YouTube: The Zoo Crew 12"x12"Layout.

I hope you enjoyed the video & the layout! Stay tuned for a new layout tomorrow using the October Afternoon's 5 & Dime collection. It has pictures of my crazy family holding baby alligators!


~Kathryn :D
Layout Queen

Monday, July 25, 2011

Layout Week: Day One + Bonus Projects!

Hi, everyone!

Today kicks off my first ever "Week of Layouts" blog series. Each day this week I will post a new video with a new 12"x12" layout. I have five step-by-step YouTube tutorials filmed, edited and ready to upload.

I made a sketch for each layout that will be available for you here on my blog as part of each day's post. I actually drew all my own sketches for this week's video series on graph paper. This was the first time I have ever drawn my own sketches, but I really enjoyed it! Here's today's sketch: {click the sketch to make it bigger}

And here's the layout I created from the above sketch: {click the layout to make it bigger}

Today's layout was all about using our 8"x8" paper pads to make 12"x12" layouts. Those of us who enjoy making cards and mini albums probably have tons of smaller paper pads around that could be used for layouts & it was a fun challenge to try and make it work. These papers came from October Afternoon's super adorable Fly A Kite collection.

The products I used in today's layout, mini album and card were a gift from Shannon at the Paper Made Bakery. She sent me a kit from her store a while ago {before the house album fiasco ~ hee hee} and I am excited to finally share what I did with the goodies. Thank you so much, Shannon!

I just uploaded a new video with the projects I made for Paper Made Bakery over on my YouTube channel. You can watch the video in the window below, or click the link to watch over on YouTube: A Day in the Keys 12"x24"Layout.

I hope you enjoyed the video, the layout & the extra bonus projects! Stay tuned for a new layout tomorrow using the Bo Bunny Zoology collection about one of my trips to Disney's Animal Kingdom.


~Kathryn :D
Layout Queen

Saturday, July 23, 2011

TODAY ONLY: Summer Soiree on Peachycheap!

Hi, everyone! I just got an email from Jamie alerting me to today's deal on PeachyCheap. It's the "Summer Soiree" stamp set by Fancy Pants that I used in the house album on Thursday:

So if you were interested in that stamp set, run over to Peachy Cheap TODAY and grab it for $9.99 + S&H.

~Kathryn :D

COMING SOON: A Week of Layouts!

Hi, everyone!

I hope you all are having a wonderful Saturday and that you have a great weekend. I just wanted to give you all a little notice that on Monday I'll be kicking off my "Week of Layouts" series here on my blog. I have five step-by-step YouTube tutorials ready & a new one with a new layout will be posted each day. That's five new layout videos! The first post will go up on Monday, July 25th at 5:00 a.m. Eastern USA time.

Not only that, but I made a sketch for each layout that will be available for you on my blog as part of each day's post ~ how fun is that!? I actually drew all my own sketches for this week's video series. Not only was it a lot of fun, but it made the creative process go so quickly! So I'll definitely be sharing those sketches with all of you here.

As I was working on these projects for you, I was reflecting on how different my layout and mini book styles are. My layouts tend to be pretty flat, and I use the photos and patterned paper as embellishments for the most part. I don't do too much in the way of layering embellishments. I am trying to get better at finding a way to have lots of layers on a layout, but in a flat way.


~Kathryn :D
Layout Queen

Thursday, July 14, 2011

More Childhood Stories on Your Way Today!

Hi, everyone! We're having more fun with our "Sunny Days" Childhood Summer House Album on today's USTREAMS show.

Today we'll be finishing the "Dinosaur Land" layout by adding a fun "ROAR" banner and some places for journaling. I will be using the Pink Paislee "Hometown Summer" paper collection for all of this & it's going to be lots of fun!

Here's a picture of the front cover:

My UStream shows are every Thursday from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and again from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on my UStream Channel: Live on the {Scrap}Beach.

All times are Eastern USA {Miami/New York}. To convert to your time zone, click here: Time Zone Converter.

We do still have some of the chipboard albums for sale. If you're interested in purchasing one, please check out the PayPal links in the right side-bar of the blog. Be sure to select from your country's drop down menu.

See you today at 2:00 p.m. Eastern USA time! We're going to have so much fun!

~Kathryn :D

Saturday, July 9, 2011

REMINDER: Viewing USTREAM Broadcasts & Recorded Streams

Hi, everyone!

I continue to get emails from individuals having trouble viewing the archived UStream recordings. This is the fix that worked for me:

1. Install the Mozilla Firefox web broswer: FireFox.
2. Install the AdBlock Plus for Firefox add-on: AdBlock Plus.
3. Install the Ad Block Plus "Easy List" filters: Easy List
4. Enjoy ad-free UStream broadcasts & recordings!

If you STILL have problems after trying that, then it is most likely your version of Adobe Flash Player. The latest release has been very problematic. To download a previous version of Flash Player, go to and download version

If NONE of those suggestions fix the problem, then you should contact the UStream Helpers at, because I am out of ideas.

I prefer to use Google Chrome for most of my web browsing, but I have Firefox installed on my computer now. I plan to use it for all my UStream-related activities. I have been using Firefox with AdBlock Plus for a few weeks now and I have not had one single problem since I first installed it.

If you've been having problems watching UStream broadcasts and recordings, be sure to give this fix a try. It worked great for me!

~Kathryn :D
Ads blocked!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

*CLOSED* July 2011 Crop Challenge #6: A Baker's Dozen

July 2011 Crop Challenge #6: A Baker's Dozen

The prize for this challenge is my Colorful Bunch baker's twine sampler pack from The Twinery.

Scrapbookers tend to be creative in and out of the scraproom & I'm guessing many of you are a whiz in the kitchen! Create a layout, card or other project inspired by baking of recipes. This doesn't actually have to be about baking ~ you can use kitchen imagery, write a recipe for success, whatever!

To participate, create a layout or other project inspired by the kitchen. To be eligible there can be NO FLOWERS anywhere on the layout. Layouts may be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", etc.} and can be either a one-page or two-page layout.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission BELOW THIS POST by 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 5, 2010. The link can either be to a photo of your entry in the gallery here, or to a video on YouTube or to your personal blog ~ wherever!

Remember that you have until 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday {that's Miami, FL USA time which is GMT/UTC-4} so you have until then to submit an entry for each challenge. Prize winners will be chosen randomly and announced here on the blog.

You will get one entry for each challenge you participate in, so get ready to scrap! This is the last challenge, so good lck and have fun!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the July 2011 Crop Challenge #6! You can link to the photo on The Beach, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed, or to the video if you have done one for YouTube. Good luck!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

*CLOSED* July 2011 Crop Challenge #5: Home, Sweet, Home

July Crop Challenge #5: Home, Sweet, Home

The prize for this challenge is one of my house minis.

To complete this challenge, do a layout or other project with a home theme. It can be a layout about your home, or a card for a new homeowner in your life ~ whatever!

Layouts may be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", etc.} and can be either a one-page or two-page layout.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission BELOW THIS POST by 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 5, 2011. The link can either be to a photo of your entry in the gallery here, or to a video on YouTube or to your personal blog ~ wherever!

Remember that you have until 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday {that's Miami, FL USA time which is GMT/UTC-4} so you have until then to submit an entry for each challenge. Prize winners will be chosen randomly and announced here on the blog.

You will get one entry for each challenge you participate in, so get ready to scrap! The next challenge will be posted at 11:00 PM Miami time!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the July 2011 Crop Challenge #5! You can link to the photo on The Beach, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed, or to the video if you have done one for YouTube. Good luck!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

*CLOSED* July 2011 Crop Challenge #4: Get 'Er Done!

July 2011 Crop Challege #4: Get 'Er Done!

The prize for this challenge is Bev Allaire's embellishment goodie bag.

We all love kits ~ class kits, page kits, mini album kits, kit clubs, etc. But sometimes we have a little bit of a problem finishing our kits. So this challenge is to get out one of your unfinished kits & get 'er done! If you have absoluetly no unfinished kits, you can submit a layout about how you have always been an overachiever. :D

To participate, finish up one of your languishing kits. Layouts may be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", etc.} and can be either a one-page or two-page layout.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission BELOW THIS POST by 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 5, 2011. The link can either be to a photo of your entry in the gallery, or to a video on YouTube or to your personal blog ~ wherever!

Remember that you have until 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday {that's Miami, FL USA time which is GMT/UTC-4} so you have until then to submit an entry for each challenge. Prize winners will be chosen randomly and announced here on the blog.

You will get one entry for each challenge you participate in, so get ready to scrap! The next challenge will be posted at 10:00 PM Miami time!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the July 2011 Crop Challenge #4! You can link to the photo on The Beach, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed, or to the video if you have done one for YouTube. Good luck!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

*CLOSED* July 2011 Crop Challenge #3: Stars & Stripes Forever

July 2011 Crop Challenge #3: Stars and Stripes Forever

The prize for this challenge is Zandra Cudney's etal embellishment grab bag.

We all love flowers, but soometimes it's just a little too easy to put a flower on a page or project and call it done. The third challenge is to make a layout or other project using stars, stripes, buttons and other embellishments to tell your story ~ NO FLOWERS ALLOWED! :D

To participate, create a layout or other project using embellishments other than flowers. To be eligible there can be NO FLOWERS anywhere on the layout. Layouts may be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", etc.} and can be either a one-page or two-page layout.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission BELOW THIS POST by 9:00 p.m. on Monday, July 5, 2010. The link can either be to a photo of your entry in the gallery here, or to a video on YouTube or to your personal blog ~ wherever!

Remember that you have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday {that's Miami, FL USA time which is GMT/UTC-4} so you have until then to submit an entry for each challenge. Prize winners will be chosen randomly and announced here on the blog.

You will get one entry for each challenge you participate in, so get ready to scrap! The next challenge will be posted at 9:00 PM Miami time!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the July 2011 Crop Challenge #3! You can link to the photo on The Beach, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed, or to the video if you have done one for YouTube. Good luck!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

*CLOSED* July 2011 Crop Challenge #2: Primary Colors

July 2011 Crop Challenge #2: Primary Colors

The prize for this challenge is Kim's & Dawn's Prima white Wildflower Pillar Pack.

With the fourth of July and Independence Day holiday right around the corner the red, white & blue color combination is popping up all over. Drawing on this, make a layout, card or other project following the "Gallon, Quart, Pint" rule and using the colors red, blue and yellow. You may also use white or black as an accent.

To participate, create a layout or other project using only the colors red, yellow and blue in gallon, quart and pint qquantities. Layouts may be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", etc.} and can be either a one-page or two-page layout.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission BELOW THIS POST by 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 5, 2011. The link can either be to a photo of your entry in the gallery here, or to a video on YouTube or to your personal blog ~ wherever!

Remember that you have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday {that's Miami, FL USA time which is GMT/UTC-4} so you have until then to submit an entry for each challenge. Prize winners will be chosen randomly and announced on my blog.

You will get one entry for each challenge you participate in, so get ready to scrap! This next challenge will be posted at 5:00 PM Eastern USA, so check back soon!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the July 2010 Crop Challenge #2! You can link to the photo on The Beach, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed, or to the video if you have done one for YouTube. Good luck!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

*CLOSED* July 2011 Crop Challenge #1: Lazy Summer Days

July 2011 Crop Challenge #1: Lazy Summer Days

The prize for this challenge is Belinda Akers's charm goodie bag.

One of the best things about summer is that the extreme heat gives us an excuse to enjoy just being lazy. Whether you enjoy napping in the shade of a tree, lounging on a hammock or reading by the pool, make a layout, tag or other project that captures the joy of doing nothing important.

To participate, create a layout, card or other project about the lazy days of summer. Layouts may be any size {12"x12", 8.5"x11", 8"x8", 6"x12", etc.} and can be either a one-page or two-page layout.

Enter the challenge by posting a link to your submission BELOW THIS POST by 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 5, 2011. The link can either be to a photo of your entry in the gallery here, or to a video on YouTube or to your personal blog ~ wherever!

Remember that you have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday {that's Miami, FL USA time which is GMT/UTC-4} so you have until then to submit an entry for each challenge. Prize winners will be chosen randomly and announced on my blog.

You will get one entry for each challenge you participate in, so get ready to scrap! The next challenge will be posted at 4:00 p.m. Miami time!

Life's a beach. Scrapbook it.

Here is where you post a link to your submission for the July 2010 Crop Challenge #1! You can link to the photo on The Beach, or to the post on your blog where the photo is displayed, or to the video if you have done one for YouTube. Good luck!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Virtual Crop TODAY!

The July 2011 Virtual Crop is today from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and from 9:00 p.m. to midnight. All times are Eastern USA {Miami/New York}. To convert to your time zone, clock here: Time Zone Converter.

During the crop, I will be streaming live from my scraproom with some projects and chit chat for you to enjoy: my UStream channel.

This crop will also have challlenges and prizes for you to enjoy. Like previous crops, you will get one chance to win for each challenge you complete. Throughout the afternoon and evening, I will be creating new posts here on my blog with challenges to inspire you. You will have until 9:00 p.m. Eastern on Tuesday, July 5th to complete the challenges and link your to my blog.

The link can be to photos you upload to an online gallery, or to a YouTube video, or to a post on your personal blog. At 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, I will close the challenges to new submissions and select winners randomly from those who posted challenges. Challenge entries are not judged. Winners are selected using a random number generator. One entry is randomly chosen from the submissions for each challenge.

July's crop challlenge prizes include a Prima white wildflower pillar pack, a sampler of my favorite twine from the Twinery & one of the house minis from the upcoming Hometown Summer project.

I hope you will all join me in celebrating my 30th birthday! There will be cropping, laughing and plenty of chances to win some of my favorite scrapbooking items! See you there!

~Kathryn :D
get out your scissors and glue